Water temp - 55-65 ideal?


Well-Known Member
Simple question, looked in the newb 101 asked questions but couldn't find an answer. What range do I want?


Well-Known Member
While I think 55 is just a tad cool, there are those here that have had no issues with it. I shoot for 65-67 on my veg reservior. As long as you stay lower than 70, I do not think it will cause your plants any harm.

The cooler temps ( 68 and below) do seem to have a more positive effect on the plants than the warmer temps do.

Peace and Good Grows



Well-Known Member
Yeah, until my new radiator, cooler wasn't really possible :)

30 year old Westinghouse boiler radiator, original fan. Built like tank, from an era where quality mattered and steel was apparently free. Radiator + 1/3 hp pump + 40 degree weather makes 9k worth of lights seem irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, until my new radiator, cooler wasn't really possible :)

30 year old Westinghouse boiler radiator, original fan. Built like tank, from an era where quality mattered and steel was apparently free. Radiator + 1/3 hp pump + 40 degree weather makes 9k worth of lights seem irrelevant.
Just wanted to let you know, you need to be very careful as to the type of metals you put into your reservior. No Copper, Brass and deffinently no Bronze, as these metals will react with the nutes and more than likely kill your crop. Stainless steel is about the only thing I would recommend going into your reservior.

Peace and Good Grows M8



Well-Known Member
Are you sure no copper? Seems weird, esp. since copper is already added to nutes and used for water lines.

Guess I'll find out, since even though I *think* the radiator is stainless, I know the fittings to it are copper (only a couple feet, resoldered it and hooked it to threaded 3/4" PVC b/c is 20x cheaper)


Well-Known Member
I am new to hydro and my res has been sitting at 72 since I started 2.5 weeks ago. Plants seem to be doing good though. Is 72 to high? Are there other issues to worry about besides plant health with temps as high as low 70's?


Well-Known Member
Are you sure no copper? Seems weird, esp. since copper is already added to nutes and used for water lines.

Guess I'll find out, since even though I *think* the radiator is stainless, I know the fittings to it are copper (only a couple feet, resoldered it and hooked it to threaded 3/4" PVC b/c is 20x cheaper)
THe ph at which hydrponics need, can and will leach excessive copper into the system and will have detrimental effects on your crop at a minimum, at worst they will die. The copper that is in the nutes, is nothing compared to what will leach out of the lines over time. Hope that helps M8




Well-Known Member
I think temp range is an important issue for DO and pathogens. Lower temps are desirable in regards to both. That being said, I run in the mid 70's with no issues. If I see pathogens, I bust out the bleach and my system naturally oxygenates the water.


Well-Known Member
I run Aero with a chiller and see best results between 68-72 degrees. It depends on strain. Some can tolerate slightly colder. Over 75 degrees and shit will hit the fan. Under 64 degrees and plant growth will START to stunt...in my experience. Unless you have insect problems in the root zone, which I did, keep it around 69-70 degrees. Cold water helps to battle fungus gnats!!