How many moms for 500+ clones per week


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone i have started my cloning project and have shelf space and lighting set up for 2500 clones. Now i started vegging 30 moms in 4l pots.

Now my question is how many moms do i need total and what size pots should i keep them in to achieve the targeted 500+ per week. Now the shelves are set up in a perpetual harvest style. they start at the bottom and move their way up on a weekly basis / rooting basis.

One thing to keep in mind is that my Flowering room has 2.2m height. once they reach a certain height i have to move them to the flowering room and start new ones. So the pot cant be too huge.

Another option i was looking at which i might do to my diesel moms is bonsai them and not flower them for a while. im a huge fan of nyc diesel and the moms are pretty big aleady. bonsai or start over? cause flowering moms is always fun.
Hello everyone i have started my cloning project and have shelf space and lighting set up for 2500 clones. Now i started vegging 30 moms in 4l pots.

Now my question is how many moms do i need total and what size pots should i keep them in to achieve the targeted 500+ per week. Now the shelves are set up in a perpetual harvest style. they start at the bottom and move their way up on a weekly basis / rooting basis.

One thing to keep in mind is that my Flowering room has 2.2m height. once they reach a certain height i have to move them to the flowering room and start new ones. So the pot cant be too huge.

Another option i was looking at which i might do to my diesel moms is bonsai them and not flower them for a while. im a huge fan of nyc diesel and the moms are pretty big aleady. bonsai or start over? cause flowering moms is always fun.
I'm not real good at math but from my calculations you will need a LOT of space for moms for that many clones. Like a small warehouse.
2500 is a heck of alot, thats gonna need loads of space, dam dude, 500 a week your gonna need loads of mothers, if you get caught that will be some serious shit you be in bro
the craziest / dumbest thing ive EVER heard... dont do it.. stick to like 30 or something.. obviously ur doing it to make money so do 15 to 30 and do SOG u will make plenty of money
Wow guys thanks for the lesson in law but unfortunately u dont know which country im in. Fortunately here in this country we have a semi legal clone law. they sell them in shops here. I appreciate ur concern and i am well aware of the law. The popos here dont charge you for the entire plant they charge u for bud. even when you get busted. The grow charge here is the same for a warehouse or a basement. 6 months and the bigger ur op the bigger the fine not jail time. I am in a grow country they dont hate on the ganja as much here.

i mean wtf was i going to do with 2500 clones every month? think guys think. in a sog which holds 16 plants per m2 i would be planting up a 156m2 warehouse. i think if i was at that level i wouldnt be asking how many moms do i need.

Since im a pretty new to cloning and moms i am seeking advice. Dont need legal advice got a lawyer for that.
Wow guys thanks for the lesson in law but unfortunately u dont know which country im in. Fortunately here in this country we have a semi legal clone law. they sell them in shops here. I appreciate ur concern and i am well aware of the law. The popos here dont charge you for the entire plant they charge u for bud. even when you get busted. The grow charge here is the same for a warehouse or a basement. 6 months and the bigger ur op the bigger the fine not jail time. I am in a grow country they dont hate on the ganja as much here.

i mean wtf was i going to do with 2500 clones every month? think guys think. in a sog which holds 16 plants per m2 i would be planting up a 156m2 warehouse. i think if i was at that level i wouldnt be asking how many moms do i need.

Since im a pretty new to cloning and moms i am seeking advice. Dont need legal advice got a lawyer for that.
It's all good man. I honestly don't know how you would calculate how many moms you need for 2500 clones a month. It's not that cut and dry. Anybody claiming to know would probably be guessing anyway.
thats all i need is an experienced guess for instance i have 10 moms in 10l pots and they provide on avarage around ???? clones per week. I just need to get a feel for it so that i build the mother room properly.

Peeps pay anywhere from 8 to 10 per clone here so its a better buiz than flowering plants. i am going to be using just over 1k watts for the operation. the massive shelve uses 400 watts and a 600w on a mover for the mom room.

It's all good man. I honestly don't know how you would calculate how many moms you need for 2500 clones a month. It's not that cut and dry. Anybody claiming to know would probably be guessing anyway.
Wow guys thanks for the lesson in law but unfortunately u dont know which country im in. Fortunately here in this country we have a semi legal clone law. they sell them in shops here. I appreciate ur concern and i am well aware of the law. The popos here dont charge you for the entire plant they charge u for bud. even when you get busted. The grow charge here is the same for a warehouse or a basement. 6 months and the bigger ur op the bigger the fine not jail time. I am in a grow country they dont hate on the ganja as much here.

i mean wtf was i going to do with 2500 clones every month? think guys think. in a sog which holds 16 plants per m2 i would be planting up a 156m2 warehouse. i think if i was at that level i wouldnt be asking how many moms do i need.

