Don't Have a Clue? Do you?


Active Member
I am relatively new to indoor growing. I thought this was a cal/Mag Problem, fed it some and it hasn't seemed to correct itself. Does anyone know whats going on here? The new growth even starts to look a little burnt 20121108_153127_1.jpg20121108_153138.jpg20121108_153157.jpg20121108_153127_1.jpg20121108_153138.jpg20121108_153157.jpg20121108_153157.jpg


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Kinda looks like a nitrogen issue due to lock out. What is the ph of the water before it goes in and what is the ph of the run off water? I assumed soil grow from the picture correct?


Well-Known Member
Looks like cal/mag to me...... I use Botanicare cal/mag and need to add 10ml per gallon for a few watering to correct issue.


Active Member
Kinda looks like a nitrogen issue due to lock out. What is the ph of the water before it goes in and what is the ph of the run off water? I assumed soil grow from the picture correct?

The ph of the soil is 6.5-7, i use tap water, but let it sit out for 24 hrs. Should i check the water before watering it?


Active Member
That's what I used yesterday. I don't know if I should do it for a few waterings because it seemed to get worse from yesterday.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I would check the water right before it is used next watering but let the soil dry a bit more then usual then water so you can catch the drainage water out the bottom then check the ph of that water and see if it dips or rises or stays the same. You want the run off to be around 6.8 to 7 max. If it dips down below say 6.5 or above 7 then you can get nutrient lock out which is kinda what this looks like.If its low then water with higher ph water say 8 once or twice then back to 7 ph and keep testing runoff if its coming out high then you drop the starting ph to 6 ish for bit.Flush good with either to raise or lower to that 6.8 ish sweet spot.


Active Member
Getting very similar problems but i'm in hydro. Is your growth slow and spindly like mine?
No its growing really fast. I had it outside for a long time, but it was too cold and in shock but when I moved it inside it blew up. Now it growing very rapidly since i got a 400 w light


Well-Known Member
I've gotten similar symptoms on my plants for my last 3 grows and it happens after rapid growth. I suspect it's calmag but I'm not sure. I'm doubling my calmag from 5 to 10 mg and it seems to be helping.


Well-Known Member
I am relatively new to indoor growing. I thought this was a cal/Mag Problem, fed it some and it hasn't seemed to correct itself. Does anyone know whats going on here? The new growth even starts to look a little burnt View attachment 2403388View attachment 2403389View attachment 2403390View attachment 2403388View attachment 2403389View attachment 2403390View attachment 2403390
What, if anything are you feeding?
It looks like a slight N deficiency, but 6.5-7 for your PH is very vague.
Is that your water, runoff, or soil?


Active Member
What, if anything are you feeding?
It looks like a slight N deficiency, but 6.5-7 for your PH is very vague.
Is that your water, runoff, or soil?
The soil is 6.5-7. I have been feeding it nutes through out the grow. I am going to start checking the water and runoff too