Theoretical discussion on cash crops


New Member
I got my information first hand from a man that works at the power company here in Alaska. Other states may be different but up here that's how it is. You can have an oz and it's not so much as spitting on the sidewalk. Our state constitution allows up to 24 plants. All in all it's a very live and let live state and the cops here are focused on real crime, not potheads, growers and speeders. I also posted in my thread about this to not steal power.
Just so you know... the wording can get you caught up. Legal limit for alcohol (so they say) is .08 .. I blew exactly .08 and found the wording "a concentration of .08 or more" and got the DUI. That'll ruin your freakin' day. It ruined a bunch of days for me.

If you look into the legalities, 24 or MORE can get you in trouble. 23 is your "safer" bet :) I actually looked into this because of the above, so I'm certain on it :) ^^^

It's that "or more" crap that will get you caught up in some problems.


Sector 5 Moderator
Absolutely!! Over the years I've learned to *read* legalese, especially laws. Sometimes they are written as "words as art" and can mean something completely different than the common usage of the word. Such is the case with the IRS especially. There is no substitute for actually reading the law and understanding it for yourself rather than taking someone's word or rumor.


New Member
OHHH potpimp, how I have learned many things the hard way. When I blew .08 I raised my hands in the air and cheered and the cop was like, no no no, .08 or more. I'm like... the hell????? Your gonna arrest a guy for blowing .08... give me a freaking break. When I was growing up it was .10 and I didn't have to wear some silly seat belt either. Another debate/complaint topic I'd rather not get into.

Oh, and once it's off plant, it goes towards the 4oz weight. Dried or not. They'll try to get you there too.


Sector 5 Moderator
I just fly low, WAY under the radar!! Believe it or not I've only sold pot one time in my life and that was out of sheer desperation needing money. I've given away pounds (not all at once). I don't hang out with stoners and *nobody* outside my family knows that I even smoke.


Well-Known Member
If you rent a warehouse, or any commercial property of value (depending on where you are at), you may have to let the Fire Marshall in to have a look around, he may ask what type of business are you in, will you be storing any flammables or explosives and check any fire suppression the unit might have.
This can happen 3-6 weeks after you move in, they want you to feel comfortable and settled in.

4-6 months be on the lookout for the Insurance Adjuster, the unit may need to be inspected in order for Insurance. (depending on the landlords policy).

Vendor, vendors, vendors. fu king sales people love commercial property, if you rent commercial, you should at least be able to open the front door just to say "No Thank You", during business hours.


Sector 5 Moderator
And always have a ready, well rehearsed answer for these people, ie "Sorry, fire marshal, but I was just leaving to go to the hospital for an emergency. Can you come back tomorrow? Always, always have a "plan B".


Active Member
If you rent a warehouse, or any commercial property of value (depending on where you are at), you may have to let the Fire Marshall in to have a look around, he may ask what type of business are you in, will you be storing any flammables or explosives and check any fire suppression the unit might have.
This can happen 3-6 weeks after you move in, they want you to feel comfortable and settled in.

4-6 months be on the lookout for the Insurance Adjuster, the unit may need to be inspected in order for Insurance. (depending on the landlords policy).

Vendor, vendors, vendors. fu king sales people love commercial property, if you rent commercial, you should at least be able to open the front door just to say "No Thank You", during business hours.
If you take the initiative you can schedule all those visits so they aren't surprises. And fuck people knocking on my door a nice big sign will fix that. Make sure to have everything properly installed and a firemashall won't have any issues. Oh back to people knocking...I'm only there in the late evening. After hours. So I don't have to answer that door. Lol.


Active Member
.......what a idiot it's all illegal dumbass and i hate people who are medical cards and act so fucking stuck up ohhh i can grow because i have a card and nobody else should your a fucking joke smack yourself
you should smack YOUR self. We (who care) are legal STATE growers. Yes the feds aren't on board yet. but its the medical movement thats going to get it legalized on a national level. not a bunch of crack pot stoners who think they have got it right. people with illegal grows shouldn't post it just shows the government that people don't care to follow the rules and thats why it needs to be regulated. oh and all the money hungry fat belly corporations don't want it legalized either. but your attitude sucks! theres nothing stuck up about wanting things done the right way.


Active Member
you should smack YOUR self. We (who care) are legal STATE growers. Yes the feds aren't on board yet. but its the medical movement thats going to get it legalized on a national level. not a bunch of crack pot stoners who think they have got it right. people with illegal grows shouldn't post it just shows the government that people don't care to follow the rules and thats why it needs to be regulated. oh and all the money hungry fat belly corporations don't want it legalized either. but your attitude sucks! theres nothing stuck up about wanting things done the right way.

