just rescued a tiny spider

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
i was just getting ready to have a bath and i saw a little tiny no bigger than 5mm spider in my bath, so i got him outta there, i felt goood =] imagine yourself in the spiders place for a minuite, surrounded by a huge slippery white vertice impossible to get out of bath tub, and something that you have no idea what it is or what it is capable of doing to you and lifting you out of the bath tub to safety.

life is important no matter how big or small it may be. :peace: :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I save spiders, too. All except black widows and barking spiders. The barking spiders are the most dangerous of all.


Well-Known Member
I use to keep one in a jar and feed it crickets. If you never seem a blackwidow catching pray. U have to catch one. she would bite inbetween the crickets joints to poison it.


Well-Known Member
Yuck i hate spiders most of all venomous ones. we have common spiders in the house but they don't bother me cause they aren't crawling everywhere but black widows and brown recluses get squished if i see one;) if your lucky enough to live through a black widows bite you have two choices take the anti venom which can only be given once in a persons life or try to suffer through the agony and hope you live. and of course people do die from the bite. and i've heard its a high chance that a person can die from a reaction to the anti venom. as far as brown recluses i haven't heard of a cure just treatment and then you could still lose body parts. so you all enjoy your spiders;)


Well-Known Member
Good man, I too respect all forms of life... even the cockroaches in my garage get a free trip to the outside (only to come back in probably) so that they may find food and live freely! Long live the tiny creatures, they can't speak for themselves, we must speak for them! Hehe... damn I love my little friends. Also, black widow's are awesome... I'd much rather be friends with them, than enemies! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
HEY!!!!! black widows are spiders too. :evil:

they catch the BIG moths.
I agree. However, just as I can no longer handle venomous snakes by hand and risk being bitten, I cannot risk being bitten by these spiders. I was bitten by a green Mojave rattlesnake back in '01 and had to be dosed up pretty nicely with CroFab (antivenom). Antivenins can be more problematic than the actual venom, so I was informed that if I am ever envenomated I will not receive any antivenoms. So, snake tongs and don't mess with certain spiders. Black widows can be a little aggressive (I've seen them jump a full 3', almost straight up), so I don't risk it. Fortunately, I've never seen a single widow where we live, although we have LOTS of hobos.


Well-Known Member
um wtf are you f**king people talking about in here... If I see a spider its getting stepped on squished or shot! Yes I would shoot a spider if it was bigger than a quarter.


Well-Known Member
um wtf are you f**king people talking about in here... If I see a spider its getting stepped on squished or shot! Yes I would shoot a spider if it was bigger than a quarter.
One day a giant will step on you, and I shall laugh... then scavenge your body parts for bone knives! :mrgreen: All hail caveman!!!


Well-Known Member
I say bring on the giant SocataSmoker cause if its poisonous i'll kill it and won't think twice about it. if that means one day some giants gonna flatten me;) well we all gotta die one way or the other:) i've been bitten by non poisonous spiders a couple of times and i shutter to think about the dangerous variety.


Well-Known Member
I like daddy long legs and those little(or big) black hairy ones that jump and shit. However, if I see a Black Widow, she's getting the boot or the raid. Sometimes I let them choose. lol


Well-Known Member
i like the wolf spiders,. those are the hairy bastards in NJ

they jump and shit and are tough mother fuckers, i wont kill them....

but i wont share a bed with them either :)


Well-Known Member
I used to kill every spider I saw, but I don't now. As long as they leave me alone, I'll leave them alone. If I get a bite -- all bets are off and they meet the sole of my shoe.
I keep the spiders around because they deal with the centipedes, and CENTIPEDES MUST DIE.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Spiders kinda creep me out, but I tend to only kill black widows and the spiders I find in my bedroom.

All others find there way to my backyardd.

Except tics, ewwww they are everywhere, and I fucking hate those motherfuckers.
