It all comes down to how we are hardwired (I believe). Back in the hunter/gatherer days, men would leave and go on hunting trips; make too much noise (e.g. talking) and scare the animals away. We learned how to communicate the main point rather quickly and efficiently in order to minimize the sound our mouth's would make. Women on the other hand spent time collecting nuts and berries, gathered in social settings and discussing gossip - just mindless banter to pass the time. Hundreds of years of this similar lifestyle and the DNA begins to change and adapt. Too many studies to list regarding boy and girl babies faced with problems in a clinical setting, their approach to solving it is very similar to how men and women think as adults.
I really do not mean to offend and understand that there are exceptions to the rules, case and point - a few people in this thread. With this understanding, look at how a relationship forms over time. If a man is used to a woman just spewing out verbal diarrhea all day then yes, he will in turn become accustomed to drowning out the talking (24/7 white noise fan) of his woman. It seems to make sense that when an important item is brought up (tax on the truck being due), the man will most likely dismiss this item, out of habit, as useless drivel unless there is an important headliner before the fact, "Listen up stupid, this is very important so pay attention." It works for me and my wife knows this, uses it only for that purpose too.
I can understand because my wife and I have been in this situation before; she says I never listen and I respond with she never communicates, just talks (there is a difference). I do take some offence to be spoken at (like a previous member stated)...and it comes from the fact that I never ramble on about my day to her. It frustrates her because it can seem like I am angry or upset with something, but in reality - i just do not know how to ramble on and on about who said what and why I felt like I did.
Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus