20k$ 28ftx14ft New Super Grow House "Journal"


Hello, I just want to start off and say thank you guys! I have been reading these boards for a wile now. prob almost read every single grow journal that i could get my hands on here and in other places. I just got out of the military after a pretty bad last few years. 2010 my team got hit with a IED doing a extract, i took some pretty bad damage to my leg and ankle. Once i was back and had surgery for those i was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and with in the same year was treated for 6 months and then was it was totally taken out. I can same i was pretty lucking in both instances. As of now i am finishing my degree in Engineering and getting back out to try to rebuild this country. But i do have another 2 years before that will come to be a reality. I have found pleasure is more simple things in life now on my road to full recovery. Building, creating, and caring for is alot more easier life then the opposite. Now to the good stuff. This will start as a building project and will turn in to a full grow journal. I will have Weekly or if on vaca Bi weekly Pics for updates. Building - I built a 28ft x 14xft Foundation and its going to be poured this week. With in 1 1/2 weeks the building will be up and built. 2x6 for walls so insulation could be added. Trusses - i have gone with the (2nd row, 3rd one down) "----Room in attic trusses--- come with the bottom chord utilized as the floor joist and the support webs designed to frame the walls of the" http://www.carpentry-pro-framer.com/roof-trusses.html This will give me room in order to put the venting and scrubber system up there so i can maintain them with out having to work inside the grow room its self. Also giving the rooms more SqFt. This is how i have planned the building AND PLZ PLZ PLZ i love constructive criticism and i do not believe in any way what i have choose is the best. If anyone has any comments or idea or anything plz don't hesitate to post. Once thing i have learned is more brains is better then one :) For Entry there going to going be 1 Fake window with built in blinds and Bars hidden behind the blinds then the wall. The main entrance is a storm safe door i order from http://www.securalldoors.com/storm_door.asp its going to be a 4ft bolting tri lock door. Now i know what your thinking a little over kill, ahhh no. In my life and line of work, better safe then sorry keeps you alive and safe. I don't not live in the city nor to close to anyone else. If for some reason that this doesn't work out i will be able to turn this is to a workshop to work on my toys and i would want the extra security anyways. Here is a make shift of what the plans look like. Now i have changed a few things of the lay out make sure of safety but they will be pretty close to what you see :) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Feeding system - hybrid System like the one from GrowMaxx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHs2DTV581g&list=UULkSSfGAqvAlY6U6LLN97QA&index=16&feature=plcp Tell me what you think guys. I like that it uses coco and you can drop it right in to the system once done in veg. Thoughts??? I will post pics of building this system and completed too. Lights- We are building a Custom 2 duel light chandelier system. 2x 1000w hps lights, hoods, shield with venting systems hooked together be attached with a oscillating electric motor there will be 2 of these in each room moving counter clockwise of each other for elimination of heat-spots and shade spots. I will upload pics as soon as we are done building them. Fans - There will be upper fans and lower canopy fans for constant movement Help needed Venting - I am going to use a large charcoal scrubbers, This is where i am in a bind. i would like to keep it all a internal systems with no blow off to inside of the building. Is the possible or will cooling that air for reuse just be realistic? Looking for 2 Cheap propane C02 Gens for both the rooms too, Best methods for climate control too.


Well-Known Member
You don't need CO2 to grow great pot. Forget about that - a lot of complication for not much yield.


Well-Known Member
You don't need CO2 to grow great pot. Forget about that - a lot of complication for not much yield.

You sure about that?

yeah, you certainly don't need it to grow great pot. It does however cause a significant increase in yield (if your using it properly).


Well-Known Member
running co2 isnt complicated. It just takes a lot of money...
You don't need CO2 to grow great pot. Forget about that - a lot of complication for not much yield.
Wrong and Wrong.

While it is definitely not required, when properly applied, boosted levels of co2 are going to ramp up plant growth and bud production. For what you could stuff under a 1000 watt lamp, you could run 1200-1500ppm for 2 months for around 100-150 bucks in a sealed room.

My yields went up over 20%, and they looked "frostier" when co2 is used. 20% is a HUGE yield increase, sure fuckin trumps the cost of the co2.

And hard to set up? Please, about as easy as pluggin in your lights. Get a tank, buy a regulator, screw regulator to tank, plug regulator to co2 monitoring device and it does the rest for you. How is that complicated. Oh shit, I guess you do have to turn the valve on, damn, that could be the tricky part, lol.

I'm convinced that many of you on this site either dont grow, or do grow but only regurgitate the bullshit you read from some other bullshitters thread, rather than from your own knowledge and experiance.


Well-Known Member
You'd have to have plants under the same lights in the same box - some exposed to CO2 and some not. So how exactly did you do that? There's no way to know if you really got a 20% increase. Maybe it seems like it or maybe you'd like to believe it but it's so far from a controlled, scientific experiment there's no way you can make that claim. IMO>


Well-Known Member
You'd have to have plants under the same lights in the same box - some exposed to CO2 and some not. So how exactly did you do that? There's no way to know if you really got a 20% increase. Maybe it seems like it or maybe you'd like to believe it but it's so far from a controlled, scientific experiment there's no way you can make that claim. IMO>

I ran the same strain for years, then added co2 and sealed the room, same everything except I put the glass on the hoods I had and added my co2 setup and bang, 20% more yield, did that for 2 more grows, stopped co2 and lost about 20% yield. So now for the last 5 years, I've been running co2 because it obviously works. I've been invovled in agriculture and plant life for over 30 years now. I dont need a scientist wearing a lab coat to tell me that it fucking works.

