can you check my plants? week 3 flower!


hi there,i had some kinda of ph problem i have now sorted the ph to what it got to be i think mine is 6.8 (in soil),i just wanted to some peeps to give me some feedback on my plants at this stage the thc has exploded over the past week and (hopefully on the right road) ,the girls are drinking alot this past week so thats a sign they are drinking what im feeding them despit what ever problem i had beging of flower so i think they are comeing along good,Pictues : if you can hell me if they are developing normal at this stage a (friend of mine got same starin and sam flowering time and my 3 got twice much thc than his at the moment),thanks if anyfeed back some pictures....


Active Member
i was thinking they look tidy and look to have some lower growth removed and seem to have no really big fans, it must just be a nice strain lol


You are on your way to a nice finish... This isn't a plug for a product, but the only way I can give you a little input on a great way to finish up without saying the name of the product is to call it by name: Final Phase from Advanced Nutrients. This the only product I've ever mentioned to any of the friends. --------------------- I always had problems flushing the plants before harvesting them. Not everyone will agree that flushing is a good idea. Some say they don't do any kind of flushing. Back them I was giving way to much nuets and ferts... I had the minsets of, "More is Better." which it's now established as a big dumb thing to do to your plants. Plants can lock up it's water intake of certain parts of the water. What I always came out with was herb that tasted like chemicals... Final Phase is an inexpensive product that kicks butt in two ways" ----------------------- 1. The main thing it does is it very quickly strips the salt off your roots. Some water trends to make the roots form thicker amounts of salt than other water. ------------------------------- 2. The result is one, your plants will begin to beg for water a lot since the roots can now soak up the new plain water (with 1 tablespoon per gallon) ------------------------------- 3. This is done the last 10 to 14 days, in which time your buds will become about 1/5th. bigger than would have turned out without any root salt remover product. If you know what your buds are going to look like you will see these treated plants begin to grow small buds all over the buds - especially the top colas if you grew that way they start looking extra cool.. My only mistake when I bought it was that I bought the biggest container - 6 gallons! That means I've got a lifetime supply. I begin using it 14 days before harvest day myself. ---------------------------- I also agree "ineverveg's" words about - those flowers are looking real good for just 3 weeks ------------- That may mean those plants have a fast flowering time????


You are on your way to a nice finish... This isn't a plug for a product, but the only way I can give you a little input on a great way to finish up without saying the name of the product is to call it by name: Final Phase from Advanced Nutrients. This the only product I've ever mentioned to any of the friends. --------------------- I always had problems flushing the plants before harvesting them. Not everyone will agree that flushing is a good idea. Some say they don't do any kind of flushing. Back them I was giving way to much nuets and ferts... I had the minsets of, "More is Better." which it's now established as a big dumb thing to do to your plants. Plants can lock up it's water intake of certain parts of the water. What I always came out with was herb that tasted like chemicals... Final Phase is an inexpensive product that kicks butt in two ways" ----------------------- 1. The main thing it does is it very quickly strips the salt off your roots. Some water trends to make the roots form thicker amounts of salt than other water. ------------------------------- 2. The result is one, your plants will begin to beg for water a lot since the roots can now soak up the new plain water (with 1 tablespoon per gallon) ------------------------------- 3. This is done the last 10 to 14 days, in which time your buds will become about 1/5th. bigger than would have turned out without any root salt remover product. If you know what your buds are going to look like you will see these treated plants begin to grow small buds all over the buds - especially the top colas if you grew that way they start looking extra cool.. My only mistake when I bought it was that I bought the biggest container - 6 gallons! That means I've got a lifetime supply. I begin using it 14 days before harvest day myself. ---------------------------- I also agree "ineverveg's" words about - those flowers are looking real good for just 3 weeks ------------- That may mean those plants have a fast flowering time????
hey thanks i took in all your feedback and i will be looking into final phase my strain is chesse im not sure on genetics or anything a mate of mine breed's them off his mother plant, i hope they dont finish early because my mate has the same plant at the same stage and mine looks more advanced but thanks for your feedback:)


Well-Known Member
Looks like you cut alot of leaves off her. That may affect your overall harvest. They do look good though!


Looks like you cut alot of leaves off her. That may affect your overall harvest. They do look good though!
thanks man they was yellowing and falling off anyway from my ph problem not 100% sure if the plants are ph stable but are drinking more than they was but thanks.


Active Member
Never, NEVER, NEVER, EVER remove fan leaves. If they are in the way move em. I usually dont have a node within a foot or more of the dirt. I want my knuckles about a foot to a foot and a half off the dirt. I do a super cropping, bending and tie down method. I would highly suggest that for ur next grow. Wat happen to ur fan leaves


Never, NEVER, NEVER, EVER remove fan leaves. If they are in the way move em. I usually dont have a node within a foot or more of the dirt. I want my knuckles about a foot to a foot and a half off the dirt. I do a super cropping, bending and tie down method. I would highly suggest that for ur next grow. Wat happen to ur fan leaves
I HAD A DEFICENCY AND THEY WERE DYING so i removed them and aint grown back well younger leaves have but not the big fan leafs, cheers mate for advice:).