Stewart Rakes Huckabee Over The Coals

Obama's dominance was mostly confined to largely African-American areas of West and North Philadelphia. In the third division of Philadelphia's 28th Ward, for example, 94 percent of the residents are black, and the 2010 census recorded only seven white residents. Voter registration lists showed only 12 registered Republicans in the division, none of whom voted for Romney or responded to the Inquirer's requests for comment


what are you doing?


doesn't know how to spell, doesn't realize that contraception is imperfect, advocates abstinence, reeks of misogyny...

yep, we got ourselves a republican here.

Would voting for O in 2008 make me a republican? Weed legalization? Gay rights?

As always your post is full of assumptions and narrow mindedness. Typical UB.

And I'm not sure how my bad spelling has anything to do with a political affiliation besides your burning desire to turn everything partisan.
I'm not sure how my bad spelling has anything to do with a political affiliation

it's correlation.

. In Millard County’s Flowell precinct, Romney won 14-0. In its Garrison precinct, he won 17-0. In Sanpete County’s Mount Pleasant 3 Unincorporated precinct, Romney won 14-0


LOL poor idiot doesn't realize that a sample size of 14 isn't going to give you any kind of a statistical average, its very reasonable to think 14 people might vote one way, all together another to think thousands would do the same thing.

But I can't blame you for not knowing this, you are only a product of yourself.
*definately :lol:

"Brilliant!" - Guinness dudes'.

How sad that this topic got diverted back to the running rape discussion that seems to have gripped this country since the summer.

Seriously, a bunch of dudes talking about rape on the internet. These are the things SVU episodes are made of..

One thing i've noticed in the Right-to-Life radical right crowd is a severe double standard. On the one hand, they support the government putting in place legislation that dictates what should be a private matter between a woman and her doctor because "everylife is precious". On the other, many of these same people support the death penalty.

They bitch and moan when people try to "restrict" their religious freedom and expression, but then turn right back around and try to get the government to impose their values on society as a whole. I sometimes wonder if ultra-religious conservatives live in an alternate reality, because they cry discrimination at nearly everyturn and yet they themselves are one of the most hostile and noninclusive groups in the social spectrum. So strange to me.

Here's a thought everybody...If you don't support abortion, DON'T GET A FUCKING ABORTION. Why isn't that enough? Why must the choices for all be made by the few?

Seperation of church and state is a principle that this country was founded.

Sorry for the rant. Long story short, Jon Stewart is a genius.
Oh no, that's not enough. A lot of these silly people think if they think something is wrong, everybody else should too, and if they don't, they need to make em!

But they don't force their beliefs on anyone, oh no!

Didn't you know, they're the ones who are persecuted!

Cue Twilight Zone music..
I don't support capital punishment, anti-war, pro real universal health care and anti-corporations. I'm an atheist. I also happen to be pro-life too. What about me? There are reasons to be pro-life which don't have anything to do with what you said.
I don't support capital punishment, anti-war, pro real universal health care and anti-corporations. I'm an atheist. I also happen to be pro-life too. What about me? There are reasons to be pro-life which don't have anything to do with what you said.

Can you give me one reasonable reason to be pro life that doesn't stem from religion?
As an atheist all those who were never born are gone with no chance. At least with religion you can say they go to heaven. There are many people who are survivors of botched abortions because back then docs weren't good enough.
I'm a secular humanist for life. Life isn't religious. It's even worse for me to fathom when abortion happens because I don't believe the baby goes to heaven. It lost its chance at life because someone murdered it.

Didn't get into heaven huh? Think you might want to look up what an atheist is and what it means to be one..

And you talk about pro-life as if that is somehow the compassionate answer to this. Is it really all that good of you to bring a child into the World with people who are either unwilling, unable, or unfit to parent? The outcomes for many unwanted children are not bright and sunny, to say the least. They end up in terrible situations either with their parents, or as wards of the state where they are a tax upon the system, and learn to repeat the cycle all over again.

If you don't want an abortion Canna, don't get one. If you don't approve of them still and need to express your "righteous indignation", get a bumpersticker. But keep your values out of my government, I don't want to live in a World where someone elses' morals are superimposed on society.
Didn't get into heaven huh? Think you might want to look up what an atheist is and what it means to be one..

And you talk about pro-life as if that is somehow the compassionate answer to this. Is it really all that good of you to bring a child into the World with people who are either unwilling, unable, or unfit to parent? The outcomes for many unwanted children are not bright and sunny, to say the least. They end up in terrible situations either with their parents, or as wards of the state where they are a tax upon the system, and learn to repeat the cycle all over again.

If you don't want an abortion Canna, don't get one. If you don't approve of them still and need to express your "righteous indignation", get a bumpersticker. But keep your values out of my government, I don't want to live in a World where someone elses' morals are superimposed on society.

yes, he claims to be atheist, but then he talks about heaven

and planet celestia.

i shit you not. dude is probably just between manic episodes.

At least because of their sacrifice they're both on the heavenly planet Celestia.
As an atheist all those who were never born are gone with no chance. At least with religion you can say they go to heaven. There are many people who are survivors of botched abortions because back then docs weren't good enough.