The medical field is a minority of weed smokers in the united states, just as a fact of matter; secondly you cant stereotype all non "depressed or whatever other terminal diagnoses" smokers of weed as "crack pots", as your starting to devolve(name lol) into starting a conflict between medical/non medical posters, It's not an issue at all. Majority of weed is done through state deemed illegal ops, and federally illegal ops, having a card from the govt say you qualify to take this for medication is separate then a movement to legalize it for recreational uses, of which being ill or diagnosed with some disease/disorder doesnt qualify as recreational. I think marijuana is great alternative to pills, and the govt has done alot to fund and push tons and tons of them on people when marijuana could have been alot more beneficial for those with paranoia and given pills to sedate them. I don't think of people as "crack pots" if they smoke recreationally, or because they got a diagnosis from a dude in a suit and tie or doctors coat (4 years at random community/university college, you take the pick, lol.)

He could have worded it alot easier then that but you two are the extreme ends of both spectrums (legal and illegal users hating on each other?) I dont know, but its all good. What you consider legal to do is subjective. I think its bad for people to do illegal things, however everyone my age (20-25) has smoked atleast once, if they dont smoke regularly atleast on special group occasions like a reception of wedding or something where people are already partying. There is additives in almost everything you eat, and drink. Your marijuana is the last thing you need to sustain your life, diagnosed or not. If you consider everyone smoking weed thats not diagnosed as a "crackpot" then that would suggest a great outcast from social interactions, circles. Its common, pick your poison and praise your decisions over others but I doubt theres really any need to sterotype all non medical grows/smokers as crackpots. Medical and recreational not the same issue, and I never really did understand why it was implied its medical grow only, is there any clarification? I mean obviously its not because they dont moderate illegal ops n such but still its not clear either way, I did see a medical section on the forums though.....

If your medical and want to discuss only medical subjects ect try the medical section of the forums, separate then general discussion I assume.

I'm relatively new here so I might be wrong but it appears like there is a divide between the two types of users posting here, Lol.


Active Member
The medical field is a minority of weed smokers in the united states, just as a fact of matter; secondly you cant stereotype all non "depressed or whatever other terminal diagnoses" smokers of weed as "crack pots", as your starting to devolve(name lol) into starting a conflict between medical/non medical posters, It's not an issue at all. Majority of weed is done through state deemed illegal ops, and federally illegal ops, having a card from the govt say you qualify to take this for medication is separate then a movement to legalize it for recreational uses, of which being ill or diagnosed with some disease/disorder doesnt qualify as recreational. I think marijuana is great alternative to pills, and the govt has done alot to fund and push tons and tons of them on people when marijuana could have been alot more beneficial for those with paranoia and given pills to sedate them. I don't think of people as "crack pots" if they smoke recreationally, or because they got a diagnosis from a dude in a suit and tie or doctors coat (4 years at random community/university college, you take the pick, lol.)

He could have worded it alot easier then that but you two are the extreme ends of both spectrums (legal and illegal users hating on each other?) I dont know, but its all good. What you consider legal to do is subjective. I think its bad for people to do illegal things, however everyone my age (20-25) has smoked atleast once, if they dont smoke regularly atleast on special group occasions like a reception of wedding or something where people are already partying. There is additives in almost everything you eat, and drink. Your marijuana is the last thing you need to sustain your life, diagnosed or not. If you consider everyone smoking weed thats not diagnosed as a "crackpot" then that would suggest a great outcast from social interactions, circles. Its common, pick your poison and praise your decisions over others but I doubt theres really any need to sterotype all non medical grows/smokers as crackpots. Medical and recreational not the same issue, and I never really did understand why it was implied its medical grow only, is there any clarification? I mean obviously its not because they dont moderate illegal ops n such but still its not clear either way, I did see a medical section on the forums though.....

If your medical and want to discuss only medical subjects ect try the medical section of the forums, separate then general discussion I assume.

I'm relatively new here so I might be wrong but it appears like there is a divide between the two types of users posting here, Lol.
I apologize. not all smokers rec or medical are crack pots. functional smokers are fine. I feel like I was in a bad mood or something when I posted that earlier comment. But this whole recreational use isn't going to happen over night. Cannabis has been smothered in propaganda for ages. I just feel like the only reason we've made any headway as a cannabis community is through society seeing the benefits it can bring to peoples lives. It seems like after that people in general start to lighten up about "what's bad".
and I honestly thought the "medical" section was more for people to find help with the different medical aspects of different strains. not for the "legal" growers. I was going off what someone else said in another thread, cause i'm kinda new here too, that RUI was for legal users or growers only. something like that. so who knows I could be wrong. lawl


Active Member
Its fine I don't mind, I've made plenty of bad mood posts before. Its a heated topic for sure, I think both recreational and medical users are just sick of the "war on drugs" that marijuana was swept into while the govt continued to pump out hundreds of tons of prescription pills for the DEA to have some work for the year I guess.. I mean don't get me wrong I think medicine is great and has ALOT of positive contributions in my and most peoples life, but there is a fine line between moderation and abuse; the govt choose to fight marijuana harder then bath salts and opiate abuse, and they seem about to admit defeat on a federal level (maybe next 5-10 years who knows).

Heres to optimism, bongsmilie.