Global warming

i'm re-reading the 'dr. kynes loves the birchers thread' and just getting to the part where i have to correct him on his usage of "it's" versus "its", and he refuses to comply to second grade knowledge.

but i'm sure he's a better climatologist than he is a wordsmith.
yet again dr keynes regales us with a solid page of him talking shit

im not even going to address the majority of the verbal diarrhoea just the links that he posted

clicking on the link you immediately see a different narative than the one keynes if trying to spoon feed you

"Himalayan Glaciers Retreating at Accelerated Rate in Some Regions: Consequences for Water Supply Remain Unclear"

the title makes it clear they are not talking about entire region as keynes is suggesting

"ScienceDaily (Sep. 12, 2012) — Glaciers in the eastern and central regions of the Himalayas appear to be retreating at accelerating rates, similar to those in other areas of the world,"

the article then goes straight into saying the region that they're talking about

"while glaciers in the western Himalayas are more stable and could be growing, says a new report from the National Research Council."

well thats nothing like keynes was pretending lets look at link 2

again from the moment you click the link the title shows its not saying what keynes is pretending it does
Study: Glaciers in western Himalayas bucking global melting trend"

this is looking increasingly dishonest of keynes

"Data examining six regions in the Karakoram mountains in the western Himalayas, which contains 7,700 square miles (nearly 20,000 square kilometers) of glaciers, revealed more than half of them are either stable or have been advancing in recent years."

you have to be deliberatly trying to lie to people by this time keynes

The majority of glaciers have been shrinking rapidly across the studied area in the past 30 years” Professor Yao told Nature Climate Change, the journal that published the study."

whats that? they say the "majority" yeah only person trying to fool people again is you keynes

and this article is saying the same as the others

"Himalayan Glaciers Retreating at Accelerated Rate in Some Regions but Not Others; Consequences for Water Supply Remain Unclear, Says New Report"

seems all the pieces of "journalism" that you have posted is doing a reasonable job of representing the "science" unlike yourself who's used it to create strawmen on lies and a smokescreen to hide the fact your talking out of your arse

and yet the indian government withdrew from the UN's climate panel, as did the russians, preferring to do their own research without the bias they found in the UN's panel. so yeah im just nutty.

perhaps the data is not as cut and dried as you prefer to believe, but thats apostasy. dont look at all the arctic weather stations, just the ones that show temperature increases, then "hide the decline"

thats not science that is dogma. you jump up and down shouting and squawking about the "experts" and their sheepskins, while ignoring the fact that they sniff for CO2 on the side of a volcano, the data sets the UN cited were far different than the data provided by the russians and the indians, while ignoring the possibility that a profit motive is behind the culling of data which did not support the theory, yet every person who dares look at ALL the data is pilloried as a "climate denier"

even one of the founding members of greenpeace has been labeled a tool of some mysterious planet raping industrial cabal.

but im just crazy, and shouting at clouds.

if "global" warming is occurring then it should be GLOBAL, not just on the eastern side of the himalayas, not just in the northern hemisphere, and not found primarily on the side of an active volcano.

i have nothing but disdain for you and the mindless drivel you regurgitate.
kynes is an idiot who saves his stuff to copy and paste wherever he can.

i mean, he is so dumb that he exalts the john birch society, and their theory that fluoride is a communist plot to overtake america.

thats not even clever editing bucky.

but the whole post doesnt suit your narrative, so cut it and paste it combining phrases and clauses, then bitch about punctuation and spelling.
im not trying to score points with my 10th grade english teacher, and i decline to use spell check deliberately. that means it's by choice.
if i drop an apostrophe now and again, i dont consider that a serious problem, nor early signs of brain tumors. i also spell colour with a U, and potatoe with an E

call out the grammar police, im out of control!

and heres the whole post bucky cited, just for the edification of the readers.

