gotta love you americans

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i have to admire the American people for fighting, firstly for medical marijuana and now for the decriminalization (in some states i know ) of marijuana :clap:
im from the UK and although i think many people agree that weed should be legal , nothing seems to get anywhere , the government even sack there own advisers and scientists if they dare to say anything positive about weed or about legalizing it.They downgrade the classification of weed then shit themselves and reclassify it lol
i just hope it all goes well in America and peoples greed dosent mess it up , then i think maybe in a few years time the uk gov might start rethinking its own strategy on cannabis .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
the rest of the world need america to get this right , otherwise it will be turned into a tool NOT to legalize weed for other countries , there goverments will say 'look what happend in america when they tried it '
really hope you guys pull this off .

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
They've already done it wrong so far as i'm concerned. The system started off with honourable intentions but look at how many kiddies get their "script" for either a non-illness or simply by lying about an issue in order to get their recommendation it has become a joke. I myself am damned glad we haven't done as they have done. I want to see it legal or decriminalized, not made into a medical system where it will just become utterly abused and turned into a game of high profits and greedy growers and caregivers.


Well-Known Member
They've already done it wrong so far as i'm concerned. The system started off with honourable intentions but look at how many kiddies get their "script" for either a non-illness or simply by lying about an issue in order to get their recommendation it has become a joke. I myself am damned glad we haven't done as they have done. I want to see it legal or decriminalized, not made into a medical system where it will just become utterly abused and turned into a game of high profits and greedy growers and caregivers.
Can you really blame the Dr's for wanting to pay off their collage loans?? Just another reason for free education.


Well-Known Member
They've already done it wrong so far as i'm concerned. The system started off with honourable intentions but look at how many kiddies get their "script" for either a non-illness or simply by lying about an issue in order to get their recommendation it has become a joke. I myself am damned glad we haven't done as they have done. I want to see it legal or decriminalized, not made into a medical system where it will just become utterly abused and turned into a game of high profits and greedy growers and caregivers.
CO and WA.. look into it bud.. they are tryin
I'm from Washington and as a medical patient im nervous about this 1-502. the laws that come with this measure are gonna put a lot of recreational pot smokers between a rock and a hard place, with police officials able to charge you fora d.u.i only having .5 nano grams in your system, among a long list of other shit I hope we can set a good example!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
They've already done it wrong so far as i'm concerned. The system started off with honourable intentions but look at how many kiddies get their "script" for either a non-illness or simply by lying about an issue in order to get their recommendation it has become a joke. I myself am damned glad we haven't done as they have done. I want to see it legal or decriminalized, not made into a medical system where it will just become utterly abused and turned into a game of high profits and greedy growers and caregivers.

I don't understand your argument. People have taken advantage of the system but what harm was actually done? Let's look at the real picture here. I'm in a state where the restrictions are so harsh we're running out of cannabis for people desperately in need of it. We have a 99 plant limit and a cap on producers. Meanwhile more an more people are being added to the program. It's placing a huge strain on the producers. The answer isn't more restrictions. We have plenty of restrictions. All it's doing is forcing people to find it on the streets. Guess who wins then? The cartels. Seriously though? What harm was actually done with California's laid back attitude about marijuana? Nobody was killed. No riots happened. There wasn't a government take over. No raping and pillaging. What did happen was a boost to California's economy. A run on snack food. People with smiles on their faces. People getting laid more often and random bouts of giggling. I'm stymied by all the fingers pointing at California and saying, "See what happens!!" Well, what exactly happened?


Well-Known Member
Any step towards legalizing marijuana is a step foward imo

Idk if you tax it or not as long as people aren't being put in jail over a plant

meechz 024

Active Member
I don't understand your argument. People have taken advantage of the system but what harm was actually done? Let's look at the real picture here. I'm in a state where the restrictions are so harsh we're running out of cannabis for people desperately in need of it. We have a 99 plant limit and a cap on producers. Meanwhile more an more people are being added to the program. It's placing a huge strain on the producers. The answer isn't more restrictions. We have plenty of restrictions. All it's doing is forcing people to find it on the streets. Guess who wins then? The cartels. Seriously though? What harm was actually done with California's laid back attitude about marijuana? Nobody was killed. No riots happened. There wasn't a government take over. No raping and pillaging. What did happen was a boost to California's economy. A run on snack food. People with smiles on their faces. People getting laid more often and random bouts of giggling. I'm stymied by all the fingers pointing at California and saying, "See what happens!!" Well, what exactly happened?
They opened up too many shops, too soon without setting a standard....and that resulted in people with bad background checks opening their own shops and using their street connections to supply the weed.

