Thinking about growing "DinaChem": anyone try this? Opinions welcome.

guys research all im saying is they arent working with my friend G aka chemdog... simple as that. its not possible mayb they scored some seeds and are selling them fine i can careless im simply stating they are NOT working with my friend chemdog the actual guy or anyone from the chem family like Joebrand or Pbud... the strains whatever can care less when i have the originals and release them... and ahve been for 4 years legit with chemdogs blessings.

you guys are all missing the point its not about the genetics its about the story created....

suit yourself its yalls money

research is all i say. read up on the chem strains and tell me this is legit.

I've already read of a few people having fat leaved indica phenos from HSO Blue Dream and Trainwreck. That shit is screaming fake at me. Not to mention their descriptions. If they are a sister company to dinafem, it doesn't look good.
So far nothing from Dinafem has impressed me, all freebies. 2 power kush, both suck, moby dick, sucked, critical +, sucked, cali hash, sucked, royal haze, sucked..... see a pattern. Then nothing they have is in regular form. I understand the use of feminized seed but they are the absolute ipidimy of a strain fucking itself. When a company does not offer any regualar bean I find it insulting. They don't want to help the community or improve the gene pool, they want your money!
Actually thinking back, C + may be worth a B - simply because it had a ok tropical flavor and was super easy to score a great yeild. But is not capable of producing anything I would grow twice.
Sorry i got to address this straight fn stupidity here..

news flash rezdog aka sour d ibl your talking about is not chemdog aka G my homie.. thats a fucking fact so spread your bs elsewhere.

yes i know what rezdog looks like as my good friend was a really good friend of his..
they are 2 different fn people man..

straight fn nonesense you posted...funny a lot of people yet if you knew the guy you could type in his name and see his fn mug shot yup def didnt happen huh or the people you heard are straight fn full of shit... so you were tryn to trash talk.. at least research it before you talk... you write at the end about people lie to much when it comes to business and money or just tryn to look like you are cool and in the know.. when u clearly are regurgitating proven wrong info...


I usually don't give a rats ass about the nonsense but I wanna say a few things

1.dinafem seeds are mediocre ..Idc who's gonna take it the wrong way but GREW out the cheese and ssh horrible ! Germ rates and all that shit is a mandatory they don't get bonus points for seeds germinating ..they points come from finished plants and the only plant in there stable that gets high reviews is blue hash and widow ..still that shit can't hold a candle to real genetics

2."chemdawg" that brought us chem is swerves friend ?? And he's busted ?? ..umm something's not right here ..the chemdawg that was busted was a guy who registered the name chemdawg for clothing purposes with his real name and address and is swerves supposed arch nemesis TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ..he has been missing ever since that bust went down and numerous people have confirmed this! Aka mr sour d IBl ..just google "chemdawg busted" and all the info is right there ..

3.If mr aka SD IBl himself is the infamous "chemdawg" the wool has been pulled over our eyes for sometime and either swerve was
a. Apart of this cover up and used the rivalry to sell more seeds or
b. doesn't kno the real chemdawg and is spewing horse shit right now ..

4. Lots of people saying that the real chem was not busted and it was the other guy mr SD IBl trying to capotilize off a name for a clothing company and used his real address like a bozo swerve is saying he's knos chem and he got busted are they one in the same ? Swerve do u not kno what ur arch nemesis looks like ??? How can u say chem was busted and people CONFIRMEDD it was mr SD IBl himself

People lie to much ! Especially when it's comes to bizzness and money ..I don't care about all your canna drama just make me some fire genetics and keep it moving ..I dot need the drama when I'm buying seeds ..all I want is fire genetics the end ...
Looks like somebody needs to google a little better. Because I'm with swerve on this one. Bitch ass rezdog got locked up with his unstable non breeding ass.
Sorry i got to address this straight fn stupidity here..

news flash rezdog aka sour d ibl your talking about is not chemdog aka G my homie.. thats a fucking fact so spread your bs elsewhere.

yes i know what rezdog looks like as my good friend was a really good friend of his..
they are 2 different fn people man..

straight fn nonesense you posted...funny a lot of people yet if you knew the guy you could type in his name and see his fn mug shot yup def didnt happen huh or the people you heard are straight fn full of shit... so you were tryn to trash talk.. at least research it before you talk... you write at the end about people lie to much when it comes to business and money or just tryn to look like you are cool and in the know.. when u clearly are regurgitating proven wrong info...


1.I didn't call u a liar to be "in the kno"that was a general statement to all breeders u guys lie ..if it don't apply let it fly ..

2.Till this day even if my story isn't fully correct rezdog and chemdawg ..which he registered "chemdog" went missing at the same time ..both busted supposedly your man G is the fat dude with the glasses ..I gave him WAY more credit than he deserved after staying low for all those yrs to get busted after registering his "chemdog" name is f-Ed up ..I do kno 90% of all drug cases involves a snitch sooo maybe it wasn't his fault but still stupid to register that name ..I would think that's something REz would have done

4."G" was only 38 most people though the would have been older ..if my math is correct he was about 16 when he grew this first seeds correct ?

