Got some seeds in my beautiful buds. Why?


So I am 6-7 weeks into flowering, and looking at my baby I can see some seeds. So my question is, is this a hemoaphrodite or did somehow it get pollinated? Are these "feminized seeds" or junk?



Well-Known Member
So I am 6-7 weeks into flowering, and looking at my baby I can see some seeds. So my question is, is this a hemoaphrodite or did somehow it get pollinated? Are these "feminized seeds" or junk?
If the plant was feminized then yes they will be feminized seeds, and most likely not junk if you let them fully mature. Most likely some male flowers have grown and pollinated some buds, no big deal harvest the bud and seed and move on.

I suggest when finished you give your grow room a good wipe down (plain water will do) and let it dry before moving to flower in that room.



If the plant was feminized then yes they will be feminized seeds, and most likely not junk if you let them fully mature. Most likely some male flowers have grown and pollinated some buds, no big deal harvest the bud and seed and move on.

I suggest when finished you give your grow room a good wipe down (plain water will do) and let it dry before moving to flower in that room.

How does growing a feminised plant produce fem seeds??? if the plant is indoors and is the only plant growing it has to have hermied correct?? if pollen has had a chance to come in contact with her then the seeds will not be fem unless the pollen is from a hermie!
Corrects me if im wrong but thats how I thought breeding/seeds become to be!


Well-Known Member
You won't know till you grow the beans out and see for yourself. You will get tons of ppl telling you this n that. Anything that produced seeds and was female (hermied)!! Only benefit I'm seeing on fems is you don't need a male to get beans lol. Never know tho, might b a hidden gem in those beans. Peace!!


Well-Known Member
Feminized plants have absolutely nothing to do with whether the seeds will be feminized or not.

A male pollinating a female makes regular seeds.

A female that hermies will produce feminized seeds.

In a nutshell.


Well-Known Member
Feminized plants have absolutely nothing to do with whether the seeds will be feminized or not.

A male pollinating a female makes regular seeds.

A female that hermies will produce feminized seeds.

In a nutshell.
Thats quite interesting!! I've had a female herm on me and the beans were not feminized. I've also have a feminized plant herm and again the beans were not feminized. Both offspring beans were mixed male and females. I did notice that the hermie trait was more noticed in all of the beans (more hermed than not) All culled as it started to get out of control.


I have another plant in the room, but it's not close too showing its sex yet. So it couldn't of pollinated it right? I did have a male last grow. I think i will order seeds in the future.

heres some pics of the plant.



Well-Known Member
a female that hermies will produce a bunch of seed's that have a good chance of being hermie's themself
Not necessarily, it would depend whether the plant grew balls due to stress or not. A female plant stressed to hermie will produce feminized seeds that wont be hermie prone.


Well-Known Member
So is it true that a female plant that self pollinates will produce feminized seeds? People keep saying yes, some people say they'll all be hermie. What's the real truth here?


Thats quite interesting!! I've had a female herm on me and the beans were not feminized. I've also have a feminized plant herm and again the beans were not feminized. Both offspring beans were mixed male and females. I did notice that the hermie trait was more noticed in all of the beans (more hermed than not) All culled as it started to get out of control.
Well the males would have been hermies straight off. and its likely the females will hermie too. depends on the percentage of male sacks to female buds on the plant. 10% male sacks can end up making good fem seeds but you need another full female plant to do so.


Well-Known Member
How does growing a feminised plant produce fem seeds??? if the plant is indoors and is the only plant growing it has to have hermied correct?? if pollen has had a chance to come in contact with her then the seeds will not be fem unless the pollen is from a hermie!
Corrects me if im wrong but thats how I thought breeding/seeds become to be!
Correct, feminized pollen still only contains X chromosomes.

Thats quite interesting!! I've had a female herm on me and the beans were not feminized. I've also have a feminized plant herm and again the beans were not feminized. Both offspring beans were mixed male and females. I did notice that the hermie trait was more noticed in all of the beans (more hermed than not) All culled as it started to get out of control.
Your females were clearly not feminized, the point of feminized genetics is the ABSENCE of any Y chromosome, feminized plants have XX

A hermie plant that Self pollinates will 99% hermie from seed. read above post.
Very incorrect, I have had hermies (both natural and chemical) that have seeded and produced viable seed that was grown without hermies and provided quite a good yield.



Well-Known Member
I love when ppl try to tell me i'm wrong. Strain in question was Barney Farms LSD, from the tude (only avail in FEM form) Had the clawed leaves and was hands down the LSD strain. Kind of off topic but all fems i've played with have spit out beans and surprisingly enough two of my reg bean strains haven't hermied yet. Like I said, the only benefit I see to fems is you don't need a male to get beans. Peace!!


Well-Known Member
I love when ppl try to tell me i'm wrong. Strain in question was Barney Farms LSD, from the tude (only avail in FEM form) Had the clawed leaves and was hands down the LSD strain. Kind of off topic but all fems i've played with have spit out beans and surprisingly enough two of my reg bean strains haven't hermied yet. Like I said, the only benefit I see to fems is you don't need a male to get beans. Peace!!
If they were female and you were sure about that then where did the Y chromosome come from.

The sex of the plant is determined by the x and y chromosome and properly produced feminized seeds will have no Y chromosome. This means the pollen on a hermie can ONLY provide an X chromosome to the awaiting pistils which can ONLY provide an X chromosome resulting in XX, a female or feminized seed.



Well-Known Member
I'm not saying your wrong, i'm just going by what i've gone through with fem beans and the outcome of the hermie beans. That would mean that Barney Farms has messed up in their feminizing process, and all the other breeders i've bought feminized beans from also. Only one fem strain never beaned out at all (Barney Farms - Red Dragon) of the fem strains i've played with. Just seems those odds are pretty high or the tude and herbies aren't selling the proper beans, Or I just have the worst luck ever. Anyways, I decided to go back to regs as i've never had problems with regs. Becoming harder and harder to find reputable breeders of reg beans tho :( I'm not sure why everyone raves over feminized as I still haven't met a patient that liked beans in their meds, and feminized is supposed to be the best thing for growing medical mj, or so i've read. That's it for my rant.. Peace!!