Wal-Mart: The Asshole of America


Well-Known Member
With the raising coast of fuel have no worries wal-mart will not be able to maintain low prices for long. They ship a ton of shit from china thats a 12,000 mile supply line before anything has hit the shelfs. Then it has to go for the dock to their stores. Fuel prices will soon put walmart in check. Or atleast thats my feelings on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Bashing on walmart is stupid! You're probably one of those rednecks who Walmart put out of business. I shop at walmart for everything and its a great store with great prices. Don't get mad because walmart put your rinky dink store out of business. Walmart has EVERYTHING you can think of put into 1 store and that saves people time and money. I hate it when people do this shit....It's stupid! why bash walmart? because it put you out of business???? Too bad...

PS: American economy is already down the shitter and its going down like a hooker on nickel fridays. China is putting America out of business because American labor is too expensive. Why pay more, when you can get the same labor for much cheaper?


Well-Known Member
Bashing on walmart is stupid! You're probably one of those rednecks who Walmart put out of business. I shop at walmart for everything and its a great store with great prices. Don't get mad because walmart put your rinky dink store out of business. Walmart has EVERYTHING you can think of put into 1 store and that saves people time and money. I hate it when people do this shit....It's stupid! why bash walmart? because it put you out of business???? Too bad...

PS: American economy is already down the shitter and its going down like a hooker on nickel fridays. China is putting America out of business because American labor is too expensive. Why pay more, when you can get the same labor for much cheaper?
Your post makes sad for the amount of misinformation you have accumulated and the hate you are spewing. You might want to look into that, it isn't healthy.


Well-Known Member
i work at a machine shop and it's true what xsil3ntx is saying. everything is getting sent over to china i see it everyday. china seems to be better with mass production and price's then the US the only reason my shop is still open is because we deal with precise measurements and china just seems to fuck it up. but ya don't hate on wal-mart i go there on a weekly basis it's cheap i don't have to drive all around getting my shit wasting more GAS. i also think this tax stimulus is gonna end up fucking us more then helping in the end. i don't see how throwing money at a problem can solve it when money is the problem LOL


Well-Known Member
Why not buy from walmart? you can buy just about everything needed to grow at walmart and at good prices. maybe you can afford higher prices but i can't and even if i could i'd save a buck and shop there anyway. if walmart has bad business practices don't blame the customers blame the company.


Well-Known Member
Bashing on walmart is stupid! You're probably one of those rednecks who Walmart put out of business. I shop at walmart for everything and its a great store with great prices. Don't get mad because walmart put your rinky dink store out of business. Walmart has EVERYTHING you can think of put into 1 store and that saves people time and money. I hate it when people do this shit....It's stupid! why bash walmart? because it put you out of business???? Too bad...

PS: American economy is already down the shitter and its going down like a hooker on nickel fridays. China is putting America out of business because American labor is too expensive. Why pay more, when you can get the same labor for much cheaper?
You totally just based your whole argument on the fact that I'm a redneck whose store was run out of business. Seeing as this is not true, your whole argument goes to hell. And if anyone is the redneck here, then it would be you for your "guess-and-check" arguing skills. Your weak, and downright pitiful, ethics are disgusting to say the least.

But just so I don't sink to your level and make ridiculous claims with no support:

You say, why pay more when you get can the same labor for much cheaper? Well look at it this way, a company (Wal-Mart) spends money on foreign labor (often times it is illegal by American law as it is usually child labor, long hours, unsafe working conditions, etc.) the money we spent on that labor goes right back to the foreign country's economy, not ours. If you really like funding the Chinese economy so much, you may want to take a permanent vacation there.

Why not buy from walmart? you can buy just about everything needed to grow at walmart and at good prices. maybe you can afford higher prices but i can't and even if i could i'd save a buck and shop there anyway. if walmart has bad business practices don't blame the customers blame the company.

I wasn't blaming the consumer in this situation, I'm blaming the company by all means. It's a choice you make, and although I may not agree with it. It is your choice.

From Wal-Mart's Statement of Ethics:
When Sam Walton founded Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (“Wal-Mart”), he established the
“Three Basic Beliefs” to which we remain firmly committed:
◊ Respect for the Individual
(Note: Respect for the individual usually means respecting all genders)

◊ Service to our Customers
◊ Strive for Excellence
The Three Basic Beliefs go hand in hand with the integrity and ethical conduct that is the
foundation of our business.