lets all run away from the facts and truths exposed by the John Birch Society, and the wisdom of their founders and leaders. if we call them racist then we can burn them at the stake right? lets call them crazy too, then we can piss on the ashes! lets say they are conspiracy nuts, then we can put the piss soaked ashes into a lead lined urn and dispose of it with our spent nuclear fuel rods! Brilliant!

the John Birch Society has the desire to defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit, limp dicked liberals, and mindless drones of the leftist establishment. claiming the John Birch Society is made up of out of touch octogenarians with racist tendencies and a pathological fear of everything that they oppose is absolute crap. if the John Birch Society is wrong, then please explain:

the trilateral commission
the council on foreign relations
the bildeberger group
the federal reserve's creation on jekyll island in georgia
the 1968 "crime bill" that banned sawed off shotguns, machine guns and grenades in response to the assasinations of JF and RF Kennedy, and mlk
legislation against thought and opinion (hate crime laws) rather than deeds.
use of eminent domain to profit private interests
the new york times' "man in moskow" Walter Duranty selling stalin as the greatest leader since moses while he murdered half the nation.
chris "Tingles" mathews publicly admitting he gets thrill up hius leg every time he sees The Immaculate One
rachel maddow and ed schultz having "news and opinion" shows
"the young turks" who are even named after a genocidal marxist movement in the ottoman empire.

all in all the John Birch Society has more shit right than they have wrong, and they have a way better track record than the new york times for truth, and are much more accepting of diverse opinions than the leftist press or leftists in general.

slinging all this vitriol at the Koch family is unwarranted, and duplicitous when you realize it's coming from the same bunch who still applaud and revere henry kissinger and the rockerfellers

edit: and the shit used to fluoridate water is NOT a health potion. when not paced in the water supply it's used as the primary active ingredient in rat poison. rats, which are used as human stand-ins in laboratories due to their similar biology. but hey, they government uses the GOOD rat poison scraped from the flues of chemical fertilizer plants, not the bad shit that they scrape from the flues of chemical fertilizer plants...
and yet the indian government withdrew from the UN's climate panel, as did the russians, preferring to do their own research without the bias they found in the UN's panel. so yeah im just nutty.

perhaps the data is not as cut and dried as you prefer to believe, but thats apostasy. dont look at all the arctic weather stations, just the ones that show temperature increases, then "hide the decline"

thats not science that is dogma. you jump up and down shouting and squawking about the "experts" and their sheepskins, while ignoring the fact that they sniff for CO2 on the side of a volcano, the data sets the UN cited were far different than the data provided by the russians and the indians, while ignoring the possibility that a profit motive is behind the culling of data which did not support the theory, yet every person who dares look at ALL the data is pilloried as a "climate denier"

even one of the founding members of greenpeace has been labeled a tool of some mysterious planet raping industrial cabal.

but im just crazy, and shouting at clouds.

if "global" warming is occurring then it should be GLOBAL, not just on the eastern side of the himalayas, not just in the northern hemisphere, and not found primarily on the side of an active volcano.

i have nothing but disdain for you and the mindless drivel you regurgitate.

your funny you get shown to be lying thru your teeth by the very articles you post "and yet" you accuse me of regurgitating "drivel"

you can post all the "smoke and mirrors" you want but you still are clearly full of shit
your funny you get shown to be lying thru your teeth by the very articles you post "and yet" you accuse me of regurgitating "drivel"

you can post all the "smoke and mirrors" you want but you still are clearly full of shit

those articles all attempted to explain away areas of glaciers in the same mountains that are both getting bigger and shrinking at the same time while still pretending its caused by man made GLOBAL effects. so who is using smoke and mirrors?

nah, youre just blowing smoke. mirrors frighten you. like a cockatiel you fluff up your feathers strut and caw trying to intimidate the image you see in the shiny glass placed to close to your cage, never realizing your battling yourself.
those articles all attempted to explain away areas of glaciers in the same mountains that are both getting bigger and shrinking at the same time while still pretending its caused by man made GLOBAL effects. so who is using smoke and mirrors?

