A moment of silence for another fallen brother!

Yesterday, at a reasonably sociable time of 10am, the finest of British law enforcement came knocking.

Farewell to the four plants I had nurtured from their early cutting-hood up till 2 weeks shy of a crop.

I am off to the police station for a formal slap on the wrist. The copper in charge was a reasonable chap and said I would be looking at a caution.

The good news is that I know it was, for 100% sure, it was my neighbour who grassed - because the dumb ass told me, believe it or not. Now what dish is best served cold?????

Take care out there all you growers.


meechz 024

Active Member
Make yourself a laxative cocktail.

go to your backyard, plop your bare ass over their fence, light a joint.......and just let it all shoot out into their garden.

Next morning wake up and complain to them about the smell.

You may think I am making a little joke with this post, but I'm dead serious. fuck rats.


Ursus marijanus
Yesterday, at a reasonably sociable time of 10am, the finest of British law enforcement came knocking.

Farewell to the four plants I had nurtured from their early cutting-hood up till 2 weeks shy of a crop.

I am off to the police station for a formal slap on the wrist. The copper in charge was a reasonable chap and said I would be looking at a caution.

The good news is that I know it was, for 100% sure, it was my neighbour who grassed - because the dumb ass told me, believe it or not. Now what dish is best served cold?????

Take care out there all you growers.

uhmmm ... ice cream? cn

Ouch, I don't know how I could contain myself from cooking up something exceptional for that arse wipe.
We had a lovely Practical Joke thread not so long ago. I might want to bump it and find out what was chosen as supreme.

My vote is a pint of milk in the AC/climate control intake of his car. cn


Well-Known Member
Get a super soaker( big toy water cannon) fill it up with roundup and kill the chaps entire yard, front and back. Then, get transmission fluid and give his car a bath in it or, be like me and throw his ass a royal beatin' then make his old lady leave his ass. Only good rat is a dead rat.




Well-Known Member
Damn thats fucked up man.Remember what use to happen to snitches back in the day,what ever happen to that?


Active Member
Put snakes in a sack under the drivers seat of the car... As it is driving down the road and realizes what is in the car with it...


Ursus marijanus
Not a lot of snakes in old Blighty. Imagine an entire bagful of roaches though ... (the insects) (or maybe the other kind, lol) cn


Well-Known Member
a nice sack of shrimp shells and such in his heater vents will be sure to have him running from the room. But you were correct from the start - best served cold.

meechz 024

Active Member
I've actually re-thought this through and I got it.

If he has a pool (tell me he does)......Take a laxative, and after midnight when all is silent, put ass plopped right over pools edge and color the water brown with joy.


Well-Known Member
Go to your local hunting supply store an get some female skunk scent..Pour it all over the interior of his auto. He will not ever ride in it again


Ursus marijanus
I've actually re-thought this through and I got it. If he has a pool (tell me he does)......Take a laxative, and after midnight when all is silent, put ass plopped right over pools edge and color the water brown with joy.
Drive him to the airport. Buy him a coffee. The coffee has the laxative. Grin like a demon on the drive back. cn


Well-Known Member
freeze can of expanding insulation foam(great stuff). cut bottom of can off with sawzall or can opener. toss in his car, or between screen door and front door. :leaf: