Term ¨Weed¨ what does it mean, why do we use it here, where it came from?


We have all heard it before ''dont worry its a weed plant after all'' ''its annual weed plant'' ''grows like a weed'' and whatnot.......... any plant can be weed if its undesirable to the grower even cannabis one mans weed is another mans treasure, but is it undesirable to you or anyone on this site? that is the question which separates weed from vegetables or herbs and to me cannabis is most definetly a vegetable as i eat it and herb when i smoke it never ever a weed. ''What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1878'' haven't we found em yet:P! ''weed is nothing but unloved plant'' love or hate it that is the question. im not ranting against using the slang term the point is that most people here dont seem to know the difference between the real word from the slang term and now the words are intertwined in our community and used improperly and it has created its own false myths. wrong terminology is a barrier to communication, education and science. that is if you wanto learn about other ''weeds'' Dont treat it like a Weed, love it like a Herb. my bored thoughts of today dont take em seriously peace and out.


bud bootlegger
cannabis is not considered a vegetable as veggies grow fruits, and it's not an herb as cannabis grows flowers.. technically speaking cannabis is an annual flowering plant.. :D


Vegetable is a culinary term which generally refers to an edible part of a plant. thats it. only thing that makes a plant vegetable.... there are botanical herbs, culinary herbs(can be a vegetable at the same time) and medicinal herbs, botanical herbs are anykinds of non woody flowering plants, in this meaning it is not a herb but this term comes from usa and is not used in others parts of world. in medicinal terms herb can be any part of the plant flowers, leaves even seeds and roots. so its a herb and a vegetable, you are wrong:)


Well-Known Member
This is sort of like asking why we call band-aids band-aids instead of "sterile bandages"... it's just a familiar name that's been strongly associated and is widely accepted. Words are just words and do not hold any power of defining the nature of a substance. The fact that it shares a name with a commonly-determined plant group doesn't do anything to degrade the reputation of the substance, since it's been so long and largely accepted as a common term for it.

Further, the power is in each of our own hands to determine how we feel about the value we're assigning to each word. For instance, while I see and understand your point, you are sort of giving your power away by allowing other peoples' declarations (cannabis being a 'weed', but also, more importantly, the idea that a 'weed' is semantically what they say it is, an unwanted or undesirable plant) to dictate your own definition.

To me, 'weed' is a fun word that not only makes an easy go-to for slang terms for cannabis, but also carries the connotations of my being part of a special group who sees the value in aspects of things that other people do not. I consider it sort of a compliment. Like being called weird by someone who doesn't understand that normal is an illusion. It's a compliment at that point. In the same sense, cannabis being called "weed" by the large majority is a reassurance that I am in the know on a situation that most are in the dark about. I've always enjoyed rooting for the underdog.

Maybe that didn't make sense. :shrug: Bumpin' them vapors.

Anyway, just my opinion... not exactly "why" we use it here, but at least why it's okay (for me) to use the term without feeling morally conflicted.


Well-Known Member
you just said cannabis is considered a shit plant without value, unwanted in your garden like nettles, therefore, smoke shit:D
Is that usually not what's bought on the street these days? Shit...At least it's what I've been getting lately, apparently 0.91g + baggy = 1.4g apparently... Not impressed with this.


This is sort of like asking why we call band-aids band-aids instead of "sterile bandages"... it's just a familiar name that's been strongly associated and is widely accepted. Words are just words and do not hold any power of defining the nature of a substance. The fact that it shares a name with a commonly-determined plant group doesn't do anything to degrade the reputation of the substance, since it's been so long and largely accepted as a common term for it. Further, the power is in each of our own hands to determine how we feel about the value we're assigning to each word. For instance, while I see and understand your point, you are sort of giving your power away by allowing other peoples' declarations (cannabis being a 'weed', but also, more importantly, the idea that a 'weed' is semantically what they say it is, an unwanted or undesirable plant) to dictate your own definition. To me, 'weed' is a fun word that not only makes an easy go-to for slang terms for cannabis, but also carries the connotations of my being part of a special group who sees the value in aspects of things that other people do not. I consider it sort of a compliment. Like being called weird by someone who doesn't understand that normal is an illusion. It's a compliment at that point. In the same sense, cannabis being called "weed" by the large majority is a reassurance that I am in the know on a situation that most are in the dark about. I've always enjoyed rooting for the underdog. Maybe that didn't make sense. :shrug: Bumpin' them vapors. Anyway, just my opinion... not exactly "why" we use it here, but at least why it's okay (for me) to use the term without feeling morally conflicted.
that is completely fine i understand the slang term and it will never go away and i will be using it myself as a slang term , but the problem i see is that many people think there is a plant group called weeds that has its own specific traits and behaviours and that it can be treated certain ways when this is not true at all, it creates a false sence of the plant and false comparisons to other plants like the nettles we just heard, it was once thought cannabis is close relative to nettles but its not, the closest relatives are hops.