POLITICS 24/7 Michigans Source.


Well-Known Member
These are the motherfuckers I consider terrorists
It was voted on.
Here is another police department saying, we know the laws, but we are able to step above your laws and do whatever we want, whenever we want.
This form of police authority must be stopped.
THESE are the motherfuckers we need behind bars.

This article should have any of those fucks fired today that say, regardless of the vote, we are doing what we want to.


Well-Known Member
These are the motherfuckers I consider terrorists
It was voted on.
Here is another police department saying, we know the laws, but we are able to step above your laws and do whatever we want, whenever we want.
This form of police authority must be stopped.
THESE are the motherfuckers we need behind bars.

This article should have any of those fucks fired today that say, regardless of the vote, we are doing what we want to.

Thanks for the info and thanks for the view! I agree. I hate stubborn pigs, they are hard to push let alone work with and separate.What can be done you say?


Well-Known Member
This will all work out. The DEA has been quiet leading up to the election. Now they're faced with full blown elected mandates. I don't think O will draw a line in the sand against this. Now that he's re-elected, I wager he'll let states decide.

As a related side note, I also wager SCOTUS will see the complete error in having MJ classified as a level 1 drug with no medical value. That will be what O will use as rationale to move this to the states. My opinion only

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
These are the motherfuckers I consider terrorists
It was voted on.
Here is another police department saying, we know the laws, but we are able to step above your laws and do whatever we want, whenever we want.
This form of police authority must be stopped.
THESE are the motherfuckers we need behind bars.

This article should have any of those fucks fired today that say, regardless of the vote, we are doing what we want to.

You too may be eligible for a free watch!!
when I hear cops and politicians turning their backs on voters, I just think of crying babies or someone severly wounded trying to take a final swing before they hit the ground. Being vocal like that in the face of voters shows their desperation, they know they are losing or have lost.


Well-Known Member
This will all work out. The DEA has been quiet leading up to the election. Now they're faced with full blown elected mandates. I don't think O will draw a line in the sand against this. Now that he's re-elected, I wager he'll let states decide.
I'm not so sure brother. Obama is a hardliner left-wing politician and that would only cede Federal powers. Can you name one time O has ever opposed the Democratic party? Why now?


Well-Known Member
I don't see this at odds with the Dems. Do the Dems and O really want to battle the states now after all of this? My opinion is no. Not when there's no re-election and not when the states want less fed oversight and now when the SCOTUS is (in my opinion) likely to re-schedule MJ to a schedule 2

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I'll be sittin back watching the show. So it still takes 10 years+. between being awesome, life blows.
it's a yin yang thing, too much good and I'd know I'm dreaming. peace


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, have you read the "Affordable Health Care Act" or the supreme court arguments in reference to it? Remember how a few years back that was going to save everyone $2500, but now has actually cost everyone more than $2500? ...

Do you believe the Democrats are fond of the 10th Amendment?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info and thanks for the view! I agree. I hate stubborn pigs, they are hard to push let alone work with and separate.What can be done you say?
I would say the only that can be done in Flint, is what's being done. Business as usual.
It doesn't surprise me that they have lost the drug war so bad that it is personal to many of them.
It does surprise me when they tell the media, we don't give a fuck about what the people voted, we run this shit! That is the scary reality.
Did a writer catch some cops at the bar? How in the fuck can they announce they don't care about what is actually legal and what isn't?
It's all they can catch! Flint cops suck, I lived in Flint for years, I did whatever the fuck I wanted, 20 years ago. It's worse now!


Well-Known Member
I was trying to think of something really sarcastic to say. Guess that's a cue to get the fuck off the computer and get back to work. lmao.


Well-Known Member
send him 1/4 of sour diesel, it will all come rushing back to him. he'll do the right thing.

He figured it out! I'll be damned. abe that is the problem...... once a mo-fo becomes president shit is so tight with the secret service no presidents can get a good hit of bud in office.....Damn boys we gotta get Obama a nugget of Mi's finest smuggled in.

Poor poor guy and by the looks of his wife she aint down. Damn... What would a presedent do if a president could smoke weed? Just 1 toke to bring it all back is all he'll need.


Well-Known Member
I bet she's burned. Don't think she'd want her kids smoking it, but think she would have hit a joint come late Tuesday night. lol


Well-Known Member
Yea she just might but still there aint now way to get it to em. I would go to jail trying to help the nation if I sent a nug for Christmas to the man and his wife