hell yea thats crazy when you have the smoke blowing out the windos with LJ
I forgot all about jetpacks man, that was the shit! they need some of thoes, and at least one plane!!!!
I like hitting people into the water with my can and then swiming with their dead bodies

you can also shoot people into the water, but they need to be positioned right,
I also like shooting people while driving and watch them drive into the wall... and shooting pilots of helicopters is fun too, they crash and you laugh, yea good times with guns.
im about 40% through 39.some rediculouse decimal
never tried splitting people in two with my car, got to try that out man,
I found a way to kill cops legaly

you take a car place it in fron of the cop, take another car and hit it from behind, than laugh good and hardy.
I've only noticed some minor gitches, if I jump out of a car during a jump about half the time the car will stay in mid air, until I shoot at it.
sometimes I can see through walls, and sometimes people disapear and reapear its really fucking anoying man, especialy if I'm trying to rob them man!