Stewart Rakes Huckabee Over The Coals

Jon Stewart took Huckabee to task for his If-you-vote-for-O'Bama-you're-going-to-Hell political Ad. It was brutal. Huckabee doubled down on his "from conception to the grave" stance. Stewart hammered away at him. You could tell they were both pissed off at the end of the interview. Wow.

Huck was dodging the truth.. Republicans are not going to change.

It was a religious commercial which doesn't reflect the true American Values.

Tempering is not about hot and cold it is about the interactivity of moderation between two extremes and how it effects metal.

So at what point will we have this hate group out of the House?
You're a real hate monger. You use propaganda without knowing true meaning. What Huckabee said was, "stand the test of fire." Which means not to fold under pressure to your core values. It has nothing to do with hell, chicken little.
You're a real hate monger. You use propaganda without knowing true meaning. What Huckabee said was, "stand the test of fire." Which means not to fold under pressure to your core values. It has nothing to do with hell, chicken little.

A hate monger? Coming from you that's quite the compliment. Thank you. And bullshit. I grew up up with Christian code language. He knew exactly how to word it and Stewart picked up on it. Recorded in eternity? Give me a break. The commercial was about women's reproductive rights and marriage equality and he was implying that voting to support them would have Heavenly repercussions. Huckabee's and the Gop's mistake was their hubris. They were so sure in their righteousness and about a Romney win the truth was finally bubbling to the surface. Like the La Brea Tar Pits. Now that it's all over everyone is backpedaling and using phrases like, "That's not what I meant!" Bullshit. It's exactly what you meant and now you're going to have to deal with the fallout.
You're a real hate monger. You use propaganda without knowing true meaning. What Huckabee said was, "stand the test of fire." Which means not to fold under pressure to your core values. It has nothing to do with hell, chicken little.

"Some issues are not negotiable" "..the right to live from conception to natural death" "Marriage should be reinforced, not redefined" "your vote will affect the future and be recorded in eternity"

I'm not sure how anyone would interpret that any other way than if you vote for a candidate that doesn't believe in these same values, you won't be forgiven for it after you die. He's using clever subtle undertones to imply it, it's obvious. If not, why throw the "and be recorded in eternity" in?
Where does Huckabee say you'll go to hell? It's just something you and the liberal hate media made up. I don't want codes, this isn't the Da Vinchi code.
I'm an atheist and I don't see anything he said which isn't true. Obama's "winning" will forever be recorded as folly just as all our other folly in human history. Life is sacred from conception until death, something your types doesn't agree with.
Where does Huckabee say you'll go to hell? It's just something you and the liberal hate media made up. I don't want codes, this isn't the Da Vinchi code.

God damn it! I AM NOT A LIBERAL YOU BRAIN DEAD SHIT FACTORY. How many fucking times do I have to say it? I'm a Republican whose party has gone batshit fucking crazy. I will vote Democrat until the GOP wakes the fuck up and realizes the Southern Strategy NO LONGER WORKS! Which, judging by the stupidity I'm seeing today, will not be anytime soon.

*Da Vinci
I'm an atheist and I don't see anything he said which isn't true. Obama's "winning" will forever be recorded as folly just as all our other folly in human history. Life is sacred from conception until death, something your types doesn't agree with.

Really? You're an atheist and your support that batshit crazy idea? Which mean a woman impregnated through rape MUST carry the child? A woman whose life is forfeit if she gives birth is shit out of luck? A child conceived through incest must be carried to term despite whatever genetic abnormalities may arise? Interesting.
You use all the liberal talking points. Shrug. Anyway, even if he did flat out say you'll go to hell, that's no concern of yours. That's his right. Just like its yours to stick your wee wee in another man's anus. But lying to get there is a shallow victory
I revere life and it makes no difference what others think, including myself. We need protections from the whims of the present culture. Again why I'm vegan. All animal life needs protection. An unborn child knows not the suffering where it came.
You're a real hate monger. You use propaganda without knowing true meaning. What Huckabee said was, "stand the test of fire." Which means not to fold under pressure to your core values. It has nothing to do with hell, chicken little.
sounds like what the south said before receding. some values are outright trivial and stupid, marraige equality? when christians most important issue on voting are what he put in that commercial, you really need some fucking help with your faith/belief system.
I revere life and it makes no difference what others think, including myself. We need protections from the whims of the present culture. Again why I'm vegan. All animal life needs protection. An unborn child knows not the suffering where it came.

Looks like it's time to ban chicken eggs.
I didnt realize Fox ressurected the new Black panthers

Now that explains the 100% obama vote in Philly echos I keep hearing from the Fright wing
Looks like it's time to ban chicken eggs.

As well as jacking off and scratching an itch, all live cells. No more killing houseflies or catching fish, no more donating blood..

What a retarded philosophy..

"all life is precious" is an impossible lifestyle to impose. There is nothing wrong with discriminating against life when it's in a scientific or medical context. But that doesn't sound as good as "Pro-Life!" and takes more than 10 seconds of thought to understand.
As well as jacking off and scratching an itch, all live cells. No more killing houseflies or catching fish, no more donating blood..

What a retarded philosophy..

"all life is precious" is an impossible lifestyle to impose. There is nothing wrong with discriminating against life when it's in a scientific or medical context. But that doesn't sound as good as "Pro-Life!" and takes more than 10 seconds of thought to understand.

4 weeks after fertilization looks like this

And your comparing that to skin and seamen. You are a really smart person..