I personally love giving them a choke (obviously not making them unable to breathe, if so only for a very short 1-2 second moment), pulling their hair, slapping their ass, things like that. I've never used any props except handcuffs once and it just wasn't for me, she really liked it, but I prefer to just hold their hands above their head and things like that, with my own body instead of actually using rope or handcuffs. That could change though if I warm up to it.
Most girls I've been with love it when I give them the choke or pull their hair, it's been less common where they don't like it, and after being with multiple girls in a row that like it, it's a hard habit to break. They would like to have their hair pulled discreetly in public in stores and such, and coming from that to a girl who doesn't like it I've said "oops lol, sorry forgot" multiple times

Currently single but I've been messing around and enjoying the company of a girl lately who I've dated in the past and LOVES the dom-submissive stuff, if I remember she may actually be the girl who first introduced me to it.
If you do find a girl who likes it, I've found in my personal experience if you do things like this well, it makes the sex infinitly better. It can go from plain jane sex, to where the girl is cumming multiple times and (one of my personal amazing achievements when it first happened) squirting. Really does make sex more fun and interesting. The same can be said though when you have romantic foreplay beforehand, which I also enjoy. The complete opposite end of the spectrum lol