Since im a pretty new to cloning and moms i am seeking advice. Dont need legal advice got a lawyer for that.

just curious why the heck u would need that many plants its kinda dumb in my opinion better hope u can get rid of it none the less good luck on finding the space for this ur planning on doing something that would just kinda be pointless thats ALOT of work to take care of that many plants.. u could not have a job just taking care of the plants.. especially if u hand water.. but if ur doing hydro good luck better hope nothing messes up and u have to clean a flooded area
thats all i need is an experienced guess for instance i have 10 moms in 10l pots and they provide on avarage around ???? clones per week. I just need to get a feel for it so that i build the mother room properly.

Peeps pay anywhere from 8 to 10 per clone here so its a better buiz than flowering plants. i am going to be using just over 1k watts for the operation. the massive shelve uses 400 watts and a 600w on a mover for the mom room.
If you already grow try an experiment. Take 1 mother and see how many clones you can take and then see how long it takes her to regenerate so you can take more cuttings. It depends a lot on how big your moms are so like I said, there are just too many variables to be able to calculate this sort of thing.
thats all i need is an experienced guess for instance i have 10 moms in 10l pots and they provide on avarage around ???? clones per week. I just need to get a feel for it so that i build the mother room properly.

Peeps pay anywhere from 8 to 10 per clone here so its a better buiz than flowering plants. i am going to be using just over 1k watts for the operation. the massive shelve uses 400 watts and a 600w on a mover for the mom room.

well ur clone output is directly related to ur growing skills :-P
do you realize you are setting foot into felony territory? no thanks Keep it small keep it real

In most states more than 2 is a felony, especially when they use the wet weight and stalks of ALL plants. Doesn't take much to get over a few pounds :(
Wow guys thanks for the lesson in law but unfortunately u dont know which country im in. Fortunately here in this country we have a semi legal clone law. they sell them in shops here. I appreciate ur concern and i am well aware of the law. The popos here dont charge you for the entire plant they charge u for bud. even when you get busted. The grow charge here is the same for a warehouse or a basement. 6 months and the bigger ur op the bigger the fine not jail time. I am in a grow country they dont hate on the ganja as much here.

Can I move in with you? :)

What kind of lights will you be using? Depending on that would be how fast they would regrow and able to be reused every month. 2500 clones a month, I'd say off of a 4-6 foot plant you could get 100 or so off a month while letting it regrow. I have never done this, I am just supposing for what I get on a smaller level. You can get a clone out of anything, it may just grow funny or differently, but the bud is always the same. Lots of variables here, but figure at least 250 plants. Some might die, not grow, etc.
Dude, you don't even know what size pot to use and you're wanting to grow off 500 a week???? Put the pipe down and come back when you're not ripped. Obviously you've never grown pot before so let me clue you in a little. Growing 500 plants - not 500 PER WEEK - would take at least 5 full time people on staff. Come harvest time you would be hating life! A person might could trim 4-5 medium sized bushes a day so you're WAY behind the ball there; you'd have to hire 20 or so trimmers to do the work or lose the crop. You can do things to make it easier but there is no autopilot button on these things. It takes time to get enough skills and knowledge to grow a crop of 50 plants; I've done 99 before but most of those were autos. Let me *highly* recommend that you start off small, that way you minimize your losses and learn more.
I put mother plants in 7-9 quart pots for their lifetime. After they are 5 weeks old and old enough to give clones I usually can take
4 clones first time. After 2 weeks vegging I can probably get 8-10 clones from her. After mom is 3+ months old I can take 6-10 clones
weekly from her. That's 50 moms minimum my way.

You might do a search on mini-cloning.

OR what about a perpetual clone, and just have stages set up to constantly clone, veg, flower etc.? First batch veg 5 weeks, clone. 4 clones starting at week 5, veg 4 weeks, clone. 16 clones, ad fin. Keep the flowering on the 3 month mark. That way you have a nice steady flow. I mean if this is a large scale operation and all. Why not go balls out? 250 4 footers popping out every 3 months, I feel like Conrad Shepard all of a sudden...
Since im a pretty new to cloning and moms i am seeking advice. Dont need legal advice got a lawyer for that.

That's obvious that you are new or have never cloned. What you are asking is a bit silly, like planning on starting an egg farm with 2 chickens, no barn and no illegals to feed the birds and collect the eggs and shit.

Now some numbers from my experience. This is from established host plants, LST'ed and bonsaied in 1 gallon containers. A pure or nearly so strain I've been running for going on 4 years, so I can't comment on sativas or most strains, so take it for what it's worth.

I get ~10-12 'good' cuts from each host about every 3 weeks (A month is more realistic). For me, 'good' clones have at least 5 nodes. Two below for rooting and 3 above, if not more. Trying to work with the minimum size for clones (3 nodes), is pretty much an exercise in futility.

So....... You're looking at 250 ESTABLISHED (2-3 months from clone or seed), that have been LST'd at a minimum and bonsaied if you want to stay in 1 or 2 gal containers.

Selling clones is a great idea, wish I could do it. Been cloning for going on 40 years, not just mj. Get your technique down and it's easy. Just start slow and build from there.

Good luck!
