strawberry cough plants


Active Member
I didn't have any spots, the nutes I've been feeding have good dosages of everything and I made special soil to ensure everything was there for it for a few months. I did mine from seed but she blew up pretty quick under the t5s. She grew bigger and faster then all others in the garden. I would definitely get them into bigger potters as mentioned earlier and she will be able to start taking a nice feed soon as she stretches her legs a bit. In early flower she won't like much food but by week 3-4 she will take as much as you want to give surprisingly. I didn't use any co2 but let me know if it helps them out cause if so I may do more strawberry cough in my next round lol. They're that nice. Seriously one of my favs I've worked with so far


Well-Known Member
I have Cal/mag in the feed and I pulled one out of the cup yesterday and it has roots circling the bottom so it is probably time. Are you talking 3 weeks from seed or from clone? I just mixed up some yeast and sugar in a bottle to get some co2 in there to give them a bit of a kick. From seed is new for me and it does take a long time for them to mature and bush out.
Yes, from seed. If it were clone it would save me 1 week. Yes, when the roots are circling around the pot then its time to up size the pot. CO2 in my opinion is worthless when your using CFLs. They work better when your using MH/HPS IMO


Well-Known Member
Yes, from seed. If it were clone it would save me 1 week. Yes, when the roots are circling around the pot then its time to up size the pot. CO2 in my opinion is worthless when your using CFLs. They work better when your using MH/HPS IMO

I am headed down to get a 200 watt cfl to add to my box, so I will have 350 watts now. That should help I hope! How did your plants get so big in 3 weeks? I bet you have a proper veg room with MH? These may get a week under a 1000 watt MH before I kick them, after my Flower room gets harvested.


Active Member
Mine were under 4 4' t5s with a few extra cfls.. Some 200 watts and a few lower watts. I also had temps pretty well perfect and soil was a good mix. The first week they were almost out of root space in 2 gallon buckets lol. I like to leave soil pretty soft so they can get a good root base quickly as that allows better top growth later on. I also gave them lots of love and attention... Sat with them for 45 minutes each day lol. I also had a good amount of lumens for my tent and with the Mylar they really utilized all of the light. Be careful when you kick em to flower; they stretch a fair amount and don't like a lot of nutes till a few weeks in.


Well-Known Member
I have my 1000 watt in an aircooled tube so I can drop it pretty low. I just added 2 more 100 6500k cfl's, so now I am at a total of 400 watts and replanted 5 of them that had roots to the bottom. My humidity is too low at 35% so I need to take care of that. Not sure why they are not bigger. I wanted them to be in flower in a week but theres now way I am kicken them that size. Temp runs around 75ish, started foliar feeding every few days to and I will tease the roots out into the new soil. What else could a plant want?
heres a new picIMG_0085.jpg


Well-Known Member
I am headed down to get a 200 watt cfl to add to my box, so I will have 350 watts now. That should help I hope! How did your plants get so big in 3 weeks? I bet you have a proper veg room with MH? These may get a week under a 1000 watt MH before I kick them, after my Flower room gets harvested.
I don't even use a MH. I use 8 32watt T8 for Veg then switch them under 2 400w HPS in flower. Once you get the handle of your nutrients and lighting they will grow much faster trust me. I had trouble at the beginning. Oh, also air flow is a big factor to a good growing too.


Well-Known Member
i used a 600hps and a 400mh together on 4 plants (strawberry cough from dp) took last of them down recently so am sat toking on a joint now, and i tell you this much, this is some premium tasting pot :) happy days, go easy on the nutes she aint a heavy feeder.....


Well-Known Member
Well I dont know wtf is going on with these plants!! They are pathetic and I am loosing my patience. 5 inches tall at 4 weeks old
what a waste of time and energy in my opinion. they have a great environment with good air circulation but they wont take up food and are stunted to shit! They havent grown in weeks and now I am going to hafto start different seeds because I dont trust these ones at all. super pissed right now. I could go get clones and have them pass these things in a week!