As Wal-Mart Associates and Directors, we must:
• Follow the law at all times; (Note: See this $11 million settlement.)
• Be honest and fair;
• Never manipulate, misrepresent, abuse or conceal information; (Note: Here is what Wal-Mart has really done about their new 'Green' initiative.)
• Avoid conflicts of interest between work and personal affairs;
• Never discriminate against anyone; (Note: You would think that this would be especially important towards the customer, but here are not one but two cases of Wal-Mart employees not accepting checks from African-Americans.)
• Never act unethically - even if someone else instructs you to do so;
• Never ask someone to act unethically;
• Seek assistance if you have questions about this Statement of Ethics or if you face an ethical dilemma;
• Cooperate with any investigation of a possible ethics violation; and
• Report ethics violations or suspected violations.

I could go on and on finding disparities between their 'Code of Ethics' and their actions, but... well, here are a few more:
- Hiring illegal immigrants (1 - 2)
- Logging in Russian forests where endangered tigers live
- Illegal anti-union tactics
- And on...
- And on again...

Like I said, you all can make your own decision, but if you have any compassion towards your fellow human beings, because in the end we are all the same, you'll at least realize what Wal-Mart is doing. Even if you continue to shop there, at least recognize what is going on behind that big smiley face.


Well-Known Member
You totally just based your whole argument on the fact that I'm a redneck whose store was run out of business. Seeing as this is not true, your whole argument goes to hell. And if anyone is the redneck here, then it would be you for your "guess-and-check" arguing skills. Your weak, and downright pitiful, ethics are disgusting to say the least.

But just so I don't sink to your level and make ridiculous claims with no support:

You say, why pay more when you get can the same labor for much cheaper? Well look at it this way, a company (Wal-Mart) spends money on foreign labor (often times it is illegal by American law as it is usually child labor, long hours, unsafe working conditions, etc.) the money we spent on that labor goes right back to the foreign country's economy, not ours. If you really like funding the Chinese economy so much, you may want to take a permanent vacation there.

I wasn't blaming the consumer in this situation, I'm blaming the company by all means. It's a choice you make, and although I may not agree with it. It is your choice.

From Wal-Mart's Statement of Ethics:
When Sam Walton founded Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (“Wal-Mart”), he established the
“Three Basic Beliefs” to which we remain firmly committed:
◊ Respect for the Individual
(Note: Respect for the individual usually means respecting all genders)
◊ Service to our Customers
◊ Strive for Excellence
The Three Basic Beliefs go hand in hand with the integrity and ethical conduct that is the
foundation of our business.

As Wal-Mart Associates and Directors, we must:
• Follow the law at all times; (Note: See this $11 million settlement.)
• Be honest and fair;
• Never manipulate, misrepresent, abuse or conceal information; (Note: Here is what Wal-Mart has really done about their new 'Green' initiative.)
• Avoid conflicts of interest between work and personal affairs;
• Never discriminate against anyone; (Note: You would think that this would be especially important towards the customer, but here are not one but two cases of Wal-Mart employees not accepting checks from African-Americans.)
• Never act unethically - even if someone else instructs you to do so;
• Never ask someone to act unethically;
• Seek assistance if you have questions about this Statement of Ethics or if you face an ethical dilemma;
• Cooperate with any investigation of a possible ethics violation; and
• Report ethics violations or suspected violations.

I could go on and on finding disparities between their 'Code of Ethics' and their actions, but... well, here are a few more:
- Hiring illegal immigrants (1 - 2)
- Logging in Russian forests where endangered tigers live
- Illegal anti-union tactics
- And on...
- And on again...

Like I said, you all can make your own decision, but if you have any compassion towards your fellow human beings, because in the end we are all the same, you'll at least realize what Wal-Mart is doing. Even if you continue to shop there, at least recognize what is going on behind that big smiley face.
Haha weak arguement? My arguement is that you're wasting your time on bullshit things that serve no purpose. Bitch all you want, but you're not going to change a thing. You're an idiot for wasting your time by researching all this when it serves no purpose. Dude go fly a kite...seriously and go pull your head out your ass.

I'm about to go to walmart right now and go buy my chinese products. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Haha weak arguement? My arguement is that you're wasting your time on bullshit things that serve no purpose. Bitch all you want, but you're not going to change a thing. You're an idiot for wasting your time by researching all this when it serves no purpose. Dude go fly a kite...seriously and go pull your head out your ass.

I'm about to go to walmart right now and go buy my chinese products. Thanks!
He's just trying to tell people about the truth. That is never a waste of time in my opinion.