But why does that matter? As I've consistently brought up before, you have sperm cells inside your body that will never reach their full potential and pair with an egg to become a person, why no 'anti-masturbation' movement? Why is there nobody lobbying for that?

Why is 'potential life' worth more than life that already exists? (life of the mother, incest, rape, or even something as trivial as inconvenience?)

Why would it be more moral to legally force someone to carry a child to full term if they can't financially support it or it will have birth defects, or no father, or... whatever?

We have over 7 billion people on the planet already, what makes it more moral, more ethical, or even justifiable to keep a life that will, more than likely, be a burden on its family and society, when we have the ability to terminate it before it becomes an issue?

What scientific, medical, or moral justification exists for such an act?
Then we might as well not exist at all. Humans can now live slightly before 24 weeks gestation. What happens when instead of abortion the same procedure can instead liberate that child from the woman with no extra discomfort?No, her property?
Then we might as well not exist at all. Humans can now live slightly before 24 weeks gestation. What happens when instead of abortion the same procedure can instead liberate that child from the woman with no extra discomfort?No, her property?

and before 24 weeks?
Abortion has become the equivalent of God of the Gaps. We explain with science what is no longer God except for the unknown. We shouldn't have to wait until after technology makes abortion at X weeks murder instead of an early birth.
Then we might as well not exist at all. Humans can now live slightly before 24 weeks gestation. What happens when instead of abortion the same procedure can instead liberate that child from the woman with no extra discomfort?No, her property?

Wah, I now understand what Buck was talking about.

You ARE a little on the batshit-crazy side of life..

You still haven't given a good reason as to why the government should have the right to invade a woman's privacy. If not religious dogma, then what?

What possible motive could you have other than being a whackadoo??
Abortion has become the equivalent of God of the Gaps. We explain with science what is no longer God except for the unknown. We shouldn't have to wait until after technology makes abortion at X weeks murder instead of an early birth.

lol, stupid wabbit doesn't know what "atheist" means.

canna, starting on november 6th, you have rapidly become the biggest dipshit ever on the board. you had help from NLXSK and beenthere and freedomworks, who all ran the fuck away after their false realities were rudely jarred that day, but you have done most of it to yourself.
Then we might as well not exist at all. Humans can now live slightly before 24 weeks gestation. What happens when instead of abortion the same procedure can instead liberate that child from the woman with no extra discomfort?No, her property?

Discomfort isn't the issue. The issue is the life of the being after the fact. What if the family can't support it, for whatever reason* that family deems it would be a burden? How is it the right thing to do to impose our own beliefs onto them? You and I have nothing to do with them or their own personal situation, so why is it right to tell them what to do with it, through government coercion?

*be sure, I'm not suggesting a woman who constantly gets knocked up and just deals with it through abortion as the first option, and I don't think the statistics represent as much. The "reasons" I'm suggesting are financial, economical, moral, ethical.. kids who would grow up without a father around, which is known to cause issues for children later in life, especially boys, couples who simply can't afford another kid to feed, couples with substance abuse problems, couples with a history of domestic abuse, etc. A myriad of issues that are known, scientifically proven, to cause issues in the psyche of children later in life..

I simply don't understand why providing these cells the opportunity at such a life is better than terminating it before it becomes an issue. It seems to me, through the utilitarians scope, it would be more humane, ethical, moral, and logical, to accept abortion as a reasonable method of acceptance.

Why punish a person (a couple) because they may have made a mistake? Why force a person (couple) to deal with such life long, life altering consequences?

Abortion legislation, to me, seems like a vindictive method of "you reap what you sow". Another biblical lesson. What about those of us that don't abide by, and in fact resent, biblical teachings? What are we to think?
Discomfort isn't the issue. The issue is the life of the being after the fact. What if the family can't support it, for whatever reason* that family deems it would be a burden? How is it the right thing to do to impose our own beliefs onto them? You and I have nothing to do with them or their own personal situation, so why is it right to tell them what to do with it, through government coercion?

*be sure, I'm not suggesting a woman who constantly gets knocked up and just deals with it through abortion as the first option, and I don't think the statistics represent as much. The "reasons" I'm suggesting are financial, economical, moral, ethical.. kids who would grow up without a father around, which is known to cause issues for children later in life, especially boys, couples who simply can't afford another kid to feed, couples with substance abuse problems, couples with a history of domestic abuse, etc. A myriad of issues that are known, scientifically proven, to cause issues in the psyche of children later in life..

I simply don't understand why providing these cells the opportunity at such a life is better than terminating it before it becomes an issue. It seems to me, through the utilitarians scope, it would be more humane, ethical, moral, and logical, to accept abortion as a reasonable method of acceptance.

Why punish a person (a couple) because they may have made a mistake? Why force a person (couple) to deal with such life long, life altering consequences?

Abortion legislation, to me, seems like a vindictive method of "you reap what you sow". Another biblical lesson. What about those of us that don't abide by, and in fact resent, biblical teachings? What are we to think?

This is where the insanity of the GOP is in plain view for all to see.

Don't get an abortion and FUCK YOU if you want free contraception. It's fucking crazy. Oh and if the child lives? You're on your fucking own. Who gives a shit if the child was conceived through rape or happens to be your brother-son?