today is good for watching fox news

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Carne Seca..You seem to like to chime in , but refuse to give any info with your responce...I can say thats why dems are thought of as slow...your the guy in the back yelling "Yeah take taht" after someones comment but have nothing to add on your own. So basically providing facts for my thoughts about opinion and actrually showing them makes me or the GOP bad but you saying "It;s this way." then no meat or reason for your thought makes you good? That's why our country is bankrupt. Just do it and not think or care about the actions.
You know what? Two states have legalized Cannabis. Two states passed laws FOR marriage equality (voter referendums). VOTER REFERENDUMS. I cried. I have spent most of my life being ashamed and afraid. I've lost so much over the years. People that I love, friendships, family, my health. I have been screamed at, spit on, beaten, discriminated against (I once lost a job because the boss found out I was gay), hated, denigrated, ridiculed and shunned. All because I happen to love someone you don't approve of.

I endured the Reagan regime that spent years during his administration without mentioning AIDS once. Not once. People died. There are empty holes in my life where love and laughter used to reside. Beautiful people with beautiful lives wiped out. Dying in silence because of the stigma attached to AIDS by religious conservatives. I have watched the conservative pogroms against LGBT's for decades. Fucking DECADES. I've had to watch politicians and religious leaders talk about how evil I and my kind are and how were are destroying the nation, corrupting the children, causing natural disasters and holocausts. Yes, they are even saying we planned and orchestrated the Holocaust. Despite the fact that Gays were rounded up with the Jews and put in concentration camps. Instead of a yellow star of David they were made to wear a pink triangle. How many people know this? Not many. We have our own history and NOBODY cares to know it.

Gay Panic? Seriously? You could get away with murder if you used a gay panic defense. The defense that gay people deserved what they got. This was before hate crime legislation. Being a gay man in America was a living hell. I have suffered neurological damage from a bashing. One of three. I lost my partner to hate. His murder was never solved. This has been my life. One so twisted and self-hate filled that I actually spent four years in a reparative therapy program that nearly killed me. I was so desperate to be straight. DOMA? ENDA? Proposition 8 (a cruel bit of legislation filled with lies that took away marriage rights already in place).

For the first time in my life I feel like there is hope. There's finally a light at the end of the tunnel.

Come talk to me when you have gone through a fraction of what I and many like me have had to endure. Keep sitting at that desk with your computer and comfortable chair with your soda in one hand and a Twinkie in the other and tell me how bad you have it. So pardon me when I say with complete conviction, Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, FilthyFetch.
dude your taking things to personal.... you've got to realize that all this social, religious, and politic pressure you've felt for decades, is not directed right at you... this is one nation under GOD... all these social, religious and politic views are based on what the bible says about gays.......
Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.......

see its not a personal issue... people just dont want to feel forced to accept something that there GOD has determinded to be an abomination.....

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
dude your taking things to personal.... you've got to realize that all this social, religious, and politic pressure you've felt for decades, is not directed right at you... this is one nation under GOD... all these social, religious and politic views are based on what the bible says about gays.......
Lev 20:13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.......

see its not a personal issue... people just dont want to feel forced to accept something that there GOD has determinded to be an abomination.....

Thanks for clearing that up. All the hate heaped on me was not personal. O.k., got it. I feel so much better now. Where were you twenty years ago? /sarcasm :roll:


Ursus marijanus
dude your taking things to personal.... you've got to realize that all this social, religious, and politic pressure you've felt for decades, is not directed right at you... this is one nation under GOD... all these social, religious and politic views are based on what the bible says about gays.......
Lev 20:13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.......

see its not a personal issue... people just dont want to feel forced to accept something that there GOD has determinded to be an abomination.....
That is an opinion. The black robes say it is revealed truth. That is their opinion. cn
im just saying dont take it so personal... the hatred stems from a frustrated nation who's laws arise from a biblical GOD... now we've gotten to a point where we're voting for something that goes against everything the GOD of the bible warned against.... ive heard there's men out west that like to lie with sheep.... how long before we're voting to allow them their individual freedom.....

Lev 20:15 And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.

where does this insanity end?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
im just saying dont take it so personal... the hatred stems from a frustrated nation who's laws arise from a biblical GOD... now we've gotten to a point where we're voting for something that goes against everything the GOD of the bible warned against.... ive heard there's men out west that like to lie with sheep.... how long before we're voting to allow them their individual freedom.....

Lev 20:15And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.

where does this insanity end?
For one, you're trying to equate this with bestiality which is extremely offensive. Why in the world can people of you ilk not understand that our relationships are more than fucking each other like rabbits. Why do you feel the need to portray us as sub-human animals incapable of controlling our base urges. I'm not even going to address your deluded claim that our laws were taken from the Bible. The idea is completely ludicrous.

For your information, bestiality and pedophilia are the Godwin's law of the gay world. The second you bring it up you have invalidated your argument.
im not sure who godwin is but im sure its not his laws im refering to... these laws are from scipture in the bible who's GOD this nations laws were based around.... im surely not saying that gays and beast freaks and pedo are the same... they're just all recorded as abominations to the GOD of this nation.... i was raised to be GOD fearing... i raised my kids to be GOD fearing... now my kids are having to vote to not allow something that really goes agaisnt everything our GOD speaks out against.... remember the biblical story of sodom and gomorrah... those that dont learn from history are bound to repeat it... i would think most people like me would want to keep what goes on in their private sex lifes private... im sure i've done things in the bedroom in the past that may have endangered someone or caused great embarrassment to myself... i just dont think i should have to vote to allow something thats so obviously immoral... not really pround to be an american right now...


