The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ha. That's some scheme! If I'm lying I like to keep it simple so I can keep my story straight when stoned. Only give em as much info as they ask for and don't be tempted to add unnecessary details that might catch you out later ;)


Well-Known Member
yeh just tell em your on holidaty,, double glazin u lucky fucker took me a yr to blag a new door! but i did get one of them security doors

hols is best bet not like its private and the landy can get in first, fucking smells mine does today,, sum days it does oem days it dont, fuking plants! lol


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2401165
for all the keyboard warriors out there lol
Lmao even got robs hair color right lol

fuk me pukka how long u veg that for?? IMO

na i wouldnt use a clip fan too much vibration,, and ther fucking expensive,, buy a 12 inch oseclator fasten it upside down to a pice of 2x1 wood and then u can mount it anyware u want use blutak between wer u fasten it and u will have zero vibration,, since i dont the blutak method with my 5inch rvk my rooms 90% silent

nighty night all
Please tell me ya takin piss ice?? Lol this is the 3rd time I've told you, about 3month mate.


Well-Known Member
Lmao even got robs hair color right lol

Please tell me ya takin piss ice?? Lol this is the 3rd time I've told you, about 3month mate.
lmao only fucking with ya puk couldnt resist hagaga

PH buffer arrived today so ill see how far out of whak my pen is, looking at the plants last night thers fat buds popping up everyware im like well happy these airpots are doing ther job roots outa the bottom, will start the ripen on day 42 and stop all other nutes

is starting to stink tho gunna have to tape the door up on drying week and thats no shit,

ripen just arrived via courier,,, anyone know the dosage?
says 5ml a litre so 50 per bucket,, is that about rite>?


Well-Known Member
I would emit the fact that she likes red underwear, or is that me?!?!?!

Ha. That's some scheme! If I'm lying I like to keep it simple so I can keep my story straight when stoned. Only give em as much info as they ask for and don't be tempted to add unnecessary details that might catch you out later ;)


Well-Known Member
just had a letter through the door saying work men have got to come up and measure for new windows next week :-( i need more time than that to get the grow down. i need to leave them atleast another 3 weeks. ive got to put it off, any sugestions?
dont give them any excuse . just phone them up and tell them you wont be in available until (put date in) and they've got to reschedule. end of story. i had them in earlier on this year putting new central heating in, there was around a dozen of them in. i just move the bed over the built in wardrobe door and fucked off to the pub, my mate, who knows about the grow, turned up in the pub about an hour later jumpin about like a fuckin box of frogs saying did i know my house was full of workmen? i said yeah thats why im in the pub. he was sweating like jimmy saville in a fuckin soft play centre. hes sayin 'how the fuck can you sit here calm as fuck when you know this?' 'double vodkas'.


Well-Known Member
any of you lot ever bothered with mollasses when doing coco? i used it in soil grows but havent heard anybody mention it with coco.


Well-Known Member
the part of scotland i come from we pronounce the word 'cock' as 'coke' although it'd probably be spelled as 'coak'. leads to occasional misunderstandings like 'would you like to sniff sum coke?' etc.