And as far as not being able to do anything about it, there have been several boycots in recent American history that has changed some of the practices of major corporations. If people got together and boycotted Walmart becuase of how they don't give back to communities, how they treat their employees, it could make a difference. I can't directly control what Walmart does, but I can control whether I give them my hard earned cash or not. In my opinion, it's an important part of being a global citizen.

You don't agree, that's fine with me. I'm open to other people's opinions. But why are you so hostile about it?


Well-Known Member
For every boycotter out there, there are hundreds of people who shop at walmart. The sisters who own walmart are one of the richest ladies in the world and are multi billionaires. Apparently, whatever they do works! I'm just tired of these conservative rednecks who complain for everything. Over half of these people are racist minutemen and are cowards to face reality. They complain for everything that is wrong in America, yet all they do about it is bitch and cry about it. Most of these people are the ones who were put out of business due to a Walmart super center opening up in their small town and now they are crying because Walmart made their shitty store obsolete with the better prices. I'm not saying that Walmart has TOP quality items, but they have decent stuff at affordable prices, which appeal to many people. These are the same people who boycott infront of the Home Depot's against Illegal Immigration.

Also, you also have to remember that people are NOT forced to work at Walmart and it's their choice to work for Walmart whether they take advantage of their employees or not, apparently they are working there for a reason. If they didn't like how Walmart runs or operates their stores, you can quit!

PS: No, I am in no way affiliated with Walmart, nor do I work for them.


Well-Known Member
For every boycotter out there, there are hundreds of people who shop at walmart. The sisters who own walmart are one of the richest ladies in the world and are multi billionaires. Apparently, whatever they do works! I'm just tired of these conservative rednecks who complain for everything. Over half of these people are racist minutemen and are cowards to face reality. They complain for everything that is wrong in America, yet all they do about it is bitch and cry about it. Most of these people are the ones who were put out of business due to a Walmart super center opening up in their small town and now they are crying because Walmart made their shitty store obsolete with the better prices. I'm not saying that Walmart has TOP quality items, but they have decent stuff at affordable prices, which appeal to many people. These are the same people who boycott infront of the Home Depot's against Illegal Immigration.

Also, you also have to remember that people are NOT forced to work at Walmart and it's their choice to work for Walmart whether they take advantage of their employees or not, apparently they are working there for a reason. If they didn't like how Walmart runs or operates their stores, you can quit!

PS: No, I am in no way affiliated with Walmart, nor do I work for them.
You are so uninformed. You have no idea what is going on and the situations that put people where they are.
Over consumption is the new cancer. And home depot and wal-mart are the carriers that infect the populous. Do some fucking research instead of talking out of your ass.


Well-Known Member
You are so uninformed. You have no idea what is going on and the situations that put people where they are.
Over consumption is the new cancer. And home depot and wal-mart are the carriers that infect the populous. Do some fucking research instead of talking out of your ass.
Walmart and Home Depot infect the populous???? How is walmart infecting people with said "cancer" by offering better prices and job opportunities????

Learn to write....

People have a choice where to work. If you don't like to work at a certain place, you can quit. No one is forcing you to work. It seems like you're the one talking out of your ass. Once again, I will take a shit in a walmart bag and smack you accross the head. 'nuff said.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you have to ask that question shows how detached from social/economic reality you are.

I know i won't win this argument with you. Your totally brain washed by the media and other collaborating corporations who manipulate your mind to better their agenda, pitting the middle class against each other.

Is ignorance really bliss?
Let me know.


Well-Known Member
Walmart and Home Depot infect the populous???? How is walmart infecting people with said "cancer" by offering better prices and job opportunities????

Learn to write....

People have a choice where to work. If you don't like to work at a certain place, you can quit. No one is forcing you to work. It seems like you're the one talking out of your ass. Once again, I will take a shit in a walmart bag and smack you accross the head. 'nuff said.
Guess what.....



Well-Known Member
The fact that you have to ask that question shows how detached from social/economic reality you are.

I know i won't win this argument with you. Your totally brain washed by the media and other collaborating corporations who manipulate your mind to better their agenda, pitting the middle class against each other.

Is ignorance really bliss?
Let me know.
By the media? LOL I am a person who is totally against the media and I don't believe shit from them. I base my opinions on what I know and have seen. Once again, you're talking out of your ass and please refer to the bottom picture as well.

Hey Wordz guess what...Suck a fat dick!



Well-Known Member
Look dude. I have gotten lost here. I keep forgetting, my fights not with you, its for you. Don't worry you keep living the illusion and i will work to free your mind.