POLITICS 24/7 Michigans Source.


Well-Known Member
Well I think we all lost no matter what the outcome. I just do not understand how outta ALL of America we are left with these 2 choices? My mind just cannot process that and be pleased.
It's pretty clear to me bro, the D and R parties have been bought and sold by special interests for the past century now and there is no question about that. See the Libertarians consider the individual principle a foundation which opposes special interests from the get go, so there can be no fair fight here until those special interests can be eradicated.


Well-Known Member
Pretty dumb to not vote just because of the presidential candidates, there are many other important votes, supreme court, proposals etc..


Well-Known Member
Many issues yes. So many infact there are political magazines that highlight the vastness of the political ordeal.


Well-Known Member
I am really bad with names, whom is the "rent is too damn high" dude again and how do I spell that ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok if I was and am one of those people that finds politics just too much to handle from all sides and you wanted me to vote more often where would you lead me in terms of a website that speaks plain and simple without all the political terms right, left, far right I do not know these terms and are pointless to use with someone like me as to I am not willing to read a dictionary 15 times to figure out what the hell they are trying to say.

I do not know of a libertarian I do not know what a republican is exactly... mostly because all of the republican prototypes are all different with their views and ideas same a a democrat? cant get a real image of what 1 of these is? Where can I find active issues with a reasonable read on what is going on in MI? maybe I will use the 24/7 politics to learn? I have questions


Well-Known Member
So I have been living in the mind set of " well if peacefull protest ever fails and they begin to bring their clubs along...go meet up with em and help". I am getting older and still growing I guess and am starting to think about politics just a little. I would like information 1 subject at a time.... I do not care for it much hence may fall apart but I will use you if you may. I will just have to add what I want to know in the subject...." TOOK YEARS TO LEARN THAT TRICK " shit if I would have known that then!

What at this time are easy terms for a republican and democrat nowadays? Is there 1 party that favours abortion? if so which party?


Well-Known Member
That is a tough question bro. See politics today is literally just a bunch of talk without any accountability by law. Look at the parties records and how that history has changed your life today. Know that such greed and incompetence in a free market would bankrupt any corporation quick, end of story. Do you see a problem here today? If O (Bush was no different) is literally the CEO of this corp (US of A) we are in fact bankrupt, yet without a free market here, they can just keep telling you that we are not. Just fucking absurd! Check out some of Dr. Ron Paul's writings for an insiders view of the current corruption we endure, that may be a good start for your research.


Well-Known Member
In juxtaposition to Dr. Paul check out Sol Alinsky's writings (ie Rules for Radicals). Pay particular attention to the perennial question, "Does the end justify the means?" is meaningless as it stands: the real and only question regarding the ethics of means and ends is, and always has been, "Does this particular end justify this particular means?"

obama-alinsky.jpg ayers_split.jpg

... Find any serious problems with these progressives and their "Rules"?!?


Well-Known Member
In juxtaposition to Dr. Paul check out Sol Alinsky's writings (ie Rules for Radicals). Pay particular attention to the perennial question, "Does the end justify the means?" is meaningless as it stands: the real and only question regarding the ethics of means and ends is, and always has been, "Does this particular end justify this particular means?"

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... Find any serious problems with these progressives and their "Rules"?!?

Ha ha ha I like you now! That is awesome yet I do not understand in regards to political party and abortion with the idea. Did I miss something behind the big picture?


Well-Known Member

... WTF happened here?!?


Well-Known Member


... The only answer I have found.


Well-Known Member
That is kinda what I thought. The brand is unimportant yet that is what is thrown at me.


Well-Known Member
Tru Dat :eyesmoke: Back in the day Goebbels taught propaganda and that is now a bad thing? Today this school of thought still exists, but has been re-branded as advertising and that is acceptable here and now. Have you watched TV in the last 48 hours? Some of my best and brightest brothers from the pych ops community are now involved in these campaigns. See a problem here?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
24/7 (?) No Live election coverage... What kind of political operation do you think you are running here Hic?


Active Member
Politics are they baitpile the government uses to keep everyone busy, while they do what they want to. It is supposed to be very confusing and it is.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I happen to believe that O will now move MMJ decisions to the states.
An optimist. dunno if I'm that hopeful, but it was obvious that he had to play ball merely to get re-elected!
Now he has little to lose... Look at Colorado, anything is possible.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Politics are they baitpile the government uses to keep everyone busy, while they do what they want to. It is supposed to be very confusing and it is.
you know what else is like that, War. that's when leaders can introduce g.m.o foods and other experiments that we are too distracted to notice, or do jack about.


Well-Known Member
An optimist. dunno if I'm that hopeful, but it was obvious that he had to play ball merely to get re-elected!
Now he has little to lose... Look at Colorado, anything is possible.
Optimistic, yes. I have always felt that O wasn't able to do anything about MJ and still get re-elected. Exactly as you say, now he has little to lose.