I didn't just make this shit up in my head ..u have websites listing "G" as the owner of reservoir seeds ..I admit I shouldn't har said shit without never having met these people in person but I will edit my post to reflect this

And btw REZ he was a turd with an attitude problem and I always found his gear overpriced

and what's with all the F-bombs ????? I CAPITALIZED any key points ..
sorry i had a grumpy morning. and i actually thought i removed all the f bombs.. nothing like waking up with tension in ur chest and an od heart beat. to throw ya off..

and yes your right about the snitch part and in turn not only rez and chem went down but so did dg and head. and mayb others u think it was all related dam fn right ...but we dont know the truth nor will ever.

i listed the other companies with the legit sk va.
Swerve its cool man i dont know chemdog or anything about him what i know about the Dinachem is what i read on Dinafems site & like the cat said it sure sounds like they are sayin they worked w chemdog...thats all.

I dont personaly know the people from DF(i know his name & handle) i know Pato from Kannabia.

I would have never bought DF seeds i got freebies that turned out better than the high dollar shit i bought...DNA OG Kush Cateract K & Grape God or 3 that come to mind...Pyramids Osiris really blew the DNA strains away and i had 5 each DNA 1 Osiris freebie.

Thats just my experience others may be different but i dont call any strains mids that test 18-21% T

I do know this Dinafem is working in Northern California with some real old breeders with some killer shit and its a fact.

EDIT:And by the way Swerve good job on working thru the probs Cali Con has some killer shit....i would like to try the LA Affie.When i got it as clone only they didnt call it LA Affie just Affie.
sorry i had a grumpy morning. and i actually thought i removed all the f bombs.. nothing like waking up with tension in ur chest and an od heart beat. to throw ya off..

and yes your right about the snitch part and in turn not only rez and chem went down but so did dg and head. and mayb others u think it was all related dam fn right ...but we dont know the truth nor will ever.

i listed the other companies with the legit sk va.

And I apologize for coming at you with out all the facts in order ..u have a shit load of elite cuts anybody with that many ogs has to be a cool cat ..*salute* till the day we meet if we ever meet

fwiw-ya seeds have nothing to do with this ..even if I didn't like the president of Nike ..I'll still buy the sneakers as long as I like em lol ..same with seeds
keep in mind am i in no way saying dont buy these seeds all im saying is the story is rough to swallow eh.

enjoy the day guys.. well night actually. its late as shit here in the dam.
Damn yall deleted shit.

Swerve i thought u & me was motha fuckin again...i guess it was somebody else LOL.

I was finally gonna buy some Cali Con w the promo but the affie is sold out.

Swerve you ought to give me a buy 1 Tahoe get Affie free just for all the motha fuckin we been thru together LOL
sorry i had a grumpy morning. and i actually thought i removed all the f bombs.. nothing like waking up with tension in ur chest and an od heart beat. to throw ya off..

and yes your right about the snitch part and in turn not only rez and chem went down but so did dg and head. and mayb others u think it was all related dam fn right ...but we dont know the truth nor will ever.

i listed the other companies with the legit sk va.

You need to see a doctor if you're feeling that. Discomfort in the chest is a cardinal sign of heart trouble, amigo. Good luck and I'm serious - see a doctor! You have more work to do and need more time. Good time, too. Not bedridden shitting yourself.
bean pm me

I cant pm here Swerve i got a spankin by potroast long time ago no pm n for the kid LOL I'll have to hit u up somewhere else or at ur place.

Check it out Swerve i just picked up the new Weed World full page this is what it says

"Dinachem is the result of work between Dinafem and ChemDawg.The breeder Chemdawg sent us a batch of GuavaChem seeds,a ChemDawg descendant that the breeder backcrossed and stabilized for years.We have crossed the GuavaChem seeds with an original ChemDawg clone to create Dinachem.

A plant with a unique flavor.It taste like lemon with gasoline,it's also very potent,and for a long time it has been among the top 10 bestsellers in the USA

This is our first collaboration with one of the best American breeders and we hope you will like DinaChem's unique flavour as much as we do"

Now what is a reader to believe?

Forum talk? Weed World? Dinafem?
Look this is exactly what happened to me...only i wasted way more money on DNA/RP Kushes and even more on Next Generation GrapeGod 10 fems $200 shipped.

This cat is giving a review on DF Original Amnesia he got as freebie....................................

"Got this strain as a freebie and its probably been the best of the bunch, go figure right, lol. Bought RP's #18 Kush for 60.00 beans and got 2 freebies which were Blue Venom from G13 Labs and OA from Dinafem which became the 2 best strains in my garden at the time!! Its still a big part of the garden even today so thanks Dinafem for such a wonderful strain which is , I believe grossly underated!!"

Only i bought OG K & Cateract K + Grapegod and got Blue Widow and Osiris freebies and they blew the 1s i bought away easy just like the other guys did...i had a pak of DNA Skywalker Kush & gave them all away captsticky grew 1 on here.

The only thing the DNA/RP kushes did was smell up to the street..the smoke was about 1/2 as strong as Osiris..same w the Blue Widow & Grapegod.
like i said does anyone find it odd they work with a chemdawg clone.. not chemdawg d, chem 4, chem 3, double dawg, chem91 any of the legit chem family.. there is a legit family of the chems.. like i always say if its not labeled correctly its not real... how can a guy who was arrested a year plus ago be working with a spannish company of all things and not his friends ie JJ-NYC or ME whom he has worked with and made money from already.... just not possible guys. sorry its a regurgitated clone called chemdawg... the guy goes by the monicre chemdog not spelled chemdawg....research the flaws. before u turn to be the one doing the test grows