What a lot of folks don't understand is that I got into medical marijuana based on my work with addiction. Specifically narcotic addiction. It is a subject I've spent years working on and I've through through many different approaches. Obviously I'm rather biased to the one I came up with, I'll grant you that, but it is based on an 80% plus success rate so I might be on to something.
The other thing I'll be quick to point out is that sometimes I put things more forcefully than I should. What triggered this one was the blanket statement something I've found very helpful was 'evil'. Way too black and white for me, there are always variations, different approaches, and therapy is tailored to the patient. I can easily see someone just glancing through this thread coming away with a negative impression of a particular therapy to the point they wont consider it, even if it is their best option as explained by the one guiding them through their recovery. It is good to mention to pitfalls, so folks can look out for them, but although I like it, I don't insist it is the only option. Nor would I insist it was evil and not to be used. I don't like methadone, I don't agree with the strategy as a front line treatment, but can clearly see it has it's place and would never say it was evil.
Although I don't know specifically who Glad is, he apparently knows me and I am sure can vouche for the fact I really do put thought into my recommendations and they are based on a solid foundation. I take this very seriously and results speak for themselves.
Dr. Bob