They allowed actual gangsters to rent shop in the hood and supply weed under the guise of MMJ. Don't believe it? Weedmaps Inglewood, CA

Both of these negatives is exactly what the DEA wanted to justify their raids, and they raided the professional honest facilities too.

There wasn't a government takeover, but poster above is right it was done the wrong way. Too many rushed, unregulated, and for profit facilities is what made it an easy job for the DEA.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
They opened up too many shops, too soon without setting a standard....and that resulted in people with bad background checks opening their own shops and using their street connections to supply the weed.

They allowed actual gangsters to rent shop in the hood and supply weed under the guise of MMJ. Don't believe it? Weedmaps Inglewood, CA

Both of these negatives is exactly what the DEA wanted to justify their raids, and they raided the professional honest facilities too.

There wasn't a government takeover, but poster above is right it was done the wrong way. Too many rushed, unregulated, and for profit facilities is what made it an easy job for the DEA.
Tip Top was talking about the scrips. That's the point I was addressing. The supply side was a little dodgy and that should have been amended immediately. But once again, any riots? rampant pillaging? Societal break-down? Mass murders? That's all I'm saying.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I am not against making it more available per say, but not udner the guise of "medical marijuana"

A heck of a lot of folk outside of the US do not like what you have done because you have discredited the notion of medical marijauna, we do not see anything medical about your system on the whole, just a legal loophole to go get stoned. I used cannabis for a very good medical reason, but these days if i tell someone why i use it, i just get laughed at and have the US example thrown in my face. People do not respect my use of cannabis as a valid medical aid, they simply tell me it's just an excuse to get stoned. No, i get stoned when i want to get stoned, i use it medically when i need to use it medically, to everyone else it's all just the same thing. If you are going to allow it's use under medical reasons, then it should be used for medical reasons. Instead it was just utterly abused. It discredits those of us who actually use it for a valid medical reason and causes people not to respect our use of it but rather just lump us in with the catagory of lazy stoner sterotypes and such.

While the direction that the two states are going with regard to legalization is better, i in no way want that either. I will not be arrested if i buy 2 bottles of vodka from the shop instead of 1, so why should i be arrested if i were to have two ounces of weed. To me it sohuld either be legal, or not legal, with nothing mroe than age restrictions and restrictions with regard to driving, your work, in pubic etc that say alcohol has.

My reasoning is nothing to do with rioting or murders, i never mentioned that. It is simply to do with being disrespected regardless of a genuine use because of the level of misuse. America has harmed how people perceive medical marijuana, not improved it. They no longer see it as a valid treatment or if they do, they do not see it as possible to implement it as a treatment on purely medical terms. That is simply my opinion though.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
From what it sounds like it's a rather popular opinion. I had no idea. We just look at California and shrug. They've always been laid back and it's pretty much what we expect from them. The rest of the nation's medical cannabis programs are chugging right along without all the fuss.

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
Well you obviously don't understand how society has to get "eased" into something that was considered terrible for so long and slandered. It's not as simple as BAM!!! now it's legal after nearly a century. People have to adapt to change. That's where medical marijuana comes in. It helps sick people and helps the rest of the population realize it's not the terrible thing they thought it was. So what if people use it just to get high too.

I am not against making it more available per say, but not udner the guise of "medical marijuana"

A heck of a lot of folk outside of the US do not like what you have done because you have discredited the notion of medical marijauna, we do not see anything medical about your system on the whole, just a legal loophole to go get stoned. I used cannabis for a very good medical reason, but these days if i tell someone why i use it, i just get laughed at and have the US example thrown in my face. People do not respect my use of cannabis as a valid medical aid, they simply tell me it's just an excuse to get stoned. No, i get stoned when i want to get stoned, i use it medically when i need to use it medically, to everyone else it's all just the same thing. If you are going to allow it's use under medical reasons, then it should be used for medical reasons. Instead it was just utterly abused. It discredits those of us who actually use it for a valid medical reason and causes people not to respect our use of it but rather just lump us in with the catagory of lazy stoner sterotypes and such.

