Ok first off let me warn some of the more sensitive ones, the formatting will probably be messed up and for some of you tired readers this may be a long post, continue only by choice! Apparently a lot of things need to be cleared up. I couldn't figure out why so many are.... confused, about what I'm actually saying in this thread, so apparently it must be my fault. I thought I was clear, obviously not. For that, I apologize. Let me try to explain this in a clearer outline:
1. I am not here with the intention to teach, coach, guide or even suggest anything for anyone to use or try.
2. I am not offering, or claiming, to have any type of "magic" cure or special powers or even an answer to any specific question. The title of this thread contained a question mark. All I am ASKING for is information. Nothing more, nothing less.
3. At no point have I, nor will I, try to sell you anything.
4. I am one single person working by myself. I am not a spammer nor do I work for a larger corporation, other then myself.
5. I exaggerate my inexperience because the information I was hoping to obtain would be known best by experienced growers.
6. Not one of the products I work with have been tested in a marijuana growing environment. Which means, most people growing marijuana, most likely, do not know they even exist, therefore, are probably not using them.
7. I am aware of how these machines operate and what benefits/consequences they would have on/around different materials and environments. You are aware of what you would like a machine to do and what not to effect.
8. The (hopeful) information I would obtain would help me narrow down 1-3 products that could fit most. Then I, myself, would then purchase and test said products in an actual marijuana growing environment. For only myself, even in no one else cares.
9. "Assuming" (which might be a pretty big assumption) anybody would even care, I could possibly start a journal or something to show procedure and results of this testing.
10. Let's "pretend" that something Could be, god forbid I say.....more efficient, then currently used methods, then why wouldn't another group of people, who could also benefit, not want to even know of its existence.
That is all I will, and have ever, ASKED for. I have not (apparently in confusing terms), nor do I, make any type of claim to even know 100% that something else even exists that could possibly work better. To some, I apparently came off differently, for that I am sorry. Your participation is completely voluntary and your input thoroughly appreciated. If nobody is interested in offering me any useful information, that is fine as well. Again, this is just a friendly ASK of some pertinent information. Hopefully, now outlined and with less verbiage, it is clear what this thread was intended to be, and hopefully can continue to be, about.