You are crazy to think that a cop is going to draw your blood on the side of the road. First they need a reason to pull you over, then they need proof of impairment and at they point they can take you to a medical facility to have your blood drawn. Sounds like a lot of you need to actually read I-502 first. Here is a link for the lazy:
first of all, there is a law that allows for mobile at site blood test to prove that you are not impaired, its al ready a law in washington
secondly when have you ever known a cop not to take advantage of any law
I-502 is supposed to free the weed . . all it does is gives us a unscientific in any way DUI law, limits the amount you can buy, and taxes a ounce
from grower at 100 dollars to 762 dollars . . . . aint going to be any good weed in these stores and what was previously a misdemeanor
40grams and under is now a felony 28 grams or over or a felony is your weed aint able to be traced back to a serial number
this is not a legalize bill, its a fine and punish bill disguised as a choice to now buy shitty pot from the state commercial agricultural growers
1oz legal possession is not legalization- do we have laws on amounts of cig, or beer we can have . .nope
DUI law based solely on refer madness is not legalization- do we have drinking driving laws based on fear/ignorance . .nope
taxation over 700% . . is not legalization- does this happen to any other agricultural or pharmaceutical item . . . nope
this bill is paid for by progressive insurance and is just another way to get you to pay for higher insurance rates, suspended licenses , DUI,s
and felony possession charges while every other legalization bill is doing the opposite, reducing fines and charges for possession and growing
VOTE no and show big business that your civil rights will not be bought, for a pyrric victory . . .the appearance of being free to smoke and
consume Cannabis
the DUI law alone is worthy of throwing this away, couple that with the felony over 28 grams, 700% increase from cost and you have a Trojan horse bill designed to punish and not legalize
if patients can not drive due to knowing they are over the NG limits of THC in blood . . then the state better be ready to pay for a lot of assisted living cost, of driving all these patients around