While the direction that the two states are going with regard to legalization is better, i in no way want that either. I will not be arrested if i buy 2 bottles of vodka from the shop instead of 1, so why should i be arrested if i were to have two ounces of weed. To me it sohuld either be legal, or not legal, with nothing mroe than age restrictions and restrictions with regard to driving, your work, in pubic etc that say alcohol has.

My reasoning is nothing to do with rioting or murders, i never mentioned that. It is simply to do with being disrespected regardless of a genuine use because of the level of misuse. America has harmed how people perceive medical marijuana, not improved it. That is simply my opinion though.


Active Member
i have to admire the American people for fighting, firstly for medical marijuana and now for the decriminalization (in some states i know ) of marijuana :clap:
im from the UK and although i think many people agree that weed should be legal , nothing seems to get anywhere , the government even sack there own advisers and scientists if they dare to say anything positive about weed or about legalizing it.They downgrade the classification of weed then shit themselves and reclassify it lol
i just hope it all goes well in America and peoples greed dosent mess it up , then i think maybe in a few years time the uk gov might start rethinking its own strategy on cannabis .

Yeah its gonna take some time but eventually it will be legal worldwide, we just had to get the ball rolling. With Washington and Colorado now completely legalizing it, the ball is now rolling. When we get it legal in at least 25+ states the rest of the world will start to follow.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy it's becoming "more legal", hopefully it will continue to bring prices down while raising quality.

It's always been legal in my house though. You ain't even gotta be 21.


Active Member
They opened up too many shops, too soon without setting a standard....and that resulted in people with bad background checks opening their own shops and using their street connections to supply the weed.

They allowed actual gangsters to rent shop in the hood and supply weed under the guise of MMJ. Don't believe it? Weedmaps Inglewood, CA

Both of these negatives is exactly what the DEA wanted to justify their raids, and they raided the professional honest facilities too.

There wasn't a government takeover, but poster above is right it was done the wrong way. Too many rushed, unregulated, and for profit facilities is what made it an easy job for the DEA.
And how many people with questionable backrounds open up bars? Grocery stores? Churches??

Have you been to those shops in Inglewood personally to verify this "gangster" claim or did you just see where they were and how they setup their page and start making assumptions? There's shady people all over and in all businesses.

The DEA will always find a way to fuck with people if they want to. Google Charlie Lynch.

The more people who come out in favor of responsible legislation, be it for medical or recreational, the better. Because then the government has to directly intervene in state politics to stop it, which setups up State v. Fed court cases. Stack enough of those up and combine them with a 2nd term democrat president who has the ability to shape the Supreme Court and things don't look so bleak. We can only hope I guess.

I want total legalization. 18 years old is old enough to vote and die, so why not let them drink and get high? Damn..

meechz 024

Active Member
And how many people with questionable backrounds open up bars? Grocery stores? Churches??

Have you been to those shops in Inglewood personally to verify this "gangster" claim or did you just see where they were and how they setup their page and start making assumptions? There's shady people all over and in all businesses.

The DEA will always finds a way to fuck with people if they want to. Google Charlie Lynch.

The more people who come out in favor of responsible legislation, be it for medical or recreational, the better. Because then the government has to directly intervene in state politics to stop it, which setups up State v. Fed court cases. Stack enough of those up and combine them with a 2nd term democrat president who has the ability to shape the Supreme Court and things don't look so bleak. We can only hope I guess.

I want total legalization. 18 years old is old enough to vote and die, so why not let them drink and get high? Damn..
No, but I read the reviews on Weedmaps and I found a review where someone mentioned that they had a gun flashed on them when they entered the shop......And that the shop owners were hoodlums.

The shop had a 1 star rating and others complaining, so it wasn't made up.

And the shop owners were replying with broken english gangsta talk. "Yeah I gotchu, hit up the shop"

Thats enough right there to confirm this shit happens.