Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
good mornin soldiers
have a stress free day
pm will lead the way



Well-Known Member
agreed they are lookin better -my hopes are up again was pretty down
no suggestions whut to grow next - i just like to see them going you need any info to help you pick whut You want to grow nekt -not always easy job LO fkn L

a man wit only one seed has no problem deciding whut is next
a man wit 100 is gona have ahard time on the decision -suffer

my wife who has errything, i made a large bedroom two single clossets into a large walk in wall to wall wit sliding doors an she got shit in every inch floor to cieling - but is always saying i got nutin to wear -id tell her if she had i pair slacks an one skirt shed know whut to wear
cause then decision is made for you
try those gdp beans yu got ,short purple indica ,think yude do well with those...gettin few pods starting magic merlin and the ecpd xross pods starting.magic merlins are violet purple pods,jus3 so far,crossed 4 total outlaw beans .the pre 98 bubbadpd pollen doin some good .overall worth buying,big plants,, rare beans at auction ,crazy prices if yu can feel me ,lol.hope yure feelin well youngster.stay active as yu do.rdr.


Well-Known Member
mornin green army

yep yep Rdm that is whut i started this go
dont know if you member but i chose
2 bubbas
3 gdp's
1 kosher k

out of them all poped but one
due to seeds drop and mix up i dont know which one it was
or who is who yet
i hope to get sum signals from them soon
all seeds were indica dom so all to be short this go
last go was a bunch of sativa doms

are you kiddin all is worth buying by most
maybe not for a person like us but still has value
sum of stuff on market is not better just supposed to be tested and proven
but all isnt most are the same as whut we do just pollen slinging

i think this is how this game is supposed to be played
an if everyone is makin an givin seeds away maybe then
the so called breeders will have less of a market for high priced seeds
and will start to get reasonable when i started to smoke in 1965 seeds were free and were cursed
sumtime had more seeds in nickel bag then weed
i lost so many shirts to seeds popin was like ciggerret loads

now a expensive comodity im on a movement to change
those that member the old days should feel the same

anyway enough preaching -lets do sum enjoying

I an I


Well-Known Member
seems all are coco hydro an all kinds of shit
also seems im gona be a dirt dinasour till the end
i just keep experimenting wit the pots all else stays old fashioned

best of all to all
good luck
good karma
good grow
good yields
seems all are coco hydro an all kinds of shit
also seems im gona be a dirt dinasour till the end
i just keep experimenting wit the pots all else stays old fashioned

best of all to all
good luck
good karma
good grow
good yields
I tried coco before. I had one successful run using botanicare cocogro mixed with perlite.. Works great and like/is a passive hydro setup. You can keep big plants in small pots unlike the soil where they get rootbound. I kept the plants I had in 1 gallon grow bags the whole 8-9 weeks flower

My bAd exp with coco was due to it being too damp I believe.. Eithe. That or something else major because it killed 20-25 seedlings. They just grew a couple days from sprouting and just flopped over with a weak ass stem..

Coco is much easier to lug around then big bags of soil, much easier:)...


Well-Known Member
you think wit our current sitiation dat we be still supporting overseas help
when we be needin help
right here

im just sayin mannnnh


Well-Known Member
save alot money especially with rare strains...wat it cost to live daily has no end till yu go to bed,i can dig it bro.:joint:


Well-Known Member
i like to save sum an spin sum you are right it is expensive

but the dollah is worthless dirty germ ridden shit was sumtin at one time
i still own sum bills from when they were backed by gold then by silver now - nada
an our market the dollah hausing all have more down to go before weturn an start up


Well-Known Member
true ,wen gold was 300 oz i was purchasing 14 kt gold jewelry wholesale online few yrs ago,couple big pieces worth 4x now.


Well-Known Member
yeah gold goes against the dollah
dolla down gold up dolla up gold down
lots now wit bad market invest in gold
most erry otha worthwhile investment tanks wit the dolla -cd's realestate an the likes