A moment of silence for another fallen brother!

I think you deserve everything thats coming to you when you get a fellow neighbor in trouble over a few fuckin plants,like their making bombs in their basement or some shit,so fucking pro D.A.R.E "just say no" and all that bullshit.
You need to find some slide stains and think of ingenious ways to administer it..... a spray bottle with warm water and a little methylene blue or crystal violet.
Get a super soaker( big toy water cannon) fill it up with roundup and kill the chaps entire yard, front and back. Then, get transmission fluid and give his car a bath in it or, be like me and throw his ass a royal beatin' then make his old lady leave his ass. Only good rat is a dead rat.


I like the round up idea. I might spell a message with it. Something about how small his dick is, then 2 weeks later kill the rest.
The best one I've heard of was done on a car chaulking all doors, trunk, and hood, then supergluing the locks.
There was a Top Gear episode in which Jeremy and Richard superglued a techno CD into James' player and set an especially unrelaxing track on auto-repeat, and volume and balance pegged on Liquefy. cn
The smell managed to escape the grow tent I had, it also avoided the huge air filter in there, it then made its way into the house's air vents and into next door.

Then the fat slag next door came round and actually told me she was calling the law.

Thanks for all the cool suggestions, 'someone who isn't me' might give some of these ideas a go.

Take care out there and keep the revolution alive.

I am always amazed at how people react like this when a neighbor acts in essence as a good citizen and reports a crime to the police. You broke the law and got caught, grow the fuck up, it is utterly pathetic.
There was a Top Gear episode in which Jeremy and Richard superglued a techno CD into James' player and set an especially unrelaxing track on auto-repeat, and volume and balance pegged on Liquefy. cn
God that would have sent me out of my mind. After that hit on the head I might be out of mymind. :lol:
I am always amazed at how people react like this when a neighbor acts in essence as a good citizen and reports a crime to the police. You broke the law and got caught, grow the fuck up, it is utterly pathetic.

That is exactly the reason I like Libertarians. My rights stop where yours begins. Nothing he was doing would be of consequence for her. Except for the escaped odor which is easily fixed.

Instead of coming over as a friendly neighbor she called the cops. Not very friendly. Now she has a neighbor that has a case of the ass for her. Maybe we'll have a new Hatfield and McCoy's going here. If it was me I would make her life a living hell. My husband says I'm good at that.
The neighbor has no way of knowing what the grow is for, if it is personal, or if it get's sold via gangs or whatnot. To her the plant is illegal for a reason, and a such she reported it for a reason. Governments do a very good job of putting bad images in peoples heads with regard to things like cannabis. So far as the neighbor was concerned, she was doing a good thing and acting in a correct manner and helping society. It might surprise you but there are a lot of people who do not consider cannabis a harmless drug without any negative repercussions be it in terms of the health concerns, or the links to gangs, violence or whathave you. If she beleives it to be a harmful drug, then she had every reason to think that it would be good to report the grow and as such stop it getting into the hands of say her children, or relatives or such.

In short she may have had reasons which to her were perfectly valid, which you have no idea of or appreciation of, and as such you are recommending to fuck with this womans life. You do not sou/nd like nice people. I think i'd rather have her as my neighbor than you lot..
I dont understand why people wont just accept weed, its legal in several US states and Amsterdam, anybody ever seen crack legalized? Meth? Heroin? HELL NO, so that should say something to these ignorant pricks
I dont understand why people wont just accept weed, its legal in several US states and Amsterdam, anybody ever seen crack legalized? Meth? Heroin? HELL NO, so that should say something to these ignorant pricks

Cannabis is not legal under your federal law, nor is it legal in Amsterdam. In the US, it is legal under state law if prescribed by your doctor (although that loks to be changing with regard to the two states that are passing it for legalization), and funnily enough "heroin" is also legal if prescribed by your doctor.
I thought she was just suspicious you were growing and snitched up. I didn't know the smell leaked to their house like that...When their house is being effected, in my mind it's reasonable for the neighbor to call police.
God that would have sent me out of my mind. After that hit on the head I might be out of mymind. :lol:

I gotta tell you, the funniest part was James struggling to keep his cool for the cameras. I would have gone critical. I doff my chapeau in his direction; he was a better man that day than I would have managed.
And I adore his literal tangents about the oddest things.
The show also involved the trio handling "young people campsite cleanup", handling some impressive alternative smoking gear, and making wacky ignorant guesses (wink wink) as to what it might be.

I recommend it as something to watch while baked to a crunch. cn
I had a manager piss me off. So I went fishing caught a big nasty sucker maybe it was a carp. put it under the seat of his car. After a few days I heard him bitching about a smell in his car. It took him more then a week to find the cause of the smell. Ever try to get a bad smell out from under a car seat.
Sorry Tip Top, but my reasoning for liking his post and saying what I did is this: The lady could have easily come over and, in a nice, neighborly way, had a discussion about it. If she was truly afraid of what this 'drug' and it's element may bring down upon her, then why would she actually tell the person she is turning in that she is turning him in? I have had neighbors come and talk to me about the smell. No problem, I handle it. No need for piggy po pos. Yes, we are all breaking the law here. But I see nothing wrong with a little return of evil given back to where it was dashed out from in the first place. Really people, be nice to your neighbors, they might be nice back.

The smell managed to escape the grow tent I had, it also avoided the huge air filter in there, it then made its way into the house's air vents and into next door.

Then the fat slag next door came round and actually told me she was calling the law.

Thanks for all the cool suggestions, 'someone who isn't me' might give some of these ideas a go.

Take care out there and keep the revolution alive.

Whatever happened to an eye for an eye? She got you arrested for drugs so do the same to her, find some coke or meth or whatever and hide it in her car/house/garden and then simply call the police on her and see if she likes it, after all you are only a concerned citizen doing what they think is right eh?