Supchaka's Growing Weed! Style and Wattage May Vary!

People thought I was joking when I said I wash my plants like a vegetable eh!
No the only thing I can really attribute to it was running a perpetual system, the tent never got a chance to empty and I think over time you're bound to have issues. Im thinking now that my hermie issues arent actually nute related and may be from light leaks in my tent. Im going to look into that more tomorrow! Nothing like an excuse to get a new tent, may as well make it a 4x4 next time too!

Whenever my tent is empty Ill go in there and zip her up on a sunny brught day.
Look for leaks.
I use hockey tape on the outside to seal it up.
Whiteflies, a gnat or two and although I use organic pesticides I like to give them a chance to rinse off too. I also think it helps slow the drying process initially. The plant will actually absorb some of that water and be like a kind of foliar flush. I'm speaking purely out of my ass though and have no proof to back any of that up. So yeah, it's for dust and bugs :)
Whiteflies, a gnat or two and although I use organic pesticides I like to give them a chance to rinse off too. I also think it helps slow the drying process initially. The plant will actually absorb some of that water and be like a kind of foliar flush. I'm speaking purely out of my ass though and have no proof to back any of that up. So yeah, it's for dust and bugs :)

colder weather has a lanky Lavender drying really slow in my garage without any water added. It is basically curing on the vine I guess. It has been around 2 weeks i think.
I'm pretty sure I got the light leaks all handled. Funny cuz I did this once before and got lazy and starting opening things up more with the coup de grace being the led I put in the opposite corner of the closet to veg with. The led was wide open and side shining on the tent. I had read some shit that led were only effective like straight on which is apparently not true!

With the cold temps right now even with an additional vent closed my temp was still only 70 in the tent today. I picked up a speed controller and dropped the 435cfm in about half and got my temp to float around 80. Some day I want to get one of those fans with a thermostat built in but they're bucks. There's just always one more thing to buy!

Im pretty psyched now about all these non intended crosses I'm going to have from the hermies and there's no reason they shouldn't be stable. It's like breeding genius accidentally! Eventually ill say I did it on purpose :) you're all witness to the truth though! The final details were the train wreck hermied and pollinated mk ultra, nlxbb, fruity chronic, og18. Then a little while later the nlxbb Hermed and pollinated a Chaka and my mama dude clone. But wait there's more! The mk ultra Hermed too, and possibly hit the Chaka and mama dude as well. I got my other 2 fem strains for a total of 8 mixes. I got 100's of seeds and had actually thought about just mixing them all up so I never know what I'm getting, sounds fun to me!

2 Chakas on the left, most likely pollinated by NLxBB or MK Ultra.

Hasnt even been a week and I'm already trying to test crack new seeds. You know if they pop I can't kill them either!
The seeds have been in the paper towels for 3 days now and under normal circumstances should already be ready to put in the ground but they just came out of the plants a week ago and you need to dry them first, but alas one has cracked! I'm calling it E9 which is short for engine #9... Because its train wreck and half OG18, get it!? I'll share my other strain names when those ones pop!
E9 which is short for engine #9... Because its train wreck and half OG18, Quite clever you are - Awesome name. And I am in LOVE with that CHAKA plant. It is hella fat and I love the way the new growth comes out. Everything looks beautiful