Couple of pics

uber noober

Hi all just wanted to show a couple of pics,

G13xHAZE @ 30 days flower stage

Was wondering how long the period was for flowering this strain?

Any tips welcome as im a bit of a noob. sorry for the big pics =/


wow.... thats nice. how did u get them so big ?? my pots that size. ok well i dont use nutes so should i ? wat did u do ?? please help me since u know wat u doing ;)

uber noober

wow.... thats nice. how did u get them so big ?? my pots that size. ok well i dont use nutes so should i ? wat did u do ?? please help me since u know wat u doing ;)
Keep reading the site is all ive done, take info from the ones that have the Tshirt

As for nutes i hardly used them with this strain as every time i tried to it seemed to have a nasty effect on a couple of them so i got a bit freaked and eased off
I use CannaPro Soil which seems to be very high in nutrients i think. i might be talking crap tho dude

But yeah. water, air and good light is all i can really say :]
