Bizarre News: the strange and different.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
One time I was in a commercial building and from the other end of the building I could see this thing move across the carpeting. I walked over and lo and behold it was, I believe, a Wolf spider. I grab an ashtray (yes, this was back in the olden days when people smoked at work) one of those big ashtrays that could hold a whole pack worth of cig butts. From the safety offered by a desk top I very carefully dropped that ashtray over it.

No shit, it's completely filled the inside of that ashtray. It was big enough that all legs touched the edge of the ashtray at one time.

Then we had a coin flip on who was going to pick up the ashtray so someone with a vacuum cleaner could suck it up. In the end... we left it under the ashtray with a note that said, Pick this ashtray up at the risk of your own life.

I know that the spider spent at least 1 whole day under that ashtray before someone had the courage to do something about it.


New Member
That's definitely a strange story. Icon or not he didn't violate any laws. Stupid people are stupid.

I say "good job" he got it by hand,perfectly legal,if not honorable in some circles.
My neighbor is a fisherman and they get octo's once in awhile.They are quite tasty


Ursus marijanus

Teens arrested after admitting to digging up corpse. Three Texas teens have been arrested after police say one told them that they had dug up a skull and fashioned it into a bong to smoke pot.

By: WKRG Staff | WKRG
Published: May 09, 2008
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HOUSTON (AP) - Three Texas teens have been arrested after police
say one told them that they had dug up a skull and fashioned it
into a bong to smoke pot.
Houston Police were interviewing one of the teens about a stolen
debit card when he allegedly blurted out the story.
Authorities say the teens dug up Willie Simms' grave in what is
most likely a 19th century veterans grave yard, broke off the skull
and smoked marijuana from it.
Police were led to the grave site where they found a knocked
over headstone and a water-filled hole more than four-feet deep.
Two of the teens, who are each 17, are charged with misdemeanor
abuse of a corpse. A third, who is 16, is in the juvenile justice

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
[h=1]Missouri couple sues doctors for separating baby’s head during grisly botched birth, and trying to cover it up: reports[/h] [h=2]Arteisha Betts and Travis Ammonette claim in lawsuit that their OB-GYN refused to perform a planned C-section and then detached baby's spine while trying to yank him from the birth canal.[/h] Comments (233) [h=3]By Philip Caulfield / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS[/h] [h=5]Friday, October 12, 2012, 9:26 AM[/h]









[h=4]Facebook[/h] [h=4] Arteisha Betts and Travis Ammonette, of Florissant, Mo., claimed their son, Kaden Travis Ammonette, died during birth after the delivering doctor separated his head from his neck.

A Missouri obstetrician separated a baby's head from his body during delivery and then shoved the newborn back into the mother and performed an emergency C-section to cover up the ghastly blunder, a couple claims in a lawsuit.
Arteisha Betts and Travis Ammonette, of Florissant, filed a 10-count complaint in St. Louis County Circuit Court last month claiming doctors wrongly pushed them to have a vaginal delivery, decapitated their son and then tried to cover it up, according to local Patch and Courthouse News Service.
The details of the couple's claim are horrifying.
During a February 2011 appointment, the couple claimed, Dr. Susan Moore told them their baby boy would have to be delivered by caesarian because his abdomen was too large for a normal birth, according the CNS report.
Betts went into labor on March 22, just 28 weeks into what is normally a 40-week pregnancy.
The delivering doctor at St. John's Mercy Medical Center, Dr. Gilbert Webb, refused to perform a C-section and "would only agree to deliver her baby by way of attempted trial of vaginal delivery," the complaint said, according to Patch.
[h=4]Facebook[/h] [h=4]'Our sons (sic) handprints,' Betts wrote in a post on her Facebook page.[/h]
Webb refused to allow them to go to a different hospital, and "Betts consented to a trial of vaginal delivery under duress and protest," the complaint said.
During the birth, the boy's head breached, but the rest of his body got stuck in the birth canal, the complaint said.
In an attempt to pull the boy loose, Webb applied traction to his head and "separated (the boy's) head from his cervical spine," the complaint said.
Blood "shot out" from the newborn's neck in full view of his parents, the complaint said.
[h=4]Google[/h] [h=4]Mercy Hospital in St. Louis, where Betts was brought to give birth in March 2011. The hosptial was not named in the couple's complaint.[/h]
Webb then "pushed" the boy's head and body back into the birth canal and scrambled to perform a C-section, slicing into Betts before anesthesia kicked in, the complaint said.
During the procedure, Webb "surgically and completely removed" the boy's head from his body, the complaint said.
The doctor then tried to cover up the boy's wounds before handing him over to his parents — though the complaint doesn't say how he did this.
The suit, filed in late September, names Webb and Moore, along with Midwest Maternal & Fetal Medicine Services and Signature Medical Group as defendants.
The couple accused the group of wrongful death and negligence and is seeking unspecified damages.
The hospital was not named in the suit.
None of the defendants have commented on the case.


Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Newser) – Trying to complete a task or goal but feel your self-control slipping away? Trying gargling a little lemonade, provided it's made with real sugar, a new study suggests. Researchers at the University of Georgia found that students who did so performed better on tests that measure self-control, like identifying the color of a printed word that spells out a different color, reports Medical News Today. That doesn't translate into chugging Mountain Dew to stay focused, it means letting a little sugar touch your tongue. "It seems that glucose stimulates the simple carbohydrate sensors on the tongue," says a researcher. "This, in turn, signals the motivational centers of the brain where our self-related goals are represented. These signals tell your body to pay attention.” What about big, long-term goals like quitting smoking? "A swish of lemonade may not be the total cure, but it certainly could help you in the short run."

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Remember the 267 pound Florida State Trooper Daniel Cole who tazed an unarmed, handcuffed, 97 pound girl & left her braindead last year? Well he's at it again.

After being found justified(?!) of that one, he returned to duty after a nice PAID 2 week vacation.

Well, a few weeks back, he decided to patrol a graveyard by himself. (Don't Highway Patrols patrol Highways?) Anyway, let's assume he had a reason to be there.

The OWNER of the cemetery was working in his shed, minding his own business as usual. So Trooper Cole hears music coming from the shed, pulls out his AR15 RIFLE & knocked on the shed door. When the owner, perfectly legally opened it with his handgun by his side, Trooper Cole FIRED 15 ROUNDS AT HIM, amazingly only hitting the poor old guy once in the leg.

The old guy is screaming "Help me, don't shoot, I'm the owner".

Turns out, he's doing nothing wrong, but Trooper Cole "feared for his life".(?!!)

So, YET AGAIN, after a PAID 2 week vacation, yep, he is found justified & is back on duty.

Wait, that's not all!!!!! Besides the braindead girl & the innocent old graveyard worker, a few years ago, he SHOT an unarmed Church minister in the hand FOR NO REASON after asking him for his driver's license. You guessed it, he was re-instated after being found justified (?!!!) after being given a PAID 2 week vacation.


Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Remember the 267 pound Florida State Trooper Daniel Cole who tazed an unarmed, handcuffed, 97 pound girl & left her braindead last year? Well he's at it again.

After being found justified(?!) of that one, he returned to duty after a nice PAID 2 week vacation.

Well, a few weeks back, he decided to patrol a graveyard by himself. (Don't Highway Patrols patrol Highways?) Anyway, let's assume he had a reason to be there.

The OWNER of the cemetery was working in his shed, minding his own business as usual. So Trooper Cole hears music coming from the shed, pulls out his AR15 RIFLE & knocked on the shed door. When the owner, perfectly legally opened it with his handgun by his side, Trooper Cole FIRED 15 ROUNDS AT HIM, amazingly only hitting the poor old guy once in the leg.

The old guy is screaming "Help me, don't shoot, I'm the owner".

Turns out, he's doing nothing wrong, but Trooper Cole "feared for his life".(?!!)

So, YET AGAIN, after a PAID 2 week vacation, yep, he is found justified & is back on duty.

Wait, that's not all!!!!! Besides the braindead girl & the innocent old graveyard worker, a few years ago, he SHOT an unarmed Church minister in the hand FOR NO REASON after asking him for his driver's license. You guessed it, he was re-instated after being found justified (?!!!) after being given a PAID 2 week vacation.

Now that I'm down here I'm going to make it my business to work against this kind of law enforcement.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
um . . . work agianst . . . . . .. thats seems a little low key in light of his personal crusade to kill as many Floridians as possible . . . i think WW the master tinkerer can do better

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
um . . . work agianst . . . . . .. thats seems a little low key in light of his personal crusade to kill as many Floridians as possible . . . i think WW the master tinkerer can do better
You have to work from within to get things done. I know the crappy newspaper down here (the News-Press) wants articles from the citizenry I'm up for that and much, much more.


Ursus marijanus
You have to work from within to get things done. I know the crappy newspaper down here (the News-Press) wants articles from the citizenry I'm up for that and much, much more.
Not only that, but working from within, and succeeding, is so much more satisfactory. There's nothing like using the same system a predator used to justify his excesses ... to stomp the predator. It has a savage elegance that appeals to me. cn

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
You have to work from within to get things done. I know the crappy newspaper down here (the News-Press) wants articles from the citizenry I'm up for that and much, much more.
A friend's daughter is a legislative assistant to a FLA congressman. Don't know if he was re-elected but it is a great place to start.

She works for a U.S. Congressman. Won't help much.