agreed they are lookin better -my hopes are up again was pretty down
no suggestions whut to grow next - i just like to see them going you need any info to help you pick whut You want to grow nekt -not always easy job LO fkn L
a man wit only one seed has no problem deciding whut is next
a man wit 100 is gona have ahard time on the decision -suffer
my wife who has errything, i made a large bedroom two single clossets into a large walk in wall to wall wit sliding doors an she got shit in every inch floor to cieling - but is always saying i got nutin to wear -id tell her if she had i pair slacks an one skirt shed know whut to wear
cause then decision is made for you
try those gdp beans yu got ,short purple indica ,think yude do well with those...gettin few pods starting magic merlin and the ecpd xross pods starting.magic merlins are violet purple pods,jus3 so far,crossed 4 total outlaw beans .the pre 98 bubbadpd pollen doin some good .overall worth buying,big plants,, rare beans at auction ,crazy prices if yu can feel me ,lol.hope yure feelin well youngster.stay active as yu do.rdr.