Active Member
Have you been feeding them other than sprays? Any chance you can bring the lights a little closer? How often are you watering and what size buckets?


Active Member
So I see you are feeding. Try to cut it out a while and bring the lights closer. Give em a good bucket of water and no nutes.. Totally soak them and then nothing else till you see it's bone dry. After that just pure water again.. If they don't seem to come together you can send em over to me :p


Well-Known Member
So I had a long talk with a buddy and he said he only feeds 3 ml per gallon grow and 1.5ml liquid karma and thats for a plant 2 feet tall so.....
I had researched that 15-20ml was what people had been doing and its my own damn fault for not going with my gut. So now the flush begins with clearX and now I know why my OG kush is purple as hell at 8.5 weeks! ahhh
The kush have been on water now for 12 days and now I am worried the bud will taste like shit and I will be baking with them. I want to flush for another week but am worried they could just taste worse going longer like that. The trichomes are just turning cloudy so Its almost time. what a ride this first grow has been since coming back. alot of mistakes being out of the industry. live and learn again hey. lol
I need to smoke one


Active Member
Yeah that's a lot more then I use! I'm at 2ml for every 1.5L of water and I didn't start that till they were already 1 3/4 feet tall and very bushy.
How much longer till you pull the kush? If they've been only in water for 12 days now and you have a few more days you will be fine for sure.
The first grow under the belt after a layoff is tough but it will come back in no time don't worry


Well-Known Member
the kush comes down in 2 days and my buddy told me how to do an emergency flush so I cut half of them at the soil level and stuck them in water to boost the flush and them I will do the same to the other half after I hang those ones. cant wait to try this stuff! Thanks for the encouragement man. I flushed the crap out of the SC lastnight and they already have new growth and have perked right up so that makes me happy and a little more at ease. How long till your SC comes down?


Active Member
Glad to hear you got things under control, that's very good!
you Will be very happy with the strawberry cough, she's a great looking plant especially when she comes in to flower!
My girls still have another three weeks, or around that. She is my fav in the garden so far. More so than the critical kush and way more then my problematic sweet god. You will definitely like her when she comes along!


Active Member
If ur using flora nova nutes u should follow the kiss method and add some nirvana or liquid karma and bud candy or flora necter and she will reward u with sone dank!!


Well-Known Member
I checked the roots on the 2 ones left in the cups and the roots arent nice and white, they are brown and dont look healthy so I guess I have damaged the root system from over feeding them at 350 ppm. They are growing better but they are still only 5 inches tall tops and most look lanky except for 2 that look nice and bushy "for their size" but they are no where near what they should be. I have 2 weeks till they go into flower room where I can flip them or throw a MH in there for another week and hope they take off.
IMG_0100.jpg five weeks old..... I believe I have root rot and that is why I have no progress. this is with 30 percent perlite added to soil.
IMG_0099.jpgthis guy is looking better
IMG_0101.jpg not alot of improvement so I think i will remove some of the damaged roots


Active Member
Don't remove any roots! Get root revive or something along that name. It will help tremendously! I haven't used it myself but know of people that have used it and love the stuff. They will stretch out in flower but I would completely stop the nutes till they are desperate for it. I'd also get the cfls a bit closer so they can take up more of that light... Or toss in the mh now... I'm sorry I can't help more, I'd love for these girls to get going for you more cause I truly enjoy how mine is looking and doing so far.


Well-Known Member
IMG_0102.jpgIMG_0103.jpgIMG_0104.jpgpretty sure the 400 watts of cfl just wasnt enough "proper" light but they are moved now but I didnt get rid of all the mites and jumped on these fuckers like flys on shit, lol. end alled them today and will be ordering predator mites to get any I missed! little shits....

They seem to have something going on and Im not sure if its from a deficiency or from low light and over watering because the roots arent as developed as i thought. going to veg for maybe a month till my white rhino seeds I planted today to get tall enough. I am also leaving the SC in the one gallon pots except for maybe 2 to keep them under control since the WR is stout and bushy. ROUND 2 "ding"