Racism Alive and Well, Here In America!!

How sweet! They are sharing!......and all you have to do is visit my profile and you can by-pass the ignore feature...ya know- when U want to know how I'm posting and shit! Good day!

God gave adam the herb!

click on his moniker then click on view profile. It will take you to his profile page. To the left you will see the ignore feature. Click and enjoy.
He's a truely skilled gay-dude, he's able to self-butthurt, who want to miss the self-immolation?! ;)
Well, as someone who grew up in a predominately black neighborhood, in a predominately black city, in predominately black schools, and now work in predominately black neighborhoods, I can concur. Racism is alive and well. A lot of people just simply dont like white people. Ah well, I press on.

you poor, persecuted, white person.

it must be entirely too difficult to be a white male in america nowadays.

i will offer you my shoulder to cry on if you would like. i promise that as a fellow white male, i will understand your plight.

Where we use racism to fight racism, because racism is wrong.

we fight racism?

last time i checked, the republican party was stirring racial resentment as hard as they could to get conservative white males out to the polls. and it worked.
you poor, persecuted, white person.

it must be entirely too difficult to be a white male in america nowadays.

i will offer you my shoulder to cry on if you would like. i promise that as a fellow white male, i will understand your plight.

UB, Althor made an astute point imo. Racism cuts both (actually all) ways in America today, and I don't think one should be punished for saying so. There is a fundamental difference between observing racism against whites ... and lamenting the loss of racism favoring whites. I ask you to acknowledge that difference. cn
UB, Althor made an astute point imo. Racism cuts both (actually all) ways in America today, and I don't think one should be punished for saying so. There is a fundamental difference between observing racism against whites ... and lamenting the loss of racism favoring whites. I ask you to acknowledge that difference. cn

observing one direction at the exclusion of the other gets no free pass from me, sorry. especially when he gets to swim downstream, comparatively.
observing one direction at the exclusion of the other gets no free pass from me, sorry. especially when he gets to swim downstream, comparatively.

So, if I'm getting this right ... the times I (a white male) have been subject to racist hate are downgraded because my interlocutor swam upstream? Isn't that a definitive double standard?

I cannot speak for Althor, but I would never discuss one to the exclusion of the other ... in either direction. cn
UB, Althor made an astute point imo. Racism cuts both (actually all) ways in America today, and I don't think one should be punished for saying so. There is a fundamental difference between observing racism against whites ... and lamenting the loss of racism favoring whites. I ask you to acknowledge that difference. cn

Have you took the time to think why some blacks distrust white people. Has a lot to do with history and the fact this country has never healed. I for one don't go around helling RACIST RACIST...but I do know that shit still exists. Hell when Obama first got elected it showed just how much work we still have to do.
So, if I'm getting this right ... the times I (a white male) have been subject to racist hate are downgraded because my interlocutor swam upstream? Isn't that a definitive double standard?

I cannot speak for Althor, but I would never discuss one to the exclusion of the other ... in either direction. cn

i never said downgraded.
Have you took the time to think why some blacks distrust white people. Has a lot to do with history and the fact this country has never healed. I for one don't go around helling RACIST RACIST...but I do know that shit still exists. Hell when Obama first got elected it showed just how much work we still have to do.

The problem with that is that I am loath to consider people as collectives, period. I cannot speak for some (or any) blacks. However I invite you to inspect the phrase "don't trust white people". It collectivizes me, as I am a white person. But I contend I am more a "me" than a member of any easily-definible collective. Fwiw.

My votes in both of the most recent elections had zero to do with the races of the candidates. cn
Once again, get that stick out of your ass. You lost. Get over it.

I'm a little alarmed. I went to the Floating Sheep website and found an interactive map. There were two tweets from New Mexico. When you click on the markers the latitude and longitude pops up showing where the tweets originated. Using google maps and google earth I tracked them down. I was looking at their homes. That's scary.

That sort of scares me, too. The Floating Sheep only has their IP address, not their physical address. The homes you saw are just places near some switching station, totally unconnected to the tweets
The problem with that is that I am loath to consider people as collectives, period. I cannot speak for some (or any) blacks. However I invite you to inspect the phrase "don't trust white people". It collectivizes me, as I am a white person. But I contend I am more a "me" than a member of any easily-definible collective. Fwiw.

My votes in both of the most recent elections had zero to do with the races of the candidates. cn
again I say to you this country has a past that still hurts us today. Until you can walk in the next mans shoes it would be very difficult for you to speak on it.
again I say to you this country has a past that still hurts us today. Until you can walk in the next mans shoes it would be very difficult for you to speak on it.

Will you trust me when I say that i am very sensitive to that? Nonetheless I would like for there to be a way to have a dialog to heal those awful memories, and not propagate them into the next generations.
Imo removing the stigma/ostracism from discussing racism pluriculturally will only help. Perpetuating the belief that every instance of a white person observing racism by nonwhites is somehow "excused" by past excesses of not-my-generation ... does not help. My opinion.

I am trying very hard to differentiate here between an egalitarian acknowledgement of racism against whites when it happens ... and supremacist nostalgia masquerading as egalitarianism. They are distinct. I don't think it's fair to reflexively or routinely tar one with the brush of the other. As UB said, i don't give "loaded" white lament a pass. Conversely, I don't see either wisdom or beauty in giving racism from nonwhites a pass, either. Is there any way to have a dialogue without being mired in inflammatory connotations? cn
Will you trust me when I say that i am very sensitive to that? Nonetheless I would like for there to be a way to have a dialog to heal those awful memories, and not propagate them into the next generations.
Imo removing the stigma/ostracism from discussing racism pluriculturally will only help. Perpetuating the belief that every instance of a white person observing racism by nonwhites is somehow "excused" by past excesses of not-my-generation ... does not help. My opinion.

I am trying very hard to differentiate here between an egalitarian acknowledgement of racism against whites when it happens ... and supremacist nostalgia masquerading as egalitarianism. They are distinct. I don't think it's fair to reflexively or routinely tar one with the brush of the other. As UB said, i don't give "loaded" white lament a pass. Conversely, I don't see either wisdom or beauty in giving racism from nonwhites a pass, either. Is there any way to have a dialogue without being mired in inflammatory connotations? cn

I for one don't hate the whole for the few...but I do say this hate was started by one side and when someone hates you... I don't think you are going to like them. The black community was not the one hanging, raping and enslaving in this country. What do you expect when a certain group is treated unfairly. They are are going to start to distrust/hate the people who are doing it. This shit gets past to the next generation. Question...in your opinion who started racism in this country ???

note..I love all people but if we are to have this conversation I'm going to be honest. I realize not all white people are racist or bigots.
I for one don't hate the whole for the few...but I do say this hate was started by one side and when someone hates you... I don't think you are going to like them. The black community was not the one hanging, raping and enslaving in this country. What do you expect when a certain group is treated unfairly. They are are going to start to distrust/hate the people who are doing it. This shit gets past to the next generation. Question...in your opinion who started racism in this country ???

note..I love all people but if we are to have this conversation I'm going to be honest. I realize not all white people are racist or bigots.
I think idiots started racism in the US and its perpetuated by idiots.

Unfortunately there is no legal cure for stupid.