nah, youre just blowing smoke. mirrors frighten you. like a cockatiel you fluff up your feathers strut and caw trying to intimidate the image you see in the shiny glass placed to close to your cage, never realizing your battling yourself.
the same mountains?? hahaha your funny never looked at a world map?

from wiki

"the Himalayan range runs, west-northwest to east-southeast, in an arc 2,400 kilometres (1,500 mi) long. Its western anchor, Nanga Parbat, lies just south of the northernmost bend of Indus river, its eastern anchor, Namcha Barwa, just west of the great bend of the Tsangpo river. The range varies in width from 400 kilometres (250 mi) in the west to 150 kilometres (93 mi) in the east."

you claim that its the same area is the same as claiming as it was sunny in california then hurricane sandy didnt hit the east coast

keep it up keynes your attempt to deceive is very transparent
the same mountains?? hahaha your funny never looked at a world map?

from wiki

"the Himalayan range runs, west-northwest to east-southeast, in an arc 2,400 kilometres (1,500 mi) long. Its western anchor, Nanga Parbat, lies just south of the northernmost bend of Indus river, its eastern anchor, Namcha Barwa, just west of the great bend of the Tsangpo river. The range varies in width from 400 kilometres (250 mi) in the west to 150 kilometres (93 mi) in the east."

you claim that its the same area is the same as claiming as it was sunny in california then hurricane sandy didnt hit the east coast

keep it up keynes your attempt to deceive is very transparent

so which part of the range is outside the area of GLOBAL climate change and which part is within the GLOBAL climate change area?
so which part of the range is outside the area of GLOBAL climate change and which part is within the GLOBAL climate change area?

lol now your trying the stawman that AGW claims that temperature will raise equally all across the world

keep it up keynes

lets not look at how mountain ranges can effect weather locally (and how 1500miles isnt local)
thats not even clever editing bucky.

you are so right. i left out this part.

do you write speeches for sarah palin and cringe when she can't deliver them as well as you can with your decade or so of copy and pastes that you have composed?

the John Birch Society has the desire to defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit, limp dicked liberals, and mindless drones of the leftist establishment.

yeah, the REAL AMERICA! fuck yeah!

multicultural wasteland? not REAL AMERICA! fuck yeah!

limp dicked liberals? not REAL AMERICA! fuck yeah!

mindless, leftist drones? not REAL AMERICA! fuck yeah!

last politician i remember referring to the REAL AMERICA was sarah palin!

and yeah, she was roundly rejected, to borrow a phrase from my dog's namesake.

go home kynes, you are drunk on copy and paste, palinesque-wing bullshit. and you're out of your element. so shut the fuck up.
you are so right. i left out this part.

do you write speeches for sarah palin and cringe when she can't deliver them as well as you can with your decade or so of copy and pastes that you have composed?

yeah, the REAL AMERICA! fuck yeah!

multicultural wasteland? not REAL AMERICA! fuck yeah!

limp dicked liberals? not REAL AMERICA! fuck yeah!

mindless, leftist drones? not REAL AMERICA! fuck yeah!

last politician i remember referring to the REAL AMERICA was sarah palin!

and yeah, she was roundly rejected, to borrow a phrase from my dog's namesake.

go home kynes, you are drunk on copy and paste, palinesque-wing bullshit. and you're out of your element. so shut the fuck up.

i dont copy and paste, save when the reference is cited for exactitude.

you however sling ad hominems like they are the new hotness, not the tired and pathetic last resort of somebody with failed ideology.

the REAL AMERICA is the place where standing up for what you believe in is important even if your position is unpopular.
the Multicultural Wasteland grants all ideas equal footing if they agree with the accepted doctrines of the majority, and aany idea contrary to dogma is attacked with ad hominems, reductio ad absurdum and cries of racism.
limp dicked liberals will tout for anything if their previous positions arent selling, and change their core beliefs to suit the mood of the crowd.
mindless leftist drones parrot the talking points of their masters without thought or reservation, just as you do. your hatred for anyone with a contrary opinion is obvious to all, just like ginja's unabashed passion for global warming fearmongering.

