Advanced Nutrients Line-up: NEED Help with a Feeding Schedule!


Active Member
Okay so I have the following nutrients from AN and trying to see if I can get a good schedule, also no PPM meter right now... along with if I don't need any of these nutrients or using too much please let me know!I am using tap water for now, so please let me know any additives I can take away or if I need to reduce strength etc. THANKSSensi Grow A, Sensi Grow B, B-52, Sensi Bloom A, Sensi Bloom B, Big Bud, Bud Candy, Sensizym, Ancient Earth, Voodo Juice, Overdrive, Along with Botanicare Cal-MAG plusFeeding Schedule:


Active Member
That feeding schedule looks fine, I would just be careful with 4ml per L… Even with big plants that is hot. That alone is like 1400 PPM. So, keep an eye on your plants, less is more. Get a TDS meeter, it is a good idea with AN, bc it is easy to over feed, Sensi is very concentrated. Also, Ancient Earth will make nutrients even more available to your plant, so that is good, but can make it easier to burn your plants. Also, you could run Big Bud until your last week. I think the bottle says stop at week 5, but thats assuming your going to use Overdrive the last 2 weeks. At least thats what I would do if Im not using Overdrive. You don't "need'' any more additives, you have a good recipe going there. Master that and then dabble with Overdrive or Bud X. But ya, keep it simple and be careful with full strength, I have never hit 4ml per L


Active Member
I tend to agree with BuBudySmile. A lot of the manufacture's only want to SELL product, therefore the high concentrations. I always use half of what is "recommended" and have had great results.


Active Member
I tend to agree with BuBudySmile. A lot of the manufacture's only want to SELL product, therefore the high concentrations. I always use half of what is "recommended" and have had great results.
Curious.. what do you mean by only want to SELL products therefore the concentration? I ask because that is where I give AN props. It is highly concentrated so it goes a long way. If they just wanted to SELL product wouldn't it be more diluted than most brands. Take Botanicare for instance, I have to use almost twice as much over AN on pretty much all products.


Active Member
Yeah I used 4mL / L and I got twisted ends/blacking/wilting of the tips of my leaves.... so I'm assuming I should keep it about 3mL / L at the very most?

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Here's my .02:

If you really need to ask this question, then consider slowing your rolls with all the additives. The base nutes (As & Bs) alone can grow fine dope. Dial those in before you start trying to make a 10-bottle concoction. If you really think you need an additive, try the ancient earth. It's a humic/fulvic supplement that'll help with chelation and make your nutrients more available to the plants.

Contrary to what these companies want you to think, less is sometimes more.


Active Member
Curious.. what do you mean by only want to SELL products therefore the concentration? I ask because that is where I give AN props. It is highly concentrated so it goes a long way. If they just wanted to SELL product wouldn't it be more diluted than most brands. Take Botanicare for instance, I have to use almost twice as much over AN on pretty much all products.
Sorry BuBuddySmile :-) ( I wrote that comment before having a coffee ) That was the point that I was so hard trying to convey. AN is a good product, and it is because of the concentration levels, unlike ... as you also state ( Botanicare ) where it is diluted up the yimmie.

Lesson learned .... Have a coffee and a doob before opening mouth and inserting foot !! My Bad :-)



Well-Known Member
I suggest using 1/4 strength nutes to start. Feed, water, water. Then increase to 1/2 strength and do on. More experienced growers feed to the plants needs. Newer growers get better results and less problems starting with reduced feeds.


Active Member
Yeah I used 4mL / L and I got twisted ends/blacking/wilting of the tips of my leaves.... so I'm assuming I should keep it about 3mL / L at the very most?
Yes, what Clownbaby said. You experienced nutrient burn. Not just AN, most other lines don't need to be run at full strength. It is all relative to the type of plant your growing. Dial in that base first, because it has everything you need to grow a healthy plant. The highest I have ever really run Sensi is 3/4. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Okay so I have the following nutrients from AN and trying to see if I can get a good schedule, also no PPM meter right now... along with if I don't need any of these nutrients or using too much please let me know!I am using tap water for now, so please let me know any additives I can take away or if I need to reduce strength etc. THANKSSensi Grow A, Sensi Grow B, B-52, Sensi Bloom A, Sensi Bloom B, Big Bud, Bud Candy, Sensizym, Ancient Earth, Voodo Juice, Overdrive, Along with Botanicare Cal-MAG plusFeeding Schedule:
Huh. That seems like a lot to me. I would take away the Ancient Earth and the CalMag. But heck, why not go for it and post the results to the rest of us to see?


Well-Known Member
I would say to nix the Botanicare, Bud Candy, Sensizym, Ancient Earth... I think that's all.

Keep the Sensi Grow and Bloom, that's your base nutes. Be sure to get the pH Perfect version with the drawing of the lady on the label.
Also keep the Voodoo Juice, Big Bud, Overdrive, and B-52. All that together is basically your Hobbyist level bundle and if you haven't bought it yet, buy it as part of the bundle. You'l save some $$$ that way.

The schedule looks fine to me, but like folks are saying you've really gotta go by your plants more than the schedule. It's rarely a bad idea to cut the recommended dose to 50%-75% of what is listed.


Well-Known Member
to op. the base recommends 4ml if u bought it to use by its self (no additives) not to rape your pockets. an is one of the more cost effective lines out there. GET A PPM/PH METER! research how to use it and ask questions. i run max 1400 ppm depending on strain... sometimes as little as 1000 max so for you i would start there. also use RO water ddidnt see you state if you use it or not. when you mix a feed water add all additives first and then add base to get your desired ppm so for me i add my shit and its usually about 500 ppm or so and so i add 5-8ooppm of base to that for flowering phase. i dont use alll advanced right now but have seen the whole line at work and i think you can find satisfaction with it


Well-Known Member
saw you are using tap water any idea what ppm it is?? EPA doesnt step in til 500ppm so thats alot of shit in the water possibly my water here is at 3-400ppm real easy to burn using that shit. drop the botanicare. AN includes the needed calmag they assume RO water is being used. botanicare doesnt. i use botanicare/An


go to the advanced website and get there feeding chart and cut it in half. i run advanced i have a ton of nutes trying to run them out. there good base nutes additives cost a lot i have replacements for a lot of there higher priced ones if want a list of the replacements let me know


Well-Known Member
Sensi A B already has humic and fulvic acid in it.. .so ancient earth would just be a waste. Go to the advanced website and look at sensi a b and it will tell you everthing that is in it...aminos wet betty, humic and fulvic acids etc.