Which book? (New to hydroponics)


Hi, Can anyone please point me in the direction of a book that covers general hydroponics in its different forms? I have the medicinal maijuana bible, but I need more need more indepth knowledge, lots of pictures! = )Thanks for reading!

Dank You, More Please

Well-Known Member
Ed Rosenthal's Guide to Growing Marijuana is just about the most comprehensive book and most helpful one I've ever read on growing. It covers hydro, plant life cycles, and everything you'll need to grow. Plus its from a reliable source, and is the coursebook for Oaksterdam university over in CA


Well-Known Member
this book is ok too ;-)
<font size="5"><span style="color:#ff3399;"><span style="font-family:comic sans ms;">[video]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Marijuana-Horticulture-outdoor-Medical-Growers/dp/187882323X[/video]

had to link it as a vid as link messing up ;-) hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Sheet, with the world of information available online these days, I dunno why anybody would want books anymore, but to each his own I suppose.

Dank You, More Please

Well-Known Member
books are not full of trolls and bull shitters................... ;-)
Exactly... Having a guide written by someone that is a renound expert on a subject is a much better starting place. Sure some techniques work better than the scientific way of doing it but if you ask 1000 growers what the best way to grow big stinky buds, you're going to get 1000 different answers, the online database can be a little overwhelming for a first time grower.


Well-Known Member
Exactly... Having a guide written by someone that is a renound expert on a subject is a much better starting place. Sure some techniques work better than the scientific way of doing it but if you ask 1000 growers what the best way to grow big stinky buds, you're going to get 1000 different answers, the online database can be a little overwhelming for a first time grower.
&#8203;so very true mr and a very good post...rep 4sure ;-)


Active Member
Hi, Can anyone please point me in the direction of a book that covers general hydroponics in its different forms? I have the medicinal maijuana bible, but I need more need more indepth knowledge, lots of pictures! = )Thanks for reading!
The Book is in front of you now....on the screen.Serious.If it has to be on paper,simply press print.


Well-Known Member
The Book is in front of you now....on the screen.Serious.If it has to be on paper,simply press print.
&#8203;ye lets print off all rollitups bull shitters post and put all the shizz in to action, hhhhmmmm i think not