The Main-Lining Thread


Well-Known Member
not the best thing in the world for your eyes. I'm 40 and still have perfect vision because I protect my eyes ,wore sunglasses since a kid because i came from a family of welders that were all damn near blind lol!
funny you mention that, cause most of my family has bad eyes, except myself and my brother....and both of us have worn sunglasses almost every day since we were kids....


Well-Known Member
the "operators" are must have a pumpkin head if those don't fit ya!!
They got new ones now and the price dropped. I tried them out a year ago at my local shop. At the time they had 2 sizes and neither fit. So hopefully the new ones do. The only sunglasses I could find that fit are versace and persols. Thr versace are cheaper. They are the spy / arnet style. They had to heat stretch them 3 time to make them fit me. So .....
Would this method work for 3 plants in a 4'x4'x6'5" tent with a 400 watt lamp? Im sure this has been asked and ive read ALOT of this thread, but havent really pinpointed an answer. I absolutely love this method, big colas are the only way to grow. Hope I dont upset anyone for asking this fairly simple question.


Well-Known Member
Would this method work for 3 plants in a 4'x4'x6'5" tent with a 400 watt lamp? Im sure this has been asked and ive read ALOT of this thread, but havent really pinpointed an answer. I absolutely love this method, big colas are the only way to grow. Hope I dont upset anyone for asking this fairly simple question.
My 4 Cheese Quakes (couple posts up) are in a 4x4x6.5 cabinet with a 600 watt HPS. 4 plants fit better in a square than 3, but no reason it wouldn't work!
Thats gonna be my plan. That and being very selective with my bean ordering. Different strains that grow similar to one another so i have variety without one plant overpowering another for light hopefully. From what ive seen though, the cages can help you to level out the canopy to a point (of course no strains are going to grow exactly alike). But i hope to be fully set up and ready to go in a few months, doing as much research as possible in the meantime as i want to make the most of my 3 available plants in flower.

Another thing that im going to have to do is work out a schedule to try and keep myself semi-perpetual. Using my main tent for flower and another set up to start vegging towards the beginning of my first flowering run so i can train and be ready to pull 3 and stick 3 in.


Well-Known Member
...just a reminder, all videos in this thread are automatically set to expire after 14 days....the thread is loaded with pics for documentation, the vids are for the hard-core nerds....have a dank day!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^not nearly the same thing....Method Sevens filter out harsh "red" light....the lens are tinted blue, and the outdoor models have an added silver coating....hence the "plus".....
Let me hop in on this 4x4, 600W, discussion, if you don't mind. I'm running the same set up. I went with auto's for my first run ( if only I knew then...). After litterly months of searching Ive found that TGA subcool seeds is in a different league than other seed companies. I could write pages on why but you all already know why. Anyway.
I am wanting to grow at least two different strains. Which strains are best for mainlining? Which strains would work together?


Well-Known Member
Let me hop in on this 4x4, 600W, discussion, if you don't mind. I'm running the same set up. I went with auto's for my first run ( if only I knew then...). After litterly months of searching Ive found that TGA subcool seeds is in a different league than other seed companies. I could write pages on why but you all already know why. Anyway.
I am wanting to grow at least two different strains. Which strains are best for mainlining? Which strains would work together?
what are your goals?....what type of meds?....all of Subs strains can be mainlined...


Active Member
Let me hop in on this 4x4, 600W, discussion, if you don't mind. I'm running the same set up. I went with auto's for my first run ( if only I knew then...). After litterly months of searching Ive found that TGA subcool seeds is in a different league than other seed companies. I could write pages on why but you all already know why. Anyway.
I am wanting to grow at least two different strains. Which strains are best for mainlining? Which strains would work together?
I was just getting ready to ask the very same question BB ~~ Thanks :-)