The Death Of The Great American White Way?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Ha. Watch Governor Susana Martinez (R-NM) be on the very short list (if not the outright nominee) for the GOP in 16 with Hillary for the Dems. Us white guys? We had our chances (note the plural) and see where we are? Not saying we should step aside but we are being pushed aside and will have to vote every time just to keep that. Uh, figure it out, whites aren't the majority anymore.

With Martinez they get it all - a Hispanic female.
problem is our "white" candidates are nothing like clinton, or reagan, they are gop candidates and tea party members, there will be much more diversity in the 2016 election since both parties are fighting for the presidency all over again.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
What about inbreeding? Is that an issue U have to deal with when U R a white supremacist living in a remote whites-only compound ? A limited supply of white females surely could be a problem. I mean, when the gene pool is soooo small and white, inbreeding HAS GOT TO BE something you deal with everyday.......right?!

:dunce: :peace: :fire:


Well-Known Member
It's time for Americans to heal the rift and end the greed, ignorance, and intolerance.

We can start by rounding up all the knuckle dragging, mouth breathing red staters and sending them to re-education centers.


New Member
Anyone who thinks the 2012 election was a referendum on "white candidates" has no clue when it comes to politics.
It's obvious this election was won by democrats using the barter system. I was blatant, vote for us and we will let you and your family illegally enter our borders. If you can't make it on your own financially, don't worry, a vote for us and government will take care of you. Free birth control, not a problem, we'll tax the successful to pay for it, all you have to do is give us your vote!

The fact is, democrats are much better at politics than republicans and libertarians.

The good thing in all this is, elections have consequences and democrats are going to own the next four years, rotsa ruk because they'll have no excuses this time, Americans won't stomach anymore of the blame game.


Well-Known Member
Minorities are soooo 1970's, man! Brother!

just saying . Ex if the only reason white peopled stayed in the white house was because they held the majority over the minorities, then if another group permanently replaced them then they would be the majority.

Of-course we know that's not really how it works because Caucasian-white still makes up 60%-70% of the US population. Its because not all white people are racist bigots that only vote for skin color.

There are some on both sides, but most people vote for what they see fit.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
wait another 40 years, america will be a different place. almost alien to the older members on this nation... and it still will be better than today, everyone always thinks things are getting worse, when they never do. as long as reason, logic, evidence and discussion are in use progress will occur.


Well-Known Member
wait another 40 years, america will be a different place. almost alien to the older members on this nation... and it still will be better than today, everyone always thinks things are getting worse, when they never do. as long as reason, logic, evidence and discussion are in use progress will occur.
The economy is getting worse not your neighborhood. Its hard to see when all you have to go by is your area. everything has gotten more expensive in the past years.
wages have remained low. Some have lost jobs & the rest who still have a job have not heard the word raise in years.

while their salaries stay the same


are getting more expensive.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
race will become a backseat issue. what i'm afraid is the fundie religious hispanic/latino population will become the new right wing pandering crowd. religiosity goes up, secular thinking and politics go down.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
either that or it will become more virulent and fanatical.
this is exactly what will happen. the fringe will only exist, given time the rest will settle into a quasi religious/spiritual groupe and the rest will likely become skeptics/free thinkers. the fringe will push out many of their own, its happened in very early islamic history... its why arab nations went from being hubs for mathematicians and philosophers until about 1200 ad. america has a constitution, so we will never become as asshat'ish as the arab world despite having our own crazie religious.