porn websites


Well-Known Member
If I just told you I did porn don't even lie and say you wouldn't judge me for it because I was judged enough for posting pictures. Don't even try to imply 'there's nothing wrong with it, if you did it it wouldn't matter when I know for a fact you'd be looking down on me. .
You are straight trippin. This is how I know you have no idea what you are talking about. Your whole argument is based on opinion being passed off as "fact".

meechz 024

Active Member
I see being a pro fucker no different than welding for a living. The money is ok and sometimes it hurts a little.
Well I guess a pro fucker doesn't have to be certified to work at the shipyard
These people aren't pro fuckers ... They're just professional erotic stimulators.

Professional fuckers are long gone......the ones in softporn 70's style.

Now it's just drug addict sluts getting happily degraded and shock value extremities.


Well-Known Member
These people aren't pro fuckers ... They're just professional erotic stimulators.

Professional fuckers are long gone......the ones in softporn 70's style.

Now it's just drug addict sluts getting happily degraded and shock value extremities.
That may be what you watch. There are lots of different varieties of porn, and softcore is still one of them.


Well-Known Member
Have people no shame these days?

Google search Beaver Bong.

I can't believe you openly ask people on the internet for fap material. And what's wrong with chicks in bikinis? The can actually smoke and enjoy the weed if they're not busy with a cock in their mouth/ass/other orifices.
I noticed how you went straight from mouth to ass then other, I thought ass would be categorized as other seeing as cock and puss are like two peas in a pod.


Pickle Queen
You need to accept there is something wrong with porn if you made me accept there was something wrong with me posting pictures of myself I lingerie whilst not even having sex with anyone at all.

Make up your minds, one minute I'm being called unladylike or told I lack class and the next minute its ok to go around yelling how much one likes dick and they'll get naked. At least I draw a line somewhere. So am I a slut or am I a prude? Go on I fucking dare you to call me a slut. Go on. Talk to me like Mcrandle did. I don't get you guys at all.
Do u actualy know what a slut is? why are u making this about u? Ur not a slut unless u have a reason to think u are. I don't think u are, poor choices go hand in hand with youth, call them learning experiences. Dude why are u sooo upset??
I luv dick, yes I do, am I a whore because I'm comfy with myself and luv sex? Not at all, i'm 30 and will enjoy life, not live my life worried what others think, does their opinion impact my life? Not unless I allow it. Smile girl, drop the man hating please, so not cool


Active Member
Do u actualy know what a slut is? why are u making this about u? Ur not a slut unless u have a reason to think u are. I don't think u are, poor choices go hand in hand with youth, call them learning experiences. Dude why are u sooo upset??
I luv dick, yes I do, am I a whore because I'm comfy with myself and luv sex? Not at all, i'm 30 and will enjoy life, not live my life worried what others think, does their opinion impact my life? Not unless I allow it. Smile girl, drop the man hating please, so not cool
You know...I've come to realize you are quiet awesome.


Well-Known Member
why are some people getting so mad i thought this was toke and talk u know with like minded stoners it kinda feels like 30 year old christian ladies are coming in here to bitch
well it truely is the ultimate sin, your getting stoned, thinking naughty things and well.............................jk


Well-Known Member
I'm 20 and the most liberal (stoner, poly, bisexual, into kinks etc) Christian you will ever meet. I just think the way some people carry on and talk about others as sexual OBJECTS is immature and disgusting, veiled as being a 'mature adult'. There's being comfortable with your sexuality and being vulgar. If people are going to remind me about that I'll damn well remind them too.


Well-Known Member
4 pages and not a single link to some softcore marijuana porn .

Sometimes you people dissapoint me :(