We're busted! What would you do?

be careful what you throw out also, playing a little mind game with the kids by throwing stuff away could be bad news...

if they did blab, which you have to assume they did, a K9 hit on your curbside trash is an invite to the local para-military storm troopers to play with their toys and get on the front page.

just think about everything and be careful. gl
wish I had some better advice, but I don't

I think you're royally screwed, and for a long time too.
7x, if I do destroy them, I will start a nice little fire in our firepit outside and destroy every last shred of my girls. Breaks my heart just to type that.
7x, if I do destroy them, I will start a nice little fire in our firepit outside and destroy every last shred of my girls. Breaks my heart just to type that.

aaahhhhh. no, stop, again. harvest it if you have to. it's still good weed. you said you were close. it just won't be as big and maybe not as stony. you can send it to me if you like. :hump: :peace: :joint: :joint:
"To make matters worse, he brought 2 of the neighbor punkass teens to show them too."

So, considering the above quote, it really doesn't matter if the kid lives 400 miles away from you. The neighborhood kids know ... and that calls for a complete tear-down of the grow and all the evidence destroyed as well. Depending upon the laws in your local, I'd consider getting rid of all my pot and smoking devises too.

I took a few pics before all this shit went down. I will post tomorrow in my grow journal, if I am not broken up by then.
I definatley wouldnt destroy them. You are right that kids to like to talk and brag but they also like to one up each other and i assure you one of these kids are going to brag to someone who has seen bigger and soon enough they will forget about your little closet grow. I would just be worried that they would take them lol. I also wouldnt be to worried about going to jail unless the "punk ass" teens have a cop for a dad.
Just found out from the wife that he and the other assholes planned on stealing them for themselves the next time he came down to visit.
clean it out. harvest. hide it good. bury it. have a friend hold it. damn. sorry my friend. that really sucks.

i'd put him over my knee.
Thanks Fdd. I will decide by this afternoon. Here's what I am thinking of IF I continue. I will put my growbox (pic 1) into the 2nd storage shed, which is similar to the one in pic 2. I will then padlock it. It's been there for a couple years and usually has a ton of gardening tools and other storage boxes. I would have to solve the heat issue, though.


sure you havent got anyone who can finish the grow for you for a cut? best way to get peace of mind without having to be a killer...

sorry man
My bud, who is also my middle man, is a childhood friend. He might do it. I suspect he might be growing some himself but that's pure speculation. Damn! This was my first real grow and it was going so well!

Anyway, thanks for all the advice.
It sounds like your in quite a predictament because your stepson sounds like a little thieving bastard, however as far as your plants go keep growing, just lock up the house everytime you leave and put a sign on your grow room that says im watching you, teenage kids will not break into your house over weed and even if they did that sign would probally spook them (but not deter them to steal the weed) and if the weed and/or grow supplies come up missing you know who took them so tell the kids parents or if you see them beat their thieving asses. But keep growing because most likely youll be able to finish your grow with no problems.
haha, guess what I got away with... beating the crap out of this kid that also thought he was an adult when he talked to me. It wasn't a total blood-fest or nothing like that, although I did manage to ALMOST break his face in two places. I still don't know how I did that, I was barely hitting him in a fashion that you'd knock on someone's door because I didn't want to hurt him too bad (you know, for legal reasons) lol, but hell yeah I got that little fucker finally, that'll teach him some respect. He wont try lunging at me like he's gonna hit me again I tell you that... and I can assure you that because I even let him have the first hit, pointed to my cheek, he hit me, I pushed him to the floor and dove on top of him and from there it was pretty much a blur of hands in my face cuz they said he was hitting me but I still don't believe it cuz even after the fight I didn't feel anything, my face didn't hurt, neither did my body aside from a few claw scratches here and there from him grabbing me, and of course DURING the fight your adrenaline's pumping so you're not gonna feel anything then anyway... He was the one feeling it afterwards... But I smoked a bowl with him and apologized for hurting him so bad lol. He was 16 going on 10. Hopefully now its more like 16 going on 17. Oh, he also lunged like he was gonna hit someone else there to, a girl, so he got what he deserved.


FUCK yeah, they make fake marijuana plants that look EXACTLY like a budding female plant. What I would do, is if its that close to harvest, I'd probably just go ahead and finish out the week, harvest them the day before you leave to go wherever it is you guys are going, or morning whichever one you think you could do, and let them water cure (for stealth, AND quality!!) while you're gone leaving the silk plants in their place so in case someone breaks in while you're gone, oh yeah I forgot, you have to order the plants and they probably wouldn't get there before you left lol. Check into it though, maybe you can work something out.
Man Sucks To Hear That...fuck Child Abuse...beat His Ass, Then Go Next Door And Tell The Other Kids Dad To Beat His Ass...if You Dont Got Long To Go I Would Grow Em And Be Done With It...wait A Couple Months And Re Group...think Of A New Plan..