The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
You must have got a dud mate, Mine cost me 6.50 and it's spot on every time.
It was spot on for 2 grows mate I never calibrated it once then all of a sudden it went wank an fucked me over I reckon the buffer stuff was out keeping it mixed in the little bottles or like ya say a dud but come on mate how well can it be made for 6 an half quid?? Lol mine now is mint results spot on 1st test I calibrate before each grow an it's always spot on so don't no why I bother lol an you just buy the 1 buffer 7 for it an all you do is stick it in an hold the button down for a few seconds an it does it all for ya no fuckin about with the scroggy lol


Well-Known Member
run off is between 6.1 and 6.5...... is that ok?
Yeh mate don't worry about ya runoff as long as its goin in right you'l be sound cannas well buffed....

"Why Does pH Change?
The ratio in uptake of anions (negatively charged nutrients) and cations (positively charged nutrients) by plants may cause substantial shifts in pH. In general, an excess of cation over anion leads to a decrease in pH, whereas an excess of anion over cation uptake leads to an increase in pH. As nitrogen (an element required in large quantities for healthy plant growth) may be supplied either as a cation (ammonium - NH4+) or an anion (nitrate - NO3-), the ratio of these two forms of nitrogen in the nutrient solution can have large effects on both the rate and direction of pH changes with time. This shift in pH can be surprisingly fast.
Daylight photosynthesis produces hydrogen ions which can cause the nutrient acidity to increase (lowering the pH). At dusk photosynthesis stops and the plants increase their rate of respiration and this coupled with the respiration of micro organisms and the decomposition of organic matter uses up the hydrogen ions so the acidity of the solution tends to decrease (pH rises).
In low light (overcast days or indoor growing environments) plants take up more potassium and phosphorous from the nutrient solution so the acidity increases (pH drops). In strong intense light (clear sunny days) plants take up more nitrogen from the nutrient solution so the acidity decreases (pH rises)."
Cheers I knew it was somethin like that mate...

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Yeh mate don't worry about ya runoff as long as its goin in right you'l be sound cannas well buffed
No offence Pukka but the reason why he got a pen in the first place is to do it right.

As for Canna Coco being well buffered, that statement is just illogical.

Buffered just means they've washed it with a half right PH when manufacturing so it should be right when it comes out of the bag, It doesn't stay right if you add anything to it that also isn't right.

As Dura has stated, the run off is coming out at a too high PH this proves that it isn't buffered as well as people think and it certainly won't sort it's self out.


Well-Known Member
No offence Pukka but the reason why he got a pen in the first place is to do it right.

As for Canna Coco being well buffered, that statement is just illogical.

Buffered just means they've washed it with a half right PH when manufacturing so it should be right when it comes out of the bag, It doesn't stay right if you add anything to it that also isn't right.

As Dura has stated, the run off is coming out at a too high PH this proves that it isn't buffered as well as people think and it certainly won't sort it's self out.
Haha yorky I used to measure it all time when I started did every thing to the book was a biggest waste of time I've done was always in a safe range so no need where you got this from about ya ph comin out the same surely it should be higher as your watering with runoff to wash out old notes an salt build up no?


Well-Known Member
as i know my water is ph 7 can i just use it as a calibration marker?
With the kind I've got I bet you could get away with it but yours is the 2 point 1 where you do 1buffer adjust then the other an adjust I think can't remember how ya do it now but it's shite lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Make 1 then clever clogs lol....there cheaply made mate an will break or fuck up after so long that's all I'm sayin just wait an see.

Make one? What do you think that is? You're supposed to be a sparky aren't you, I'm sure you can read a schematic mate.

Your decent pen has the same components in it as mine does, maybe a stronger casing but that's all.


Well-Known Member
Make one? What do you think that is? You're supposed to be a sparky aren't you, I'm sure you can read a schematic mate.

Your decent pen has the same components in it as mine does, maybe a stronger casing but that's all.
Lol I dint even look at it an now I have I still don't no what it is if it ant brown an blue I ain't got a clue lmao

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Yorky mate you've just posted that info on about different elements raising or lowering ph?? ......You love to argue with me ya twat lol ;)
And you're confusing yourself by talking about salts from past nutes affecting the PH!

It's got fuck all to do with me wanting to argue mate, you don't understand and that's not my fault.


Well-Known Member
Understand what? In canna every time I measured my runoff it was higher usually by around .4 I never did fuck all about it an my plants have always been sound...Yorky when I'm dishing out advice on ere it's from stuff I've experienced my self not shit I've read so yeah it could all be wrong for all i no mate I don't give a fuck just tryin to help the lads out, not be a smart arse....still not answered my Q? Where you got the ph off runoff should come out the sane as its gone in in coco an not a few points higher or lower?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Yorky when I'm dishing out advice on ere it's from stuff I've experienced my self not shit I've read so yeah it could all be wrong for all i no mate I don't give a fuck just tryin to help the lads out, not be a smart arse....still not answered my Q? Where you got the ph off runoff should come out the sane as its gone in in coco an not a few points higher or lower?
Smart arse?

A few points higher or lower than what mate? Make sure you understand what the question is before you ask it.