The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Morning doc, how are u? I put my big bang, ww and 2 blue angel up to flower last night. Also 1 Exo that I've been experimenting on. I super cropped her hard lollypopped her. I'll get pics up hopefully today if I get my computer back.


Well-Known Member
Oh right. Nah mate. The shop is 2min walk from my house, I hate not having my laptop. How was that stuff you had, what was it called?...the doctor. Any good?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
looking spot on them yorkie. think the back right one might just surprise you, looks a touch more developed than the other two in terms of bud, obv not colas. you top them all ? the small two look classic xmas tree shape.

The big one is the 'lemon' leaner, the back one the 'AK' and the front one the 'Livers'. I topped the big one in late veg and left the other 2 normal, they have had most of the fan leaves removed though. The big one has had all it's fan leaves removed and has been thinned out quite a lot, I need to give it another trim today becasue it just keeps wanting to branch from the bottom (Apical dominance on that one is very strong, perfect for scrog).

The fan leaves on the 'AK' leaner don't get much bigger than the regular leaves so it looks sparse and it's put a bit of a stretch on this last week so that's why it looks like it has more bud even though it actually has less bud mass than the other 2. It does have a slightly different shape to it's buds than the other 2 though, it seems to have something up it's sleeve but I'm not sure what yet.

The 'Livers' leaner has the most offensive smell, deep and musky fruit. The 'AK' leaner I think is going to have the resin production, even though it doesn't smell very much it makes my fingers stick together the most when I rub the stem.

They all have a slightly 'Lemon Haze' freshness to the smell but towards the back end, as you take a big hard sniff the first thing that you get are strong dark fruits with a haze undertone coming in after.

The 'Livers' is more like a deep plum and the 'Ak' a light cranberry. The big one is my favourite by far though, It is perfectly in between I was thinking yesterday about raspberry but it's a little too full bodied for raspberry all though very close.

It actually smells like a big bag of fresh, ripe cherry's mate no fucking about!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I got some tin snips from Wilko's yesterday and DIY'd myself a reflector for my cooltube from a spare bog standard 'Dutch Barn' type one, cut the wings off the dutch barn and bolted em to the hooks for the shitty cooltube one.

Now I'm utilising my 600w properly without wasting shitloads of light, time to pack on the weight!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
The big one is the 'lemon' leaner, the back one the 'AK' and the front one the 'Livers'. I topped the big one in late veg and left the other 2 normal, they have had most of the fan leaves removed though. The big one has had all it's fan leaves removed and has been thinned out quite a lot, I need to give it another trim today becasue it just keeps wanting to branch from the bottom (Apical dominance on that one is very strong, perfect for scrog).

The fan leaves on the 'AK' leaner don't get much bigger than the regular leaves so it looks sparse and it's put a bit of a stretch on this last week so that's why it looks like it has more bud even though it actually has less bud mass than the other 2. It does have a slightly different shape to it's buds than the other 2 though, it seems to have something up it's sleeve but I'm not sure what yet.

The 'Livers' leaner has the most offensive smell, deep and musky fruit. The 'AK' leaner I think is going to have the resin production, even though it doesn't smell very much it makes my fingers stick together the most when I rub the stem.

They all have a slightly 'Lemon Haze' freshness to the smell but towards the back end, as you take a big hard sniff the first thing that you get are strong dark fruits with a haze undertone coming in after.

The 'Livers' is more like a deep plum and the 'Ak' a light cranberry. The big one is my favourite by far though, It is perfectly in between I was thinking yesterday about raspberry but it's a little too full bodied for raspberry all though very close.

It actually smells like a big bag of fresh, ripe cherry's mate no fucking about!

ripe cherries! excellent. think all will give something quite nice if different from each other. gonna get that with first gen pips. bet that biggun makes excellent hash/ extract. deffo want a snip back off ya when the time comes fella.

been looking for a beast to try my new DIY DWC out with


Well-Known Member
morning ladies, quiet a deate on the ripen, im at day 46 so from now its ripen alone, one of my plants is slightley behind the others but im sure she will ctach up, cant fucking wait 2 weeks till the chop hopefully

on another note, woke up with half a fat lip this morning, was fine at 3am, any ideas? and no the missus dident give me a dig in the night!!


Well-Known Member
Afternoon fella's!! Fucking wounded man... just went to see if my laptop was fixed. The guy says it's a bloody write off!! The graphics accelerator is melted over the motherboard. Supposedly a fault that all hp dv 9000's experience. Great time of year to need a new comp!!!....Not!. auch well rant over. Hope youz are all cool

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Motherboards are made from plastic and the graphics accelerator is a chip made from silicon encased in aluminium.

Aluminium has a melting point of 600'C and silicon has a melting point of 1414'C.

Your laptop may well be fucked but I'll put my left knacker on the guy chatting shit about the graphics chip melting over the mobo!