Has FDD2BLK helped you and how??

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back to me, back to me!!!!!!!!!!!

fdd once ..........

yeah, i do love it. makes me proud inside to know i've helped. happy growing y'all.
Ouch .... those sound like fighting words ...

Like you might have some payback of sort in mind ... like sour grapes .... Good thing its not me ... Cause Im the type to strike first ,, Fuck waiting for the enemy to strike . take them out 1st ... Oh well I hope you two guys can work out your issues like men and not like 13 year old's Peace on out ... smoke the peace pipe and share the love

i'm all good. no issues here. i'm sitting on 80 grand of buried weed. :mrgreen:
back to me, back to me!!!!!!!!!!!

fdd once ..........

yeah, i do love it. makes me proud inside to know i've helped. happy growing y'all.

If you know this dude and he knows you .. well need I say more ... handle it ... So how much you got buried in the back yard fddd this guy is blowing all your secrets ... I'd maybe Invite him to a local Starbucks for a latte and settle this offline ... Leave a pencil so he can still type the keyboard with his mouth .............
Ouch .... those sound like fighting words ...

Like you might have some payback of sort in mind ... like sour grapes .... Good thing its not me ... Cause Im the type to strike first ,, Fuck waiting for the enemy to strike . take them out 1st ... Oh well I hope you two guys can work out your issues like men and not like 13 year old's Peace on out ... smoke the peace pipe and share the love

If its not too much trouble from the fighters, could i ask for any pics, scandulous info, gossip, and anything else i may want to use for my own sake later on? Me and the gang are really getting into this and I know i personally would liek more fodder for my funnies.
Also, could you tell me your address and the next time you will be gone for the night. Just so I know when not to come and all.:mrgreen:

also ..de activate all booby traps and leave the dogs inside ... oh can I borrow a shovel too... 80k I might need to borrow that pick up of yours too for a ride to the airstrip .
Hey FDD if you gt 6000 a pound for your weed than congradulations, weed is a commodity it serves a great purpose and those who buy it are free willing and in accordance with a deal struck , so personally, i agree with the smart people who have posted and lift my hat off to you for all the great help, i also found through your posts and threads a great source of info., Oh and if I sell my weed to someone and they dont pay me , I don,t give a shit who they are i'll fucken hunt them down and most probably kick the shit out of them while my left hand is pickin whatever change is in their pockets, and i will gladly sit on my stash to make more doe...read your constitution there eddie whatever your fucken name is , a man's right to pursue his dreams and all comercial opportunities as long as it hurts no one, so we are on sites like this claiming freedom and the right top be , yo eddie read up it seems your attitude is contradictory to the essence of this site, maybe you should try Nazi sado masochistic sites it could be liberating...lol and i hear spending your day insulting people is an actual activity in those places..lol lighten up dude

FDD rock on man!!
It seems there's an unspoken evil that has taken place in the past...This being said, it just might be time to let sleeping reefer rats rest, or at the very least keep the personal agendas out of a basically friendly site, that's main objective is to advise & yes amuse us all.....We might just be doing a disservice to the mellow
RIU'ers who enjoy the sometimes acidic, yet in good faith ribbing. Along with the enjoyable peep's who frequent these hallowed halls......opppppps hallowed
Take a deep puff and enjoy...................
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