Are you F*** kidding me. (seed help)

The F**k. This has got to be a cruel joke that nature has placed on me.
So here is my problem. I finally bought some seeds off of attitude, and i have put the seeds in germination process. I first warmed them up in my mouth and then placed them in a papertowel roll and pressed the towel and the seeds together for more gravity. (i have germinated many seeds from bagseed and all had 100% sucess rate.)
So no i am patiently waiting and the second day the seeds have sprouted a small root. I was so happy to see how fast everything was going. Then comes the 3rd day, i check and they seemed to still be the same size (the seed sprout) which is about a cm sprouted. Then the 4th day. Same size. Ok whatever just be patient. then a week or so with germinating process the motherf**kers "turtled" back into their shell. What the SHIT! Sorry for my language but how the f**k does this shit happen? the temp of the germinating room is 75-80. The towels were dank but not too moist. I have done this technique for over 5 times not but this time was just too odd. How the hell does this happen!? How can a sprouted seedling shrink its root back into its shell?!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well first dont put them in your mouth as your just adding bacteria to the new plants which you dont want to do not sure why you would even do that to begin with. Just use a simple empty cd case and a paper towel folded into 4ths. Open the papertowel like a book place it in the cd case and then drench the paper towel completely. Place seeds on the towel fold over seeds lightly press down make sure completely wet almost dripping. place in a ziplock bag then put in a drawer, cabinet where ever it is dark and slightly warm. They need the extra moisture to be drawn out and fill. If not wet enough they will shrivel or not expand outward. In 3 days the roots should be 2 inches long and white. Transplant before the root hairs dig into the paper towel.
I might have not added enough water then. Thank you. But for the mouth. It is a very ancient technique because it warms up the seed. if you keep it in your mouth for an hour you will have a very good chance of second day success. But thank you for the information =)


Well-Known Member
Toss em in a glass of water with small amount of h202 in it put in warm dark place. I got seeds that wouldn't crack for 12 days to pop this way.


Well-Known Member
This germination things is not difficult. But for the challenged - Root Shooters. You open the seed order from wherever, pick a seed and drop it in the hole. Into a heated dome if you must. Otherwise leave it alone. Don't drop anything in the hole on top of it. Don't breathe on it or drop it in water or wrap it in paper towels. Can you imagine if a farmer did this shit to plant a corn field?

I've grown pot since 1964 and just nut roll at the some of the things people do that is not even necessary except to maybe be part of a voodoo ritual.

Oh yeah for my DWC - seed straight into rockwool cubes soaked in pH adjusted water and then the same as the root shooters.

Of 30 seeds I planted recently all germinated and sprouted. 28 in 2 days and the other 2 by the end of the 3rd day. One WOS White Rhino X Mazar morphed into this thing that went away when it was apparent it was a misfit. A BF LSD that did the same thing - sprout and be a weenie and not grow . . . out of my sight. They fly or they die.

Love these swimming parties for seeds. And please note - my germination rates are constant and always have been.