Bizarre News: the strange and different.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
3 incidences and exonerated every time. What the hell is wrong with Florida?
Kinda sounds like Detroit cops.

I can't believe what the people here accept from their representatives all the way down from the Governor to the city council. Pitiful, just pitiful.


New Member
I will never step foot in Florida.In the mid 90s I was in Miami to see the Dead.A guy I knew got yoked up by the Police,never to be seen again.The police had no record of him ever being arrested

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I will never step foot in Florida.In the mid 90s I was in Miami to see the Dead.A guy I knew got yoked up by the Police,never to be seen again.The police had no record of him ever being arrested
Somehow I believe that. It is yes sir/no sir.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
(Newser) – A 9-year-old Ukrainian boy caused a big headache for his parents (and maybe a stomachache for himself) by spending their entire life savings on sweets, reports Russia's Ria Novosti. During a school vacation, the boy took nearly $4,000 from his parents' stash of euros and dollars, which was stowed oh-so-securely under the couch. With the help of an adult described as having a mental disorder, the boy converted them into Ukrainian hryvnas. His accomplice got a cut of the cash, then it was off to the candy shop. The kid does have a sweet streak, however—the haul was too much to eat on his own, so he shared it with pals.


Well-Known Member
That cop needs to be prisoned for the rest of his life. What a pathetic excuse for a human being. I hope karma absolutely destroys this punk. Using a taser on a WOMAN from POINT-BLANK RANGE who weighs three times less than you do isn't justifiable. Because this low-life piece of shit has an anger problem, a young girl has to be brain dead for life?

Daniel Cole, you are a humongous pussy. The only thing he needs to fear for his life is KARMA.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Officials remain puzzled following large numbers of UFO sightings along the India / China border.

Between August 1st and October 15th over 100 mysterious objects have been observed in the skies across the region. Some of the reports describe a "yellowish sphere" that lifts off from the horizon and travels across the sky for several hours before disappearing. Military officials investigating the reports have ruled out the possibility that the objects are unmanned drones or satellites.

A team of astronomers from Indian Astronomical Observatory decided to try and solve the mystery themselves by observing the objects over the course of several days. While they were unable to determine what the UFOs were, they did manage to rule out planets or meteors as possible explanations.

full story found here.

Makes you wonder if a major earthquake is going to hit the region in the near future. Throughout history lights have been seen before and after major earthquakes. I'd rather it be UFO's.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A member of the anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund, which has filed numerous lawsuits in opposition to LGBT rights nationwide, has been arrested on multiple felony charges related to child pornography.

A Manchester lawyer took a teenage girl to Canada, had her engage in sexual activity and convinced her to let it be filmed, according to federal indictments. FBI agents swiftly arrested Lisa Biron yesterday morning as she awaited a hearing on child pornography charges at Manchester’s district court.

About 9 a.m. FBI agents entered the courtroom, told Biron to leave her belongings and took her into an adjoining conference room where she remained for several minutes before coming out in handcuffs. Outside, Biron ducked her head below the backseat window of a white vehicle as it was driven away from the courthouse.

A few hours later in U.S. District Court in Concord, Biron, who is associated with a national coalition of Christian lawyers, was formally told of the federal charges against her: transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, possession of child pornography and five counts of sexual exploitation of children.

Judge Landya McCafferty decided to detain Biron yesterday, largely, she said, because she is believed to have broken most of the bail conditions imposed on the district-level pornography charges.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The breaking news for me is Spiderman spinning a new web! That avatar is mesmerizing.
I'm glad you quoted that. I was having so many problems with my iPad's formatting that I ended up deleting the post out of frustration.I wish my computer part would get here so I can regain my sanity and control over formatting text.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I thought I was losing it. Quoted and posted and then it was gone! Cool avatar. Sorry about the iPad.
It's a temporary problem. As soon as my adapter gets here I'll be back in business. I had the iPad set up for my mom when she could no longer get out of bed. It comes in handy sometimes but I would hate having it as my only source for connecting to the internet. Blech!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
(Newser) – It's the only country in the world where women can't drive—and now, if they leave it, their male guardians are electronically notified. When Saudi Arabian women cross the border, said guardians get a text message. The texts arrive even when couples are traveling together, AFP reports. Women can't leave the country unless their guardians sign them out at an airport or the border. News of the electronic tracking was spread by women's driving activist Manal al-Sherif on Twitter, where it sparked a backlash. "Hello Taliban, herewith some tips from the Saudi e-government!" posted one user. "This is technology used to serve backwardness in order to keep women imprisoned," wrote columnist Badriya al-Bashir, slamming the "state of slavery under which women are held.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Black Friday got off to a rowdy start at a San Antonio mall where police say one shopper pulled a gun on another who punched him in the face while they were waiting in line at a Sears store. Police Sgt. Rob Carey tells the San Antonio Express-News a man rushed into the store when it opened Thursday night to get to the front of a line, started arguing with people and tried cutting in front of them. One man who got punched pulled a gun and that scattered shoppers, including the impatient line-cutter who took cover behind a refrigerator. Then he fled. Carey says the man with the gun had a permit to carry the weapon and isn't being charged with a crime.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Black Friday got off to a rowdy start at a San Antonio mall where police say one shopper pulled a gun on another who punched him in the face while they were waiting in line at a Sears store. Police Sgt. Rob Carey tells the San Antonio Express-News a man rushed into the store when it opened Thursday night to get to the front of a line, started arguing with people and tried cutting in front of them. One man who got punched pulled a gun and that scattered shoppers, including the impatient line-cutter who took cover behind a refrigerator. Then he fled. Carey says the man with the gun had a permit to carry the weapon and isn't being charged with a crime.
That just made this day a little brighter. LOL