

Hello all i need find out which is the cheaper but the good too Ph test kit where can i get them not online plesae thank!


New Member
PH? depending on how exact you need it and how many times you plan to test, I initially started with test strips and drops to be cheap about it. I found that to be rather annoying testing over and over again and trying to guess what number it is by color.

Get a good PH pen if your cheap about it. I'll be buying the triple meter from blue lab once I can coin up. Testing over and over gets annoying too but the pen is probably your cheapest best bet.

Hydro store = hydroponics store.

While we are on the subject, don't go buy additives that make water safe for fish. It's safe for fish at that point, not plants. Your PH is very important when running a hydroponics system. Know your stuff or lose your crop. My .02 cents.


New Member
I only tried the stuff because it said it would remove chlorine and other chemicals from my city water. Eventually, I said screw it. The only issue I have with my water is the PH coming out of the faucet at 8.0+

I share all the knowledge I can because this forum is where I picked up the most of my information, it was applying it that gave me the experience. :)


Well-Known Member
I only tried the stuff because it said it would remove chlorine and other chemicals from my city water. Eventually, I said screw it. The only issue I have with my water is the PH coming out of the faucet at 8.0+
That's exactly why I used it. Been trying without it this grow and have experienced far less problems. My tap water's the same as yours; 8+. I grow in soil, and have been advised that I don't need to ph as the soil will buffer. Just feels wrong when the water is that alkaline though.


New Member
Soil, for the most part, will take care of itself in the PH dept. You can always get an idea of what the PH of the runoff will be, but, if its not an issue, don't make it one!!!

I simply make sure that my ph falls within' the 5.5-6.1 range for hydro, if its low, say 5.2, I'll just add a bunch of water till 6.1 and let it go. (I run a under current system)

Within' a couple cycles, it's back to 5.8-5.9 where it should be. I initially was super paranoid about letting it wander away from 5.8 because of nutrient uptake but now, I just let it kinda wander within the acceptable range and things are fine. Fighting PH is the only reason I'm jealous of soil growing!

As far as a high ph water, I'm just glad it's not hard water. I can deal with high ph, but that slimy, never feel rinsed feeling of hard water is terrible!


Active Member
A good ph meter is invaluable. don't skimp on buying one of these. It could mean the difference between hours worth of headaches.
so we shoulden't ph test our water thats going into the soil? i thought in order to keep the soil ph in check and to make sure the nutrients are available we should ph our soil grow water to 6.5 after the nuts have been added.