Now co2 may or may not work with the OPs plans as far as ventilatin and whatnot goes, but thats not what I was addressing. You made the comment that co2 didn't increase the yield enough to make it worth it AND that it was complicated, so I called bullshit on your ignorance.

I've actually done alot of fucking around with co2 and temps, humidity, etc. I don't just get on here and regurgitate what I read on some other thread.

Spandy, just curious to what kind of CO2 controller you have and how much it was?
Sentinel CPPM-4. Ran me about 500 2 years ago. Im sure you could find a nice clean unit on ebay or CL or like. I keep my temps at 86-88, 1200ppm co2 and 40-45% humidity. I tried both with co2 and without co2 doing grows anywhere from 75-90 degrees over the years. When I wasn't running co2 the ideal temp range was a tad lower, being 78, again without c02.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
I ran the same strain for years, then added co2 and sealed the room, same everything except I put the glass on the hoods I had and added my co2 setup and bang, 20% more yield, did that for 2 more grows, stopped co2 and lost about 20% yield. So now for the last 5 years, I've been running co2 because it obviously works. I've been invovled in agriculture and plant life for over 30 years now. I dont need a scientist wearing a lab coat to tell me that it fucking works. Now co2 may or may not work with the OPs plans as far as ventilatin and whatnot goes, but thats not what I was addressing. You made the comment that co2 didn't increase the yield enough to make it worth it AND that it was complicated, so I called bullshit on your ignorance.I've actually done alot of fucking around with co2 and temps, humidity, etc. I don't just get on here and regurgitate what I read on some other thread.Sentinel CPPM-4. Ran me about 500 2 years ago. Im sure you could find a nice clean unit on ebay or CL or like. I keep my temps at 86-88, 1200ppm co2 and 40-45% humidity. I tried both with co2 and without co2 doing grows anywhere from 75-90 degrees over the years. When I wasn't running co2 the ideal temp range was a tad lower, being 78, again without c02.
Do you have pictures of with and without c02? I have ran c02 before and could never get a successful run like you claimed. The best yields I got was using 1500ppm all day with the lights on and only received a 5% increase in yields. I definitely noticed a few positives while running but never saw the dramatic increases in yield that most people claim. Temps were 75 lights off and 85 lights on so please tell me what I could be doing to utilize c02 like you have done.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Go co2, with out a doubt. If u have the cash, do it.
Who ever is saying co2 enrichment is false is fucking crazy.


Well-Known Member

Personally I wouldn't use Co2. An old data polling study showed comparing people who used co2 and those who didn't really had no discernible difference. I'm not saying it doesn't work, just not all that effective for most operations.

Also, for such a large operation to construct this setup, only 2 1000 watts in flower seems very small.

FWIW, I would use open air hoods with more lights in flower with out a light mover.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure. :fire:
Have YOU used co2 properly before, or are you just going off something you have read on the Internet and then regurgitating it as gospel?

It's a well known botanical fact that co2 is the first limiting factor in increasing plant metabolism and carbohydrate fixation. It is also printed in just about every MJ grow book that co2 can boost production. I'm not claiming 40% increases but their is definitely an increase in veg speed, bud size, and overall weight. You would be very hard pressed to find an experieneced grower with PPM controlled co2 that says its a waste of time.

I have a natiral gas fires DIY water cooled co2 generator that cost me about $250 to install. Another $300 for a ppm controller. It costs me about $4 a month to run co2. Running 3600 watts I increased my end end harvest by 13 ounces (about 19%) increase. Same strain, same nutes, same method. You do the math.


Well-Known Member
Have YOU used co2 properly before, or are you just going off something you have read on the Internet and then regurgitating it as gospel?

It's a well known botanical fact that co2 is the first limiting factor in increasing plant metabolism and carbohydrate fixation. It is also printed in just about every MJ grow book that co2 can boost production. I'm not claiming 40% increases but their is definitely an increase in veg speed, bud size, and overall weight. You would be very hard pressed to find an experieneced grower with PPM controlled co2 that says its a waste of time.

I have a natiral gas fires DIY water cooled co2 generator that cost me about $250 to install. Another $300 for a ppm controller. It costs me about $4 a month to run co2. Running 3600 watts I increased my end end harvest by 13 ounces (about 19%) increase. Same strain, same nutes, same method. You do the math.
I was wrong and I agree with you now that CO2 can increase yield nearly 20%. Thanks for getting me a better understanding of the process. :peace:


Active Member
You'd have to have plants under the same lights in the same box - some exposed to CO2 and some not. So how exactly did you do that? There's no way to know if you really got a 20% increase. Maybe it seems like it or maybe you'd like to believe it but it's so far from a controlled, scientific experiment there's no way you can make that claim. IMO>
dont you guys worry im doing a side by side right now with diesel one with 76 degrees temps 50 humid the other 82 with 1500 ppm co2. the nugs are huge on the co2 room but the vented room is frostier.