Colorado......what this means

Must say there are a lot of ideas flying around here that do not make sense. The main thing with employment is the employer has the right to hire who he are she wants. They are allowed to stipulate what is expected of the employee. It is a bill that gives recreational use of marijuana not medicinal. Therefore a company can test you for chemicals that they feel will affect your job performance. Comparing chemicals like nicotine and caffeine to THC is comical and illogical. Another thing is Colorado will never impose anything that prevents a company from keeping the standards they follow now when drug testing. Also someone here said that state laws are more powerful then federal government laws. That's just stupid.

This is a huge stepping stone. It will however take a lot of leniency from the federal government which has laws that classify marijuana as an illegal substance. I think obama will be a dick and say one thing and do another. (like when he supposedly said to the DEA respect Cali medicinal laws, but what really was said is crack down on them like usual). However, I feel as though more and more states will pass laws in the next few years which will make the feds consider their stance on marijuana.

I will say if the Feds do decide to ignore Colorado and treat them as a Guinea pig, the money gained from taxing it added to money saved from not enforcing law against it will entice a lot of states into legalizing it. Taxes are one thing, the money saved is a much much bigger deal.
That was my point. The law doesn't cover drug testing. People are going to get fired or not get a job because of testing dirty. When this goes into effect (if it ever does), how many people are going to be ignorant of that fact and end up losing their jobs?

So you want the equivalent of "do not eat" on a shampoo bottle for cannabis? Some companies only allow nonsmokers (tobacco) so anyone trying to get by with smoking weed when knowing it's against company policy should expect to be terminated. It only cost 17 dollars to immediately screen my employees at a local health clinic, it's incredibly inexpensive and fast people know this stupidity has never been and excuse.

Stupid shit like this compounded with frivolous lawsuits will be exactly what will keep this momentous breakthrough from spreading like wildfire. Lets hope a few more states get on board before some dumbass decides to sue because he "didn't know" he wasn't allowed to get high and drive a bus full of kids.
So you want the equivalent of "do not eat" on a shampoo bottle for cannabis? Some companies only allow nonsmokers (tobacco) so anyone trying to get by with smoking weed when knowing it's against company policy should expect to be terminated. It only cost 17 dollars to immediately screen my employees at a local health clinic, it's incredibly inexpensive and fast people know this stupidity has never been and excuse.

Stupid shit like this compounded with frivolous lawsuits will be exactly what will keep this momentous breakthrough from spreading like wildfire. Lets hope a few more states get on board before some dumbass decides to sue because he "didn't know" he wasn't allowed to get high and drive a bus full of kids.

Yes we know. You're the ultimate entrepreneur with your 20 businesses and 5 houses and the Olympic hopeful unicorn you keep in the back yard. I find it interesting that you of all people would fire an employee because of a failed drug test. To me, that's far more harmful than filing a lawsuit. You're condoning and supporting the war on marijuana.
So you want the equivalent of "do not eat" on a shampoo bottle for cannabis? Some companies only allow nonsmokers (tobacco) so anyone trying to get by with smoking weed when knowing it's against company policy should expect to be terminated. It only cost 17 dollars to immediately screen my employees at a local health clinic, it's incredibly inexpensive and fast people know this stupidity has never been and excuse.

Stupid shit like this compounded with frivolous lawsuits will be exactly what will keep this momentous breakthrough from spreading like wildfire. Lets hope a few more states get on board before some dumbass decides to sue because he "didn't know" he wasn't allowed to get high and drive a bus full of kids.

Imo weed activists need to direct some of their efforts against this sort of thing. cn
Yes we know. You're the ultimate entrepreneur with your 20 businesses and 5 houses and the Olympic hopeful unicorn you keep in the back yard. I find it interesting that you of all people would fire an employee because of a failed drug test. To me, that's far more harmful than filing a lawsuit. You're condoning and supporting the war on marijuana.

Easy now no need to be a drama queen, methamphetamine is a real problem in my area and being a blue collar business it is something I have to contend with. I have only fired two guys for smoking weed because they did it on the job (together) and was reported by the homeowner. One was a licensed electrician now what the fuck he was thinking was beyond me the shit we do is far too dangerous to be under the influence of any substance even pain medication.
Easy now no need to be a drama queen, methamphetamine is a real problem in my area and being a blue collar business it is something I have to contend with. I have only fired two guys for smoking weed because they did it on the job (together) and was reported by the homeowner. One was a licensed electrician now what the fuck he was thinking was beyond me the shit we do is far too dangerous to be under the influence of any substance even pain medication.

Always with the belated qualifiers. squirm wiggle wiggle.
Always with the belated qualifiers. squirm wiggle wiggle.

