how long till my germinated seed


Well-Known Member
hahahaha, cause it's a plant....... not magic.

somtimes just germinating the seed takes 2 weeks. it all depends on the seed


Well-Known Member
how long would it take for my Mango seed to get its first leafs out of the soil? it has a taproot already and I have CFL lights, how close should I have the CFL light to my seedlings?


Well-Known Member
how long would it take for my Mango seed to get its first leafs out of the soil? it has a taproot already and I have CFL lights, how close should I have the CFL light to my seedlings?
lights within a couple inches (making sure you aren't burning the plant). all seeds take a different amount of time.... we can't tell you, just watch it, it will pop above the soil soon enough.


Well-Known Member
lights within a couple inches (making sure you aren't burning the plant). all seeds take a different amount of time.... we can't tell you, just watch it, it will pop above the soil soon enough.
ok cool thanks, I did the seed in a shot glass filled with water and the seeds opened in less then 12 hourse


Well-Known Member
ok cool thanks, I did the seed in a shot glass filled with water and the seeds opened in less then 12 hourse
nice.... thats good. yeah, just watch it, it wont be long..... you don't need to put light on it until you see the leaves out of the soil. (FYI)


Well-Known Member
nice.... thats good. yeah, just watch it, it wont be long..... you don't need to put light on it until you see the leaves out of the soil. (FYI)
ok I'll just do indirect light lol I have plants all over my room and they seem to be doing fine even though they aren't getting direct CFL light:twisted:


Well-Known Member
how far away from the lights are the plants?

I was thinking you had just plants laying all over the room and didn't really have anything set up....... my bad....


Well-Known Member
how far away from the lights are the plants?

I was thinking you had just plants laying all over the room and didn't really have anything set up....... my bad....
I have plants in my veg area, just out side on my over flow tabels and on my comp desk the ones on my desk is about 6 feet and the one on my main over flow table is just right out side my veg area and my 2n'd table is 5 feet away


Well-Known Member
do you have a picture...... you got a 6 ft plant inside? is that your mother or something. I just really confused for some reason


Well-Known Member
do you have a picture...... you got a 6 ft plant inside? is that your mother or something. I just really confused for some reason
no my mother plants are under 2 feet and the rest of my other plants are freshly rooted clones and some that have been planted for a few days to a couple weeks