put the weed in after rolling?

:leaf: I fail at rolling joints and I have one solution but I don't think it would work. Would rolling an empty joint, twisting the end then putting the weed and roach/filter in afterwards work or would it be a bad idea? :leaf:
:leaf: I fail at rolling joints and I have one solution but I don't think it would work. Would rolling an empty joint, twisting the end then putting the weed and roach/filter in afterwards work or would it be a bad idea? :leaf:

Trying that method would be an exercise in futility.
Learn to roll or stick to a bowl.
just buy a joint roller. they cheap as hell and idiot proof
would my method work though?
Anything will work if you spend enough time on it.
It sounds more difficult than rolling to me. If you can't find a roller then use a dollar bill. That is what we did when we were kids.
Just sit there with some herb and a pack of papers and roll it up, break it open, roll it up, break it open... You'll get it. Rolling an empty paper then packing sounds like a difficult method.

Rep for rolling joints at all... no one rolls fucking joints anymore... what's that all about?
I roll 50/50 american spirit/herb all the time... my weed is too potent, i like to smoke on something for a minute.

I like the vape too though. It's clean.
Anything will work if you spend enough time on it.
It sounds more difficult than rolling to me. If you can't find a roller then use a dollar bill. That is what we did when we were kids.
Just sit there with some herb and a pack of papers and roll it up, break it open, roll it up, break it open... You'll get it. Rolling an empty paper then packing sounds like a difficult method.

Rep for rolling joints at all... no one rolls fucking joints anymore... what's that all about?
I roll 50/50 american spirit/herb all the time... my weed is too potent, i like to smoke on something for a minute.

I like the vape too though. It's clean.

Or buy a swisher and a pack of rolling papers and just practice rolling up the tobacco until you get the technique down and feel lconfident enough to roll up a joint ....

It's really not that hard to do , just tuck it and roll that sumabitch up lol
To be honest this is very similar to what I did when I was young. The way I did it was to get a piece of computer paper and roll it so it makes a cone shape. It looked like a giant joint made from pc paper but the trick is to have one end be about the width of a joint. Once you have the paper in the right shape you can tape it so it holds. Then you just take a rolling paper, wrap it around the end that is shaped like a joint, lick it, seal it, slide it off and you have a joint that is shaped like one of those 3 pack paper cones you can buy from head shops. Stuff and enjoy.
Or buy a swisher and a pack of rolling papers and just practice rolling up the tobacco until you get the technique down and feel lconfident enough to roll up a joint ....

It's really not that hard to do , just tuck it and roll that sumabitch up lol

And then lick it - she can't forget that part !
If u wnt to do it try what a friend does wrap the paper around a sharpi or pen loosely and then u have ur shape slide it off and slowly start packing ground up material not chunky and lightly pack it down until full ,,,but with all that wasted time I suggest u find a video on YouTube on how to roll and learn u will be glad u did or ask some one u know to teach u
I have a friend who does kind of what your describing. He uses a pen and rolls the paper around it, seals it, then slides it off the pen and packs it with herb. Really you should just practice rolling. I'm sure you can find a tutorial vid on the youtube, sometimes it helps to just watch someone else roll. You'll get it eventually.
If you can roll an empty joint, why can't you just roll it with weed in it?

No, it won't work. Just go buy a roller like was already posted. Keep practicing. Eventually you will be able to do it. I hand roll like 5+ joints a day. It becomes second nature after awhile, I could probably do it blind and in my sleep.
no one rolls joints, really? im buying packs weekly still. anyhow LEARN TO ROLL. you will pick it up quickly.. but for now you can seal your paper around the end of a marker, pencil, depends on what size youre rolling. then pack that fucker.
Just practice. You need to be able to do it by hand with nothing more than a nug and a paper. You will look like a total tool if you attempt to roll in any of these ways in front of someone.


no one rolls joints, really? im buying packs weekly still. anyhow LEARN TO ROLL. you will pick it up quickly.. but for now you can seal your paper around the end of a marker, pencil, depends on what size youre rolling. then pack that fucker.

I roll joints. I buy my papers by the case. Last one was 12,000 sheets I believe.
I had to practice a lot. And what works for me is not the normal way of rolling for most people. I put weed in the paper, fold it and roll it up and down so its distributed evenly. Then with it half folded, I like the glue, put it down on a flat surface and press down and roll, working my fingers from the middle to the ends.
OMFG all this technical shit? Taping paper cones? Joint rolling contraptions, what the actual fuck?

If you want the drugs in you that bad, learn to roll properly, cheesecakes! x


And no I'm not perfect either.. I just recently adjusted how I twist them to avoid sideburns..

You can buy ore-rolled cones, but they are stupid... I would perhaps use one if rolling a monster half ounce joint or something for the novelty and didn't fancy sticking a bunch of or rips together.
:leaf: I fail at rolling joints and I have one solution but I don't think it would work. Would rolling an empty joint, twisting the end then putting the weed and roach/filter in afterwards work or would it be a bad idea? :leaf:

here is what I do.. (or I use a pipe) but there is something about a J

I take a piece of paper roll it into the cone size joint I want.. tape that in position then grab a rolling paper warp around the other piece leaving about a pencil eraser size end then I cut a filter out.. got too tired of typing it here is someone else doing it (just referring to the filter part) make one "model cone" outta something like card stock then warp the paper around it..

I will also push the weed in slowly with a chopstick or something about that thickness just take small parts of weed at a time so it gets packed good

pm me if ya need more info

I cant hold my hands still much so I know what your going thru..