Well-Known Member
im not sure who godwin is but im sure its not his laws im refering to... these laws are from scipture in the bible who's GOD this nations laws were based around.... im surely not saying that gays and beast freaks and pedo are the same... they're just all recorded as abominations to the GOD of this nation.... i was raised to be GOD fearing... i raised my kids to be GOD fearing... now my kids are having to vote to not allow something that really goes agaisnt everything our GOD speaks out against.... remember the biblical story of sodom and gomorrah... those that dont learn from history are bound to repeat it... i would think most people like me would want to keep what goes on in their private sex lifes private... im sure i've done things in the bedroom in the past that may have endangered someone or caused great embarrassment to myself... i just dont think i should have to vote to allow something thats so obviously immoral... not really pround to be an american right now...
i am so glad that bible thumping douchebags like you are demonstrably on the wrong side of history.

america is not a theocracy. take your bible, and shove it directly up your ass.

maryland, maine, and washington are just the start. bigoted fucks like you are on the way out.

i'd say have a nice day, but i honestly hope you get hit by a bus.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
im not sure who godwin is but im sure its not his laws im refering to... these laws are from scipture in the bible who's GOD this nations laws were based around.... im surely not saying that gays and beast freaks and pedo are the same... they're just all recorded as abominations to the GOD of this nation.... i was raised to be GOD fearing... i raised my kids to be GOD fearing... now my kids are having to vote to not allow something that really goes agaisnt everything our GOD speaks out against.... remember the biblical story of sodom and gomorrah... those that dont learn from history are bound to repeat it... i would think most people like me would want to keep what goes on in their private sex lifes private... im sure i've done things in the bedroom in the past that may have endangered someone or caused great embarrassment to myself... i just dont think i should have to vote to allow something thats so obviously immoral... not really pround to be an american right now...
Go peddle your shit in Topeka Kansas. They will just LOVE you there.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i am so glad that bible thumping douchebags like you are demonstrably on the wrong side of history.

america is not a theocracy. take your bible, and shove it directly up your ass.

maryland, maine, and washington are just the start. bigoted fucks like you are on the way out.

i'd say have a nice day, but i honestly hope you get hit by a bus.
Can you believe that shit? And trying to dictate to me that I have no right to take what happened to me personal. I have news for you, caregiver.

The Laws of Moses was fulfilled with Christ's birth. If you don't believe me, look it up yourself. It came out of his own mouth. Funny how no one brings up eating shellfish or wearing mixed fabrics, putting disobedient children to death for being disobedient or the mandatory stoning of adulterous women. But when it comes to homosexuality you don't hesitate to cite chapter and verse. Hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Can you believe that shit? And trying to dictate to me that I have no right to take what happened to me personal. I have news for you, caregiver.

The Laws of Moses was fulfilled with Christ's birth. If you don't believe me, look it up yourself. It came out of his own mouth. Funny how no one brings up eating shellfish or wearing mixed fabrics, putting disobedient children to death for being disobedient or the mandatory stoning of adulterous women. But when it comes to homosexuality you don't hesitate to cite chapter and verse. Hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
dude your taking things to personal.... you've got to realize that all this social, religious, and politic pressure you've felt for decades, is not directed right at you... this is one nation under GOD... all these social, religious and politic views are based on what the bible says about gays.......
Lev 20:13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.......

see its not a personal issue... people just dont want to feel forced to accept something that there GOD has determinded to be an abomination.....
So, in the name of consistency, are you also for making it illegal to shave or cut your hair? Do you only eat kosher food, seeing as that's all the bible approves of? Do you check the tags on clothes you buy to ensure they aren't fabric blends? Do you kill people that try to convert you? If you're against gay marriage being legal because your god is opposed, are you also spearheading a ban on poly/cotton blends? Have you done everything in your power to close down local barbers? Seeing as they are acting directly against the will of your god.
bro those laws are from the book of the law... written by man... and yes they were nailed to the cross... gods laws (the ten) are still in effect... and when it comes to doing to others as you would have them do to you, i'll pass... i dont think my sphincter can handle whats done to you.... and buck i think i smell a little penis on your breath bro....

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
bro those laws are from the book of the law... written by man... and yes they were nailed to the cross... gods laws (the ten) are still in effect... and when it comes to doing to others as you would have them do to you, i'll pass... i dont think my sphincter can handle whats done to you.... and buck i think i smell a little penis on your breath bro....
And there it is. The homophobia bursting at the seams. You can't wait to spew your hate mongering.

Those laws were influenced by our founding father's knowledge and understanding of Greece, Rome and England. From Greece they learned from Athen's mistake and passed over a direct Democracy in favor of a representational Republic. Rome gave us the idea that the legislative branch should be superior and the executive branch should have limited terms. The basic structure of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches were borrowed from England and modified to fit the colonial experience. There was also influence from native sources. The Iroquois Federation had a constitution called The Great Law of the Haudenosaunee. There are hints of it in the Constitution as well.

There were also French influences. Montesquieu spoke of checks and balances and separation of government. Voltaire: Freedom of speech. Rousseau: Social contract theory. Diderot: Separation of church and state.

Our founding fathers were learned men. Well educated whose school curriculums were far superior to our own. They studied the classics. This has nothing to do with the Bible other than the fact the majority were Christians. The religious persecution that created the colonization of America was foremost on their minds. They made sure that the U.S. would never have a state sponsored religion.

Saying that the Constitution is based on the bible is like saying Beethoven's 9th symphony was composed on a kazoo.


Well-Known Member
Not being funny Carne.. But how do you know all this stuff? Was it from college courses you took? Or do you just read and research a lot?