Racism Alive and Well, Here In America!!

Red leader

Active Member
I miss the way the United States was in 1985.
ahh the good old days.
Its still okay to have an opinion in this country right?
People who want to move here should have to adapt.
Not the other way around. I prefer to be around people who
are the same race as me too. I don't hate others,
just never been robbed, or assaulted by my own kind.
If that makes ME a racist, oh well. I sleep fine.


Well-Known Member
I miss the way the United States was in 1985.
ahh the good old days.
Its still okay to have an opinion in this country right?
People who want to move here should have to adapt.
Not the other way around. I prefer to be around people who
are the same race as me too. I don't hate others,
just never been robbed, or assaulted by my own kind.
If that makes ME a racist, oh well. I sleep fine.
That's some racey racism racing along.

Red leader

Active Member
Gasp! Sorry. Didn't know this was an invitation only thread.
i noticed the Obama lovers jumped in quick.
oohh if I speak my mind and its not kissing
the asses of other races, and homosexuals,
jump on me. Wow. I'm new, and because I
posted a comment, Im a troll. Ok, thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Gasp! Sorry. Didn't know this was an invitation only thread.
i noticed the Obama lovers jumped in quick.
oohh if I speak my mind and its not kissing
the asses of other races, and homosexuals,
jump on me. Wow. I'm new, and because I
posted a comment, Im a troll. Ok, thanks guys.
Noone called you a troll, it's an entirely different subject.


Well-Known Member
Gasp! Sorry. Didn't know this was an invitation only thread.
i noticed the Obama lovers jumped in quick.
oohh if I speak my mind and its not kissing
the asses of other races, and homosexuals,
jump on me. Wow. I'm new, and because I
posted a comment, Im a troll. Ok, thanks guys.
When you speak your mind on a controversial issue, you should be ready for others with a dissenting opinion to speak theirs. It is when you victimize yourself or lash out that you then begin to discredit your stance.


Well-Known Member
so i was busy today and didn't have a chance to stop by, but it's interesting that people think that i am prison baby.rolli deletes my troll accounts quickly (Fin shaggy and definitelynotunclebuck). run your theories by him, he will be happy to inform you that i am not up to any trolling. just puking and cloning.
once again ... Proxy.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
so i was busy today and didn't have a chance to stop by, but it's interesting that people think that i am prison baby.

rolli deletes my troll accounts quickly (Fin shaggy and definitelynotunclebuck). run your theories by him, he will be happy to inform you that i am not up to any trolling. just puking and cloning.


Well-Known Member
W/e.I live the life.I'm a vegan.I don't even buy sugar unless I know it's not processed with bone.I only buy tooth paste and shampoo with animal cruelty free.My dog is an unaltered mutt who I bought from this Mexican boy in the park for $20, full of ticks.
Do you really come from the planet Vega? What's it like there? How did you get to Earth?


Well-Known Member
Wow....I hate NO WHITES. You have to be one of the stupidist people I have ever come across in my life. If a black man goes against his race he is called a race traitor or Uncle Tom. He is expected by his people to love his race, is he not? Why is that any different for white people? Just would really like to know your take on this is.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
It's one of the lesser known Mormon planets. I came here as a kid so I don't know. Ask Carne, he comes from the much lesser known Mormon planet Homo. Very few Mormons know that planet. He's like Krypton's Kal-El.