trying to paint me with the broad brush of sarah palin and the birch society, despite my many positions which are contrary to their own is a weak attempt to discredit the speaker rather than debate his statements. i agree with palin and the birchers more than i do with you, but that doesnt make me their spokesman, nor their employee or servant. i dont get my marching orders from anybody.

sounding awful bitter tonight buck. your guy won the election, why so butthurt?
i dont copy and paste, save when the reference is cited for exactitude.

you however sling ad hominems like they are the new hotness, not the tired and pathetic last resort of somebody with failed ideology.

the REAL AMERICA is the place where standing up for what you believe in is important even if your position is unpopular.
the Multicultural Wasteland grants all ideas equal footing if they agree with the accepted doctrines of the majority, and aany idea contrary to dogma is attacked with ad hominems, reductio ad absurdum and cries of racism.
limp dicked liberals will tout for anything if their previous positions arent selling, and change their core beliefs to suit the mood of the crowd.
mindless leftist drones parrot the talking points of their masters without thought or reservation, just as you do. your hatred for anyone with a contrary opinion is obvious to all, just like ginja's unabashed passion for global warming fearmongering.

trying to paint me with the broad brush of sarah palin and the birch society, despite my many positions which are contrary to their own is a weak attempt to discredit the speaker rather than debate his statements. i agree with palin and the birchers more than i do with you, but that doesnt make me their spokesman, nor their employee or servant. i dont get my marching orders from anybody.

sounding awful bitter tonight buck. your guy won the election, why so butthurt?

nice little back hander you stuck in there..

whats up can't address me directly? that is of course without lying thru your teeth or setting up strawmen?
lol now your trying the stawman that AGW claims that temperature will raise equally all across the world

keep it up keynes

lets not look at how mountain ranges can effect weather locally (and how 1500miles isnt local)

nope. no strawman here.

we are headed into a new ice age in the 80's, then BAM now its GLOBAL WARMING, then theres a cold spell and POW "climate change" is born. doesnt sound like science to me.
CO2 measurements done on an active volcano and this data is treated like holy writ
99 arctic weather stations in canada became 12 stations in the UN's report, for no reason other than their desire to "hide the decline"
russian weatherstations report X, the UN report says they reported Y, russains said Fuck You and left the fold. they must be climate deniers too.
glaciers monitored by the indian government GREW by their measurements, the UN said the indian measurements showed shrinkage. india said Fuck You and left the fold.
the founder of greenpeace saw the agenda being sold for profit and fearmongering and said Fuck You and left the fold.
Silent Spring was PROVED to be made up from whole cloth, but you dont want to hear that.
the "Garbage Crisis" was created by one lazy bureaucrat who made up the numbers for his report, and the econauts have been repeating his lie as truth for 20 years.
10 unsuccessful attempts to get funding for a study on ground squirrels in britain, then the biologist added "Global Warming" to his proposal's title and got twice what he asked for. no lesson there for researchers in need of grants. nope.

the econauts have a long history of making shit up, twisting data to suit their agenda and lying through their teeth to terrify the ignorant populace. some people dont buy it. but WE are the crazy ones.

IF global warming is real, and IF it is caused by human action, there should be GLOBAL results, for GLOBAL climate change, not localized weather, not effects that can easily be attributed to natural forces, the glacial cycles, solar maximums, or other explicable causes, the claims of the climate chicken little posse sounds too much like magical thinking and fearmongering, with a healthy dose of profiteering to be believable.
nope. no strawman here.

we are headed into a new ice age in the 80's, then BAM now its GLOBAL WARMING, then theres a cold spell and POW "climate change" is born. doesnt sound like science to me.
no your right its bad "science journalism"
the science itself holds true
CO2 measurements done on an active volcano and this data is treated like holy writ
holy fuck and your the first person to realise this...?

yeah i think it might have been taken into account before you ever stumbled on it

but feel free to write to them to inform them of their mistakes
***snipped smoke and mirrors rant***

IF global warming is real, and IF it is caused by human action, there should be GLOBAL results, for GLOBAL climate change, not localized weather, not effects that can easily be attributed to natural forces, the glacial cycles, solar maximums, or other explicable causes, the claims of the climate chicken little posse sounds too much like magical thinking and fearmongering, with a healthy dose of profiteering to be believable.

and here is the part where you show you do not understand climate change and where you apply your self constructed strawman to a theory that never claims it
nice little back hander you stuck in there..

whats up can't address me directly? that is of course without lying thru your teeth or setting up strawmen?

look closer.

contrary to buck's fevered hypothesis i do not have a massive database of copy and paste text to slap together to prepare my posts. i actually write what i believe, and believe what i write. in those events where i am wrong i can accept it and integrate new knowledge, however on the issue of global warming you cant PROVE shit, you have only opinions to throw around. new ice age/global warming/climatechange/whatever is hot next week is too malleable to be fact and too fuzzy to be science. it is opinion, much of it based on biased data and cherrypicking of resources.

basically im calling bullshit.
look closer.

contrary to buck's fevered hypothesis i do not have a massive database of copy and paste text to slap together to prepare my posts. i actually write what i believe, and believe what i write. in those events where i am wrong i can accept it and integrate new knowledge, however on the issue of global warming you cant PROVE shit, you have only opinions to throw around. new ice age/global warming/climatechange/whatever is hot next week is too malleable to be fact and too fuzzy to be science. it is opinion, much of it based on biased data and cherrypicking of resources.

basically im calling bullshit.

oh i know you "write what you believe" without checking its veracity and thats why so many of your posts are little more than a page of drivel

typing more is no substitute for researching the subject however clever your imagining you are
no your right its bad "science journalism"
the science itself holds true

holy fuck and your the first person to realise this...?

yeah i think it might have been taken into account before you ever stumbled on it

but feel free to write to them to inform them of their mistakes

and here is the part where you show you do not understand climate change and where you apply your self constructed strawman to a theory that never claims it

bad science journalism that got funding, grants and darpa financing to see if theres a way to stop the ice age? and then more funding and grants to stop global warming? and now the boogeyman of "climate change" which, like the long forgotten Mc DLT keeps some parts hot and other parts cold through the magic of styrofoam insulation? not very likely. every snowstorm is blamed on climate change, every drought, every summer shower and every time it hails in june in california... yes virginia, it hailed in the moiddle of june last year. it's happened in sacramento county 4 or 5 times since the 1800's. were the other hailstorms also global climate change?

if the CO2 output from muana loa must be factored out, why not put the CO2 detectors someplace else? like maybe in the rockies? in bermuda? in Gdansk? nope. the side of a volcano provides the data desired, with no information available on methodologies to eliminate geologic emissions anywhere i can see. you'd think that info would be readily apparent, to avoid the appearance of impropriety, but nope. if these methods to account for geologic emissions were available i cant find em.

and finally, you simply declare i dont know enough about the weather to know if my crops are getting frozen or baed outside the expected range set forth in farmer's almanacs since the 1700's... heres a newsflash for ya, droughts happen, heatwaves DO occur and have long before global climate change became the new cash cow, floods also are recorded since LONG before the industrial revolution, and there are even instances of extended cold and warm periods in history which were NOT caused by industry, unless you count subsistence farming and hunter/gatherer societies and Green House Gas Polluters starting 10,000 years ago.

modern anthropology studies are the study of human migration due to climactic changes long before the first cities were built.

use the googles, read the latest reports on how the australian aborigines migrated from africa through india and into australia following the weather over narrwoed seas and land bridges caused by sea level drops from glaciation.

wow, 8000 years ago? must have been atlantean global warming.