Reality is not a qualifier, it just is. Are you really trying to make excuses for people getting fired for not following company policy? Fucking isn't illegal but who want that shit happening in the food prep area? Cannabis will never be forced on employers so get that shit out of your system it will never happen.
Reality is not a qualifier, it just is. Are you really trying to make excuses for people getting fired for not following company policy? Fucking isn't illegal but who want that shit happening in the food prep area? Cannabis will never be forced on employers so get that shit out of your system it will never happen.

You as an employer, knowing what you do about cannabis, should make allowances. You keep trying to make this about partaking while at work. I've said from the start that the danger comes from having THC in your system from a previous night's consumption. You own the company (or at least you say you do). You ARE company policy. The ball's in your court and you would fire them without hesitation KNOWING they most likely weren't high at work. It's really nice that you're helping perpetuate the war on marijuana.
The thing I hear is corporations pointing to insurance advantages.
If any sort of revolution (or at least small-scale insurrection, as mild as civil disobedience) is needed, it's for the corporate customer to stand up to the insurer. Without that ... the fix is well and truly in. cn
You as an employer, knowing what you do about cannabis, should make allowances. You keep trying to make this about partaking while at work. I've said from the start that the danger comes from having THC in your system from a previous night's consumption. You own the company (or at least you say you do). You ARE company policy. The ball's in your court and you would fire them without hesitation KNOWING they most likely weren't high at work. It's really nice that you're helping perpetuate the war on marijuana.

You're informed before you accept employment I don't random my guys unless they're acting fucked up at work which I will not tolerate. Mandatory drug testing is required by 99% of my clients (I'm a utility, electrical, and plumbing contractor) it's also required by DOT for my CDL holders. sure I could quit testing and lose my contracts and go bankrupt but why in the fuck would I do that? The only answer to this is a better THC test but until then if you come up dirty you're going to get canned. If you don't like the policy you can find another job but making excuses knowing you're breaking the rules will not pass the bullshit meter.
You're informed before you accept employment I don't random my guys unless they're acting fucked up at work which I will not tolerate. Mandatory drug testing is required by 99% of my clients (I'm a utility, electrical, and plumbing contractor) it's also required by DOT for my CDL holders. sure I could quit testing and lose my contracts and go bankrupt but why in the fuck would I do that? The only answer to this is a better THC test but until then if you come up dirty you're going to get canned. If you don't like the policy you can find another job but making excuses knowing you're breaking the rules will not pass the bullshit meter.

I understand what you are talking about. It's ok to smoke at home, at a party, etc. etc. But, smoking on the job shouldn't be allowed regardless. Would he let someone get drunk on the job?

As what was mentioned before, I think a better thc test should be developed. Unless you catch someone smoking on the job then it's impossible to tell the difference if they smoked last night, last week, or on their way to work. Sure they would have higher levels in their system, but not too much of a difference. Ok this all makes sense to me right now, but after smoking most things makes sense. Lol
I understand what you are talking about. It's ok to smoke at home, at a party, etc. etc. But, smoking on the job shouldn't be allowed regardless. Would he let someone get drunk on the job?

As what was mentioned before, I think a better thc test should be developed. Unless you catch someone smoking on the job then it's impossible to tell the difference if they smoked last night, last week, or on their way to work. Sure they would have higher levels in their system, but not too much of a difference. Ok this all makes sense to me right now, but after smoking most things makes sense. Lol

More accurate testing has long been sought but the acceptable levels always seem to be a sticking point in moving toward a solution imo.
More accurate testing has long been sought but the acceptable levels always seem to be a sticking point in moving toward a solution imo.

You are absolutely correct about that. What levels would be considered o.k., and what levels are not. Unfortunately I think it's impossible to get a true set number, like an alcohol test. What if you are smoking a below average strain, or smoking a higher THC level strain? What if you smoke some really strong stuff the night before, will that affect how much is detectable in your system compared to a less than average strain?

The best bet would be to take it completely off the drug testing all together. There are too many variables to take into consideration that will make it viable. More than likely, it's just going to stay in the control of the company, whether or not they want to test for it.
You are absolutely correct about that. What levels would be considered o.k., and what levels are not. Unfortunately I think it's impossible to get a true set number, like an alcohol test. What if you are smoking a below average strain, or smoking a higher THC level strain? What if you smoke some really strong stuff the night before, will that affect how much is detectable in your system compared to a less than average strain?

The best bet would be to take it completely off the drug testing all together. There are too many variables to take into consideration that will make it viable. More than likely, it's just going to stay in the control of the company, whether or not they want to test for it.

Similar complications exist with blood alcohol levels. i have interacted with people that blew .20/.22 and i never would've known had i not smelled the alcohol. i was thinking they MIGHT be .08 lol. The tolerance issue is grey as hell imo.

In the end, we're not going to see any sensible legislation in this area. Just my 2 cents.
All you libtards think the Obongo administration will respect a States' rights issue. That's hilarious. The Obongo Gov. will withhold federal cash to any state who wants to legalize. Let's just see who is recreationaly legal, come Jan 15.