Newbee with a couple of pix


Hi peeps. This is my first time doin this. But been smokin it for a while now;-)

saranwrapped 8*4*8 room
aircooled 400w
big container with 3pots and 18gallons of water

If anybody doesn't mind, can you please tell me how my seedlings are doing? They're roughly 3 weeks from being a seed. I don't know if im just paranoid, but they look yellowish to me.

Also, I guess I didn't read as much before I started, becuz I put two plants in one pot, and even 3 on one......Is this real bad????



Well, i may have exagirated a bit, I planted the seeds oct 21. DRO? I thought it was called DWC?

Lights are 1 foot away. Need more rope to lower it, but I thought not to close was good also becuz they were young?

Any advice is gold. Pay u wen i harvest:-)


According to bcbudepot, it's BCKUSH

Light is 400hps and they are above the plant. Still waiting for my mh conversion bulbs becuz I read it's better.

When weather gets colder, I will try to run 1k but I don't know what the temps will be. But if it works, I'm sure it can only help, unless you guys tell me that's it's over kill?

I bought an aquarium ph tester. According to the chart, the water should be yellow for a ph of 6.0. That's e lowes I can see. I ordered an oakton pcstster 35 but it's not here yet.


I thought everything was fine, except for the yellowish leaves.

It must be the lights. Will buy rope ASAP tomorrow. !

Please help

Maybe my water is too high? It's an inch above the pot becuz the roots hasn't grown yet and I diidn't want it to dry out. Well two since I transplanted on Nov 5.

Should I be worried?

How tall should they be by now???



posted here:-)


Active Member
check this out and see if there is an answer for you there,
Dru West: It’s normal for clones to yellow a little bit as they begin to root. However if it has been over 10 days and they haven’t started to sprout, there could be a problem. Make sure you are not adding too much fertilizer to the water. Less is definitely more in this case.
Make sure the clones are not getting too much light. If you have a light meter, 4000-5000 lumens are best. Also, check the temperature of the water to make sure it is not too hot or cold. Try to keep it around 70 degrees. How’s your water? I really recommend using a R/O (reverse osmosis) machine to filter out all the chemicals. Good luck, man, I hope this helps.



I read the link and it pretty much says don't over nute and over light. I'm not really sure how to figure out how close to have lights on the babies, but as for Nutes, I used 30% of GH seedling formula which was 2.5ml of all three per 1 gallon. I used 30% of that. Could that be too much already?

Also, I like to check the ph often and keep it at or below six. Yellow.


Active Member
I am pretty much a bigginer myself, so only know what Ive read or been told by friends and the ones who are known as old timers lol...
Here is a pic of my clones, dont know if you can tell with the pic how close the light is to them, I took one with and without the clear lid on hopefully you will be able
to tell by the size of the lid ...its also a flourescent, not sure of watts so far they seem to be doing ok...they are just now starting to root theyve been in about 3 to 5 days...
ph balanced water, no nutes other than a little bit of Grandma enggy's golden honey F-1 foilage spray I spray every other day though im not sure if I should that often...
what ive read is that its normal for a bit of yellowing while they root as long as its not bad and turn the roots as soon as its got a good root transplant them to your medium, Im hydro, so thats where mine would go, though I do a few in soil also... if I find any other info I will try to get it posted...


Wow, urs is growing bigger than mine, and it's only under cfl.

I wonder what u did right?

I am pretty much a bigginer myself, so only know what Ive read or been told by friends and the ones who are known as old timers lol...
Here is a pic of my clones, dont know if you can tell with the pic how close the light is to them, I took one with and without the clear lid on hopefully you will be able
to tell by the size of the lid ...its also a flourescent, not sure of watts so far they seem to be doing ok...they are just now starting to root theyve been in about 3 to 5 days...
ph balanced water, no nutes other than a little bit of Grandma enggy's golden honey F-1 foilage spray I spray every other day though im not sure if I should that often...
what ive read is that its normal for a bit of yellowing while they root as long as its not bad and turn the roots as soon as its got a good root transplant them to your medium, Im hydro, so thats where mine would go, though I do a few in soil also... if I find any other info I will try to get it posted...
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Active Member
I have no Idea, they are clones not from seeds, I used cloneX gel on some and MX clone gel on others to see which worked best so far im goin for the MX clone gel its thicker and stays on better otherwise they help the roots grow about the same as far as I can tell, I dont use any nutes, I just made sure the water was ph/d correctly by using the up or down cant remember which right off hand... stuck them under a light and foil spray them sometimes every other day sometimes once a week and the light...its a CFL?..I didnt know what kind just that the new plants like it, its bright without being too only thing I didnt know if I should keep water in the bottom and keep them soaked or just add water if it looked like they needed it remains to be seen if they continue in good health lol...


Active Member
I find growing the plant out in soil, taking some nice healthy clones to root out in a cloning machine using clonex and scarification techniques will give you the best initial boost when you transfer them into a hydro setup. Sometimes there may be a little bit of yellowing of the leaves of the clones since they feed off their stored nutrients until they are rooted out and placed into the hydro setup. Also, I find Sensi Grow/Bloom/Overdrive/Big Bud is a better nutrient solution.

BTW, those clones in your pics are not looking very healthy. I wont have any pics of my